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- All your base are belong to us (often shortened to All your base, AYBABTU and simply AYB) is an Engrish phrase that sparked an Internet phenomenon in 2001 and 2002. It was taken from the open cut scene of the European Sega Mega Drive version of Zero Wing, a Japanese video game by Toaplan which was rushed in production and poorly translated.
- All your base are belong to us is a meme that took off on the Internet. The phrase originated from an English mistranslation from Japanesse in the game Zero Wing. It has appeared in many places on the internet such as forums and Youtube. It even appears in the real world.
- All your base are belong to us é uma estratégia militar que surgiu por volta de 2001 d.C. Ela consiste em mandar alguém colocar nós uma bomba (em inglês, set up us the bomb), seguido de ameaças como "Todos sua base são pertence a nós". Altamente eficiente, essa técnica se alastrou pelo universo inteiro sob o uso de Cats, um grande general do planeta Engrish especializado na língua inglesa. Guerra foi início e em pouco tempo depois, todos sua galáxia são pertence a ele. Essa também é a frase de todos autoritários, Administradores Malvados, soberano, mandões, viadinhos, teens, etc.
- IN A.D. 2101, WAR WAS BEGINNING (BOOOM!) ISAAC: What Happen ? JOHNNY 5: Somebody Set Up Us The Bomb. HE-MAN: We Get Signal. ISAAC: What? SAILOR MOON: Main Screen Turn On. ISAAC: It's You! MEGATRON: How Are You Gentlemen! MEGATRON: All Your Base Are Belong To Us. MEGATRON: You Are On The Way To Destruction. ISAAC: What You Say! MEGATRON: You Have To Chance To Survive Make Your Time. MEGATRON: Ha Ha Ha Ha... SAILOR MOON: Captain! ISAAC: Take Off Every "ZiG"! ISAAC: You Know What You Doing. ISAAC: Move "ZiG". ISAAC: FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
- All your base are belong to us or All your base, otherwise AYBABTU, or just AYB is some cool quote that is used by many evil guys like Catz.
- ... "All Your Base Are Belong to Us" (1998 - 2001)
- “All Your Base Are Belong to Us” is a popular catchphrase that swept across the internet at the dawn of 21st century as early as in 1998. An awkward English translation of “all of your bases are under our control,” the quote originally appeared in the opening dialogue of Zero Wing, a nostalgic 16-bit shoot’em up game released in 1989. Marked by abundance of poor grammar, “All Your Base” phrase and the dialogue scene went viral on popular discussion forums in 2000, spawning thousands of image macros and flash animations featuring the slogan both on the web and in real life.
- All Your Base Are Belong To Us or simply All Your Base is an infamous meme which originated in the poorly translated, arcade to home console game "Zero Wing".
- All your base are belong to us è una favolosa formula magica usata dai Bimbominkia, per mandare in panne le chat di mezzo mondo, nonché dissipare quel poco di raziocinio che è rimasto negli amministratori dei vari forum sparsi su internet. Alcuni la considerano una delle forme di filosofia che tengono ancora in piedi il mondo, o anche una frase sacra, ai livelli di amen e ramen, tanto per dirne alcuni.
- George W. Bush jest już na emeryturze. W ciągu swojej kariery politycznej niejednokrotnie wymyślał nowe słowa i zwroty. Jednak to wypowiedź słów All Your Base Are Belong To Us sprawiła, że Amerykanie pokochali go takim jakim był – skończonym idiotą. Irakijczycy natomiast znienawidzili go do granic możliwości. Dzięki temu prywatne korporacje militarne miały okazję do zarabiania pieniędzy na wojnie w Iraku przez kolejne lata.
- The unusual syntax of the famous phrase is officially attributed to a typo by the Japanese speechwriter Cats San. There is, however, widespread speculation that the phrase was President Kennedy's only truly improvised remark in his entire career (possibly the only such instance in modern U.S. history), and the abnormal phrasing was due to an incredibly well-concealed complete lack of grammatical skills. "Ihre Ganze Unterseite Sind Gehören Uns" -- John F. Kennedy (in Berlin, 1963)
- Ah, the Heroes-R-Us HQ. For some heroes, it's the place they eat, sleep, and generally live their lives; for others, it's a great place to kick back, relax, and have wacky hijinks with their friends while on downtime; and for everyone, it's the perfect place to run to after a failed mission, or at least an especially difficult one. After all, you gotta have a place for your heroes' R&R, and what better place than your very safe and secure Home Base, right? Cue explosions, warning klaxons, and many "This Is Not a Drill" announcements. Somebody Set Up Us the Bomb indeed.
- Το Zero Wing ήταν ένα παιχνίδι που κυκλοφόρησε στο Sega Mega Drive. Δυστυχώς, η ομάδα που ανέλαβε τη μετάφρασή του από τα ιαπωνικά στα αγγλικά δεν σκάμπαζε από σωστό συντακτικό και κανόνες γραμματικής, με αποτέλεσμα το αρχικό cut-scene να περιέχει του κόσμου τις λαθάρες. Εμείς στην Φρικηπαίδεια αποφασίσαμε να αποδώσουμε το κείμενο στην ελληνική γλώσσα ως έχει, αντί να διορθώσουμε τα λάθη του. Γιατί το "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" [επίσης αυτή η φράση έχει κλαπεί από ένα άλλο παιχνίδι (empire earth) ως ο super κωδικός για να τα πάρεις όλα] έχει μείνει στην ιντερνετική ιστορία ως η καλύτερη λανθασμένη ατάκα όλων των εποχών. Γι' αυτό το λόγο, αυτό το κείμενο είναι γραμμένο με μικρά γράμματα: γιατί κανένα κείμενο δεν αξίζει να είναι τόσο μεγάλο όσο ο ΘΡΥΛΙΚΟΣ διάλογος των Καπετάνιου, Χειρι
- ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US is a mistranslated phrase in the Sega Genesis game Zero Wing that has grown to be a widespread fad on the internet. It has even become a Summon for CATS. The transcript of that horribly mistranslated scene is as follows: In A.D. 2101 War was beginning. Captain: What happen? Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb. Operator: We get signal. Captain: What ! Operator: Main screen turn on. Captain: It's You !! CATS: How are you gentlemen !! CATS: All your base are belong to us. CATS: You are on the way to destruction. Captain: What you say !! CATS: HA HA HA HA ....