| - Tier: 6-C | Likely 5-A or High 4-C Name: Heracles, Hercules Gender: Male Age: Late 30´s at the time of death Classification: Demigod, Hero, Greek God, Olympian God of Strength Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Peak Human speed, Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Weapon Mastery, Invulnerability with the Nemean Lion´s eplt | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 3 and 4), Flight, Teleportation, Matter Manipulation, Reality Warping and many others Lifting Strength: Class T+ | Unknown, likely Class Z Stamina: High | Limitless Range: Several meters with arrows
| - Tier: 6-C | Likely 5-A or High 4-C Name: Heracles, Hercules Gender: Male Age: Late 30´s at the time of death Classification: Demigod, Hero, Greek God, Olympian God of Strength Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Peak Human speed, Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Weapon Mastery, Invulnerability with the Nemean Lion´s eplt | Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Types 1, 3 and 4), Flight, Teleportation, Matter Manipulation, Reality Warping and many others Attack Potency: Island level (Held up the whole atmosphere/sky which is measured to have a weight of 5,500,000,000,000,000 tons, the heaviest mountain on earth is the Mt Everest which weighs like 6,399,000,000,000 tons), His poisoned arrows allow him to kill people with higher durability (Hydra poison inflicts so much agony that it led an immortal like Chiron to forsake his immortality to be rid of it) | Likely Large Planet level or Large Star level (One of the most powerful of the Olympian Deities, scales to Poseidon and Hades) Speed: Peak Human movement (Outran a bull) with likely Massively Hypersonic reactions (Managed to react to Apollo who can fly fast enough to travel from Greece to another continent in a few minutes) | FTL+ (Power-scaling from Zeus) Lifting Strength: Class T+ | Unknown, likely Class Z Striking Strength: Island Class (Held up the atmosphere; he also easily destroyed a massive mountain that united Spain and Gibraltar) | Likely Large Planet Class or Large Star Class Durability: Island level (Survived arm wrestling with his father who is as strong as him), he is impossible to damage via normal means due the Nemean Lion´s armor | Likely Large Planet level or Large Star level Stamina: High | Limitless Range: Several meters with arrows Standard Equipment: The Nemean Lion´s armor, a club, poisoned arrows, swords, and torches Intelligence: Unknown Weaknesses: Temporarily mentally unstable while manipulated by Hera (This is no longer an issue.) Key: Mortal Hero | Ascended to Godhood