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- (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
- Oasis is a random map in Age of Empires II and Age of Mythology. The map focuses on an central water area surrounded by a thick palm forest, with niche resources, and a vast desert surrounding it.
- (the Oasis was the first subscriber item issued) Image:Cat ani02oasis.gif Place the Oasis on your desktop as a never ending source of water for pets to drink. You earn 10 green shells every time a pet drinks.
- Oasis is a small, round, beach-themed metaroom created by Liam and Moe to test their aquatic agents. It was released for the CCSF 2012, including a beach ball, an inner tube, a shark and a submarine toy.
- Oasis er ett sted nord-vest for Clifftop Shacks i Capital Wasteland, som er uvanlig begrodd med trær og andre grønne planter.
- Oasis are an English rock band that formed in Manchester in 1991. The group was formed by Liam Gallagher (lead vocals), Paul Arthurs (guitar), Paul McGuigan (bass) and Tony McCarroll (drums), who were soon joined by Liam's older brother Noel Gallagher (lead guitar, vocals). Oasis have sold more than 50 million albums worldwide, and have had eight UK number one singles. The Gallagher brothers are the band's leading songwriters and the only continual members. The present lineup is completed by rhythm/lead guitarist and songwriter Gem Archer, guitarist and songwriter Andy Bell and as-yet unofficial drummer Zak Starkey.
- Oasis was an Age written by Atrus. It was apparently a field of tall clover and eucalyptus leaves and gentle breezes. The environment is crowded with "things so subtle" that one can hardly notice. He used it to relax from the stresses of life. The book was apparently destroyed by Sirrus and Achenar.
- An Oasis is a plot of land on the map which cannot be used to found a new village (in each server, 10% of the map are oases). Unoccupied oases can be captured by nearby villages, giving them a resource boost.
- Oasis is a piece of desert with small pools of water surrounded by grass blocks and Palm Trees. Spring Water pools can also spawn, but not every Oasis may have them. It only spawns near big deserts. Surviving in the desert is easier with the availability of wood and the possibility of farming, but the sandy landscape may need some terraforming for large scale farming.
- Oasis were an English rock band formed in Manchester in 1991. Originally known as The Rain, the group was formed by Liam Gallagher (vocals and tambourine), Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs (guitar), Paul "Guigsy" McGuigan (bass guitar) and Tony McCarroll (drums, percussion), who were soon joined by Liam's older brother Noel Gallagher (lead guitar and vocals).
- L'oasis est une petite avancée d'eau sur la plage sud-est de l'île du désert. Il s'y est développé une végétation luxuriante rendant le lieu admirable et offrant un coin de repos. Une cloche a été installée à l'oasis afin de pouvoir appeler Moya.
- Oasis is a downloadable multiplayer map that appears in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception. This map is one of the four maps available in the Drake's Deception map pack and was released on April 10th. The map is based on the Bedouin village, a small camp Nate is escorted to at the end of Chapter 19 - The Settlement in the single player campaign.
- Tajemství oázy je dvacátá epizoda první série seriálu Star Trek: Enterprise. Posádka Enterprise nalezla vrak hvězdné lodi, ze kterého by mohli získat některé potřebné suroviny pro opravy. Jenže loď nevypadá zevnitř tak opuštěná jako z orbity...
- First press had a different cover.
- The Oasis (オアシス Oashisu?) is a dungeon hidden within the northeastern part of the Kurodadaku Desert in Tales of Rebirth.
- Oasis is a settlement in the Capital Wasteland which is full of trees and green plants. It is located northwest of Clifftop shacks and north-northeast of Broadcast tower LP8. Birds can also be heard singing once inside the gate, suggesting that animal life has been flourishing here. It must be entered from the northwest.
- Oasis is a song by KaW that was first released on the album Synthsations in 2003. The song was later shortened for the game In the Groove. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Oasis is a crew that sails the Hunter Ocean.
- Oasis is a song by Amanda Palmer.
- Oasis is an English rock band.
- Oasis(オアシスOashisu) is the Stand of Secco featured in Vento Aureo.
- Jong Doo tiene 30 años, es disminuido psíquico y acaba de salir de la cárcel por un accidente automovilístico. Gong Joo tiene 30 años, es disminuida física en un 90% y todo su mundo cambia para ella cuando conoce a Jong Doo. Los dos comienzan a vivir una historia de amor en la que no hay ninguna limitación para expresarse su amor.
- The Oasis is housing item.
- Ce havre de paix abrite une faction qui voue un culte à Harold. Ce dernier vous demandera de mettre fin à son calvaire, alors que les autres membres vous demanderont de le protéger.
- Oasis was first introduced in the Duel Masters Charge season of the Duel Masters Anime. He is a member of the Fua Duelists. He is marked as (O) and ranked as 12th in the organization.
- Oasis es un mapa de control de Overwatch. Actualmente esta disponible desde el 3 de Enero de 2017 Oasis es una de las ciudades mas avanzadas del mundo, una hermosa joya que sube de el Desierto Arábigo. Un monumento de la genialidad humana y la invención. Inventores y académicos de los alrededores de la región están juntos para fundar una ciudad dedicada a el progreso científico sin restricciones. La ciudad y sus habitantes están gobernados por los Ministerios, una colección de mentes brillantes que poseen muchos secretos que han atraído el interés de poderosas organizaciones alrededor del mundo.
- "Jack and Ty are opposites. So when they travel together in a caravan across the Great Desert, there are bound to be disagreements. And when a sandstorm separates the boys from the rest of their group, the arguments get worse. Then they stumble upon a legendary oasis where they find a lost colony of small dinosaurs called Saltopus. Somehow, Jack and Ty must put aside their differences long enough to befriend the shy dinosaurs–and figure out how to help them!"
- The Oasis is a discovery in Skies of Arcadia. To find it, head southeast from Maramba. On the desert at the bottom of the mountains, just sail around until the compass begins to spin.
- Gli Oasis sono una band inglese di urlatori professionisti. Il gruppo è composto da Noel Gallagher (voce e chitarra del gruppo), Liam Gallagher (voce, ubriaco e strafatto del gruppo) e altri tizi al basso e alla batteria che i fratelli Gallagher cambiano con la frequenza con cui ci si cambia un paio di mutande. La loro popolarità è stata recentemente rilanciata dal governo del Mozambico, dove i loro dischi sono usciti dalla clandestinità con l'abrogazione della legge che prevedeva che una canzone, per essere commercializzata, doveva contenere un numero minimo di quattro accordi.
- Lugar del desierto que posee vegetación y agua. Igualmente, no se encuentra mucha vida en él.
- (Dutch Passion) An advancement of Northern Lights #2
- Oasis - Enterprise znajduje wrak statku, który się rozbił w czasie katastrofy. W związku z tym, że wszystko wskazuje na to, że pojazd jest opuszczony, załoga pod dowództwem kapitana Archera penetruje wrak poszukując niezbędnego sprzętu. Okazuje sie jednak, że statek nie jest opuszczony. To jest jedynie zalążek artykułu. Pomóż Memory Alpha rozszerzając go.
- Oasis is a bakery that Yoriko Kosaka works at. Shirazu, Kuroiwa, and Yonebayashi stopped there to eat on Yonebayashi's suggestion. They're known for their delicious baked goods.
- Oasis é unha banda británica de rock formada en Manchester a principios dos noventa. Liderado polo guitarrista e principal compositor Noel Gallagher e o seu irmán menor, vocalista e compositor Liam Gallagher, foi un dos máximos expoñentes do britpop durante mediados dos 90. Oasis leva vendidos ao redor de 50 millóns de discos en todo o mundo, tivo oito números un no Reino Unido e conseguiu quince premios NME, cinco BRIT, nove Q e catro MTV Europe Music.
- The Oasis is a special transport vehicle, roughly three times the size of an AC. The unit can move very fast enough to keep up with an AC's over boost and it has two machine gun turrets as defenses. It also usually has escorts in form of the Red Line combat vehicles.
- Oasis is a hunting field located in the southwest corner of the Ceriu Desert region in the Rondo Area on the Main Continent. The field is a shallow lake in the middle of a desert with grassy shores and a scattering of palm trees surrounding it. The lake is shallow enough that players can walk anywhere within it.
- The Oasis is a decoration in FarmVille that can be obtained through the 23rd Generation Mystery Box. It was re-released on August 13th, 2012 as a reward in Pig-O Game 20. It was re-released again on August 19th, 2013 as a reward in Pig-O Game 40. It was re-released again on November 21st, 2013 as a reward in Pig-O Game 67.
- Oasis is either a resource or a type of terrain in the Civilization games. It provides fresh water and appears on land tiles.
- The acronym OASIS may refer to:
* Open Access Same-time Information System
* Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
- Oasis is a shopping center in a desert in TSL created by Linden Lab during TG beta. The Oasis Shopping Center is where you can buy and sell things to other TSL residents. There is a Basics Store where you get tons of TSL freebies and there is a water controlled water fountain. Linden Class Land was created north of Oasis during TG beta but was removed in 2007.
- Oasis are an English rock band that formed in Manchester in 1991. Originally known as The Rain, the group was formed by Liam Gallagher (vocals), Paul Arthurs (guitar), Paul McGuigan (bass guitar) and Tony McCarroll (drums, percussion), who were soon joined by Liam's older brother Noel Gallagher (lead guitar and vocals). the song Some Might Say appears in the game Guitar Hero: World Tour and is a master recording.
- Any place of water in a desert.
* Oases are found in the Wastelands and the Veldt Source: Guide to Glorantha
- Oasis is a multiplayer map featured in Battlefield: Bad Company and in Battlefield: Bad Company 2. In Battlefield: Bad Company, the map takes place in a desert valley in the Middle East. In Battlefield: Bad Company 2 it was added in VIP Map Pack 7 and is set near the Atacama Desert of South America.
- Oasis is an underwater stage in Stick Ranger. It is found following the Desert 4 and Desert 5 stages at the direct center of the desert. Its location is revealed to players as soon as the game starts, just like the Castle, Submarine Shrine, Pyramid, and Ice Castle stages. Despite this, this stage does not have a mega boss, unlike the previously said stages. The same could be said for the Cavern 1, 3, 4, and 6 stages, as they share these qualities.
- Oasis is the starting location of the first Borderlands 2 DLC, Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate's Booty.
- Oasis - канадский англоязычный специализированный телевизионный канал категории B. Владельцем является Blue Ant Media, телеканал полностью транслируется в формате высокой чёткости. Телеканал транслирует программы на природную тематику в широком спектре тем от животных до пейзажей и космоса.
- Ah'len; antimaterie reserve; beryllium; Cajun eten; kapitein; hoofdingenieur; computer terminal; computer kern; data module; dempingsveld; Denobula; dierentuin; dilithium; dilithium raster; dilithium erts; duratanium; geesten; hajjlaran; hologram; holografische dokter; hond; ionenstorm; Kantare; Kantare (planeet); Kantare bevoorradingsschip; kilogram; koffie; kolonie; Kotara Barath; kruiden; lorella; marshmallow; noten; oxidatie; optronisch relais; plasma; plasma geleider; Porthos; Preenos; proteïne herschikker; rat; reddingscapsule; Rocky Road; romp beplating; Shuttlepod 1; Triaxian zijde; vanille; vleermuis; Xyrillians; Xyrillian sterrenschip; ijs.
- There are several oases in the Endless Desert. Three oasies with pools of water and palm trees, and other plants. The other oasises include the desert well, the area right before the gap leading to the Desert Temple, and the water vase in the Bandit Camp. The location where the Wanderer died in the desert was once been an oasis but had long since dried up over time.
- Oasis is the eighth map in Turok: Evolution's multiplayer roster. It takes place in a dense jungle during the day.
- Oasis is a location mentioned in RAGE: The Scorchers. Clive seeks to travel there to escape the Scorchers whom are after him, but first needs a ticket from J.K. Stiles. The protagonist is then tasked by Sarah to go compete in another series of Mutant Bash TV, this time in a different location, during the quest "Ticket to Oasis".
- The Oasis is a location within Breath of Fire III. It is a village located on the edge of the Desert of Death.
- Oasis is one of the maps in Overwatch. It is a Control map. It has three stages: City Center, Gardens, and University. Oasis is one of the world's most advanced cities, a shining jewel rising from the Arabian Desert. A monument to human ingenuity and invention, researchers and academics from around the region came together to found a city dedicated to scientific progress without restraints. The city and its inhabitants are governed by the Ministries, a collection of brilliant minds who possess many secrets that have attracted the interest of powerful organizations from around the world.
- Oasis — карта для мультиплеера и режима Выживание в Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Входит в 5-й пакет DLC. Карта бесплатно выпущена 15 мая 2012 года на Xbox 360 для премиум-подписчиков Call of Duty Elite.
- OASIS is the seventh solo photobook released by Suzuki Airi. It was released on June 23, 2011 including a making of DVD.
- Die Menschen in Oasis verachten die Technologie. Doch um sich und Oasis zu schützen, haben sie sich Waffen zugelegt. Die Bewohner sind gerne unter sich und wollen dort eigentlich keine anderen Menschen haben. Der Protagonist kann nur nach Oasis, weil er schon von Harold, dem "Gott", angekündigt und erwartet wurde.
- Their music has been commonly described as "a bit like the Beatles really", and chief songwriter Noel Gallagher's knack for combining a catchy melody with a noisy riff catapulted many of their albums to the top of the hit parade, inspiring a slew of imitators, the most notable of whom are perhaps Oasis. On their third album, Oa-sis Ain't Nuthin' Ta F' Wit, they adopted an experimental bebop/reggae/jazz (where Liam controversially 'blacked' up) direction which saw one slavering NME critic proclaim them to be "the greatest thing since whatever I named album of the week last week, while most others were in agreement that they were past their best and we should start listening to Take That instead. However, no one did. At this point, a fight broke out between the Gallagher's.
- The oasis is a small area of the Wasteland, featured in Jak 3. It is here where Jak fights a dark satellite in the mission "Rescue wastelanders", and meets Ashelin for the first time since his banishment in the mission "Defend Ashelin at oasis", after which he receives his JET-Board and a Seal of Mar. The area consists of a perimeter of large boulders and palm trees, with a small pool of water. It is the host to the satellite game, which can be found towards the south of the area, next to a palm tree.
- Oasis is a sector in the Tharsis region of Mars. It lies to the north of the Badlands and to the east of Eos. It is the site of intensive terraforming work that transforms the surface of the planet after the First Martian Revolution. It is selected as a test site with scientists in Eos and Oasis working to breed plants capable of life in the hostile Martian environment. As a result of the experiments specially adapted grass coated the open slopes of the sector. A variety of other plant life is also known to grow in Oasis.
- Oasis were an English rock band formed in Manchester in 1991. Developed from an earlier group, the Rain, the band originally consisted of Liam Gallagher (vocals and tambourine), Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs (guitar), Paul "Guigsy" McGuigan (bass guitar), and Tony McCarroll (drums, percussion). They were later joined by Liam's older brother Noel Gallagher (lead guitar and vocals) as a fifth member, becoming the band's settled line-up until April 1995.
- El Oasis es un Área secreta accesible desde cualquier nivel del Desierto. Es un Área bajo el agua, con algunas minas submarinas las cuales explotan al dispararles. Los Bandidos y Personajes, a excepción de Robot y Fish, estarán rodeados por una burbuja. Los Cangrejos Ermitaños reemplazan a los Escorpiones y aparecerán Bonefishs. Las Armas que disparan rayos como la Pistola de Rayos hacen daño a todo Enemigo en pantalla y al Personaje, también las Armas que lanzan fuego no funcionan.
- A gymnast assassin who is brainwashed to be madly in love with Torg and will kill anyone in her path. She has no memory of her life prior to being brainwashed to love Torg. It was revealed in a September 2006 story that her surname was assumed to be "Roken" (later revealed to be a pseudonym taken from the name of the misspelled "pyrokenetics lab" and she was dropped off at an orphanage at Virginia at age six by a "crazy-looking man" , before being adopted by Dr. Steven Hereti a month later; she was just as capable an assassin back then, and did abstract art. It is known that before this, she spent some time at the Orsintos Research Center, which attempted to capture and weaponise ghosts; in the present day, the center is long abandoned and most of its records have been destroyed, and one o
- Oasis se encuentra en el extremo centro-norte del mapa. Está rodeado de acantilados y solo se puede entrar a través de un pequeño paso al oeste. Este paso es difícil de encontrar, pero aquí hay algo de ayuda para llegar:
- Oasis during their time were one of the most successful UK bands, with eight UK number-one singles and eight UK number-one albums, and won fifteen NME Awards, nine Q Awards, four MTV Europe Music Awards and six Brit Awards, including one in 2007 for Outstanding Contribution to Music and one for the Best Album of the Last 30 Years as voted by BBC Radio 2 listeners; they have been nominated for three Grammy Awards. By 2009, the band had sold an estimated 70 million records worldwide. The band were listed in the Guinness World Records book in 2010 for “Longest Top 10 UK Chart Run by a Group” after an unprecedented run of 22 top 10 hits in the UK. The band also holds the Guinness World Record for being the most successful act in the UK between the years 1995 and 2005, spending 765 weeks in the
- Oasis were an English rock band formed in Manchester in 1991. Developed from an earlier group called the Rain, the band originally consisted of Liam Gallagher (vocals and tambourine),Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs (guitar), Paul "Guigsy" McGuigan (bass guitar) and Tony McCarroll (drums, percussion). They were later joined by Liam's older brother Noel Gallagher (lead guitar and vocals) as a fifth member.