| - Robotech is a science fiction franchise. The franchise began with an 85-episode science fiction anime TV series produced by Harmony Gold USA in association with Tatsunoko Production Co., Ltd. and first released in the United States in 1985. It was adapted from three original Japanese television series. In the series, Robotechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship that crashed on a South Pacific island. With this technology, Earth developed robotic technologies, such as transformable mecha, to fight three successive extraterrestrial invasions.
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- Robotech is a science fiction franchise that was launched by an 85-episode adaptation of three different anime television series. Within the combined and edited story, Robotechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship that crashed on a South Pacific island. With this technology, Earth developed giant robotic machines or mecha (many of which were capable of transforming into vehicles) to fight three successive extraterrestrial invasions.
- Robotech is an anime franchise, originally adapted from three Japanese shows from which an expanded universe was made.
- This is an upcoming Cartoon Network show that features a alien made mech sent back to 2010. Not much is known. But the characters names are stated here.
- Robotech is a animated science fiction franchise produced by Harmony Gold USA. First released in 1985, it spans 85 episodes. Since then, the universe has been expanded in numerous spin-offs and official sequels.
- thumb Robotech es una serie animada de ciencia ficción producida por Harmony Gold USA. Luego, con los años, la franquicia fue expandida con películas, novelas, historietas y videojuegos. La historia en centra en los avances científicos obtenidos por la humanidad a partir de los restos de una nave alienígena estrellada en el Pacífico Sur.
- Robotech ist der Name des von Macross abgeleiteten US-amerikanischen Franchise, das ursprünglich von Harmony Gold für den US-Fernsehmarkt konzipiert wurde und aus Filmmaterial dreier verschiedener japanischer Anime-Fernsehserien basierte: Chōjikū Yōsai Macross, Chōjikū Kidan Southern Cross und Kikō Sōseiki MOSPEADA. Der durch die drei Serien vorgegebene Inhalt wurde neu interpretiert und die in Paralleluniversen abspielenden Serien derart umgearbeitet, dass sie drei Sagas der neuen Serie darstellten, die nun 85 Episoden umfasste.
- Robotech is an 85-episode science fiction anime adaptation produced by Harmony Gold USA in association with Tatsunoko Production Co., Ltd. and first released in the United States. It was adapted from three different original Japanese television series. In the series, Robotechnology refers to the scientific advances discovered in an alien starship that crashed on a South Pacific island. With this technology, Earth developed robotic technologies, such as transformable mecha, to fight three successive extraterrestrial invasions.
- Robotech is a Japanese anime series made as an international co-production by Harmony Gold USA and Tatsunoko Productions as part of their Robotech franchise. The story involves an ongoing fictitious military strife between humans and three races of alien invaders from outer space, over the fate of the planet Earth as well as the control of Protoculture, an energy source with alien origins. The series feature the use of Robotechnology, a chiefly-militaristic field of science which resembles a combination of what we today know as Robotics and Information Technology (IT).