| - The chalicotheres were prehistoric mammals that were distantly related to modern horses, tapirs and rhinoceroses, but were really a branch of their own.
- This animal would look much like other chalicotheriid species: an odd-looking herbivore with long clawed forelimbs and stouter weight bearing hindlimbs. The type species, Chalicotherium goldfussi, from Miocene and Pliocene Europe, was described by Johann Jakob Kaup in 1833 and since then 7 other species have been confidently assigned to this genus. According to current phylogenetic analyses Chalicotherium has two daughter genera nested within it, Anisodon Lartet, 1851 and Nestoritherium J. J. Kaup, 1859, thus rendering it paraphyletic.
- The Chalicotherium is a species of chalicothere which is a downloadable animal in Zoo Tycoon 2.
- The Chalicotherium (Ancient Greek χαλιξ/khalix, khalik-: pebble/gravel + θηρίον/thērion, diminutive of θηρ/thēr : beast) is a genus of extinct browsing odd-toed ungulates of the order Perissodactyla and family Chalicotheriidae, found in Europe, Africa, and Asia during the Late Oligocene to Lower Pliocene, living from 28.4—3.6 mya, existing for approximately 24.8 million years. This animal would look much like other chalicotheriid species: an odd looking herbivore with long clawed forelimbs and stouter weight bearing hindlimbs.
- thumb|400px El Chalicotherium era un animal de aspecto caballuno, estaba emparentado con ellos, pero andaba como los gorilas y comía como los pandas, era un animal muy raro. Este animal vivió en el Mioceno en Europa y cuando le atacaban, ser erguía sobre los cuartos traseros e intentaba golpear con las garras de las patas delanteras. También adoptaba esa posición para coger las hojas de los árboles y comérselas.