| - It begins when a young dragon is left alone while the mother, Serrifas, goes hunting for prey. But a shadow with a sword comes to threaten the baby. Serrifas hears it's cry, but was too late to save the baby. She goes to Dragon Mountain to find the baby's killer. She finds out it was Prince Soron, who wanted to win the heart of Princess Kyra to gain the throne of her late father, and places the Dragon Crystal on a necklace. The Dragons debate on how to avenge the Dragon baby. One thought up to steal all the herds of sheep, and herd them over a cliff. Another idea that buring his household might lure him to come to Dragon Mountain. Serrifas wants the prince not the other farmers, and servants. Then a third and more primative dragon came to Serrifas and told her what happens when a human comes in contact with a Dragon Crystal. Serrifas didn't want to think about the consequences of betraying the Truce with the king long ago. Then the dragons actually agree with the Princess becoming one of them until Soron learns humility, Compassion, and Responsiblity! That night, Kyra puts on the necklace in her room, and immediately transforms into a dragon. She is shocked when she turns into a purple dragon. Prince Soron acused incorrectly, and tries to slay her. She breaks out the wall, and starts to fly. The Prince vowes to kill her, and assumes her father's throne. After she left, Kyra's mother slaps Soron, and states "It's not the dragon you should blame, it's yourself!" Kyra, after her transformation, realizes that he stole the Crystal from a baby dragon, and didn't know the consequences. She is broken-hearted and starts believing she will remain a dragon for eternity. She finds shelter in a barn and sleeps until morning. The next day, a kind wizard named Eric enters the barn. He has a book with him and sees Merlin's picture. He grabs a twig and tries some magic, but it doesn't last. When Kyra wakes up and looks at Eric's book, Eric run out of the barn and falls on the ground, She looks closer, and Eric places the twig on her Crystal. She starts to speak, and Eric recognizes it to be Princess Kyra. She helps him up, and grabs his arm and puts it on the Crystal. Eric thinks he's got the power, then it fails, leaving Kyra again in a way of disspair. Eric feels sorry then sees Dragon Mountain in his book, and shows Kyra, and believes maybe that is where they have to go. Serrifas sees Kyra being rode on by Eric, and sees that Eric, and her are developing a friendship, She later checks if Soron has learned humility, and responisbility, but in the woods, a rogue knight is hunting down Kyra for unknown and sadistic reasons. Meanwhile, Eric, and Kyra visit a pool. Kyra splashes at her reflection, and went on Eric's back, and Kyra apologizes. Eric then practices his magic, and accidently turns a frog into a Bat-Frog hybrid. Eric becomes confused. Kyra looks in the pond, and get her nose bitten by the Bat-Frog. Eric notices the Bat-Frog and it lands on his hat and states "Oh great, I made a Bat-Frog"! At night, Kyra and Eric talked about their pasts, and even the people they knew in the past. Eric concludes that Prince Soron is an unrepentent selfish jerk who wants the throne, and asks why Kyra didn't ask where did he get the necklace. Kyra felt stupid when she found out what happened to herself, and Soron's true colors. Eric actually comforts her, and the frog agrees. As they go to bed, Eric starts noticing that he has feelings for Kyra, and Kyra stars to think she in love with the wrong guy. They get ready to head up the hill to fly, and Eric, Kyra, and of course Bat-Frog, prepare to hit the skies. Unaware, the Sadistic Knight continues to follow them. He gets his bow and arrow, and before he shoots, he remembers what Kyra's mother said "It's not the dragon you should blame, it's yourself"! But like before, he ignores it, and shoots at Kyra's wing. They fall to the foot of Dragon Mountain and see the Sadistic Knight. Eric tries to hold him off, and the Knight destroys the branch, then Kyra fires at the knight and states "Did that come out of me?", then Eric shows them the safe passage, and the Sadistic knight still persue them, and slashes Kyra's chest, and then knocks him off the mountain. With a wound too fatal, she is dying from the slash, Serrifas has regrets of letting her vengeance take control. Kyra almost dies, and Eric comes to her aid, and actually begs her to stay with him, and admits that he loves her, and cannot live without her, and dosen't care if she's a dragon, and the necklace breaks off. The crystal is destroyed. Kyra changes back, and thanks to Bat-Frog's lick and enforced with magic, Kyra awakens and admits her love too! The Sadistic Knight's eyes opens with regret and remorse when he sees Kyra changed back, and reveals himself to be Soron. Kyra realizes that he is a murderer, a liar, and has no remorse for his actions, and turns him down for Eric. She even states that she'd rather be a dragon than a princess. But Serrifas arrives telling them that it won't be necessary. She then grabs the amulet and shows it to Soron, and Soron admits responsibility. Serrifas, fires at him, and reborns him as a baby dragon, and raises him as her own. She leaves with him, and actually, tells Princess Kyra, that if she wants to be a dragon again, there are many crystals. She then flies off. Eric and Kyra hold hands and leave Dragon Mountain in peace!.