| - Mahatma Gandhi was the political and ideological leader of India during the Indian independence movement. He cameos in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, during Kenny's descent into hell. He also appears briefly in "Hell on Earth 2006" with a new look.
- Cool! That's a clever way of loknoig at it! Cool! That's a clever way of loknoig at it!
- Mahatma Gandhi était un philosophe indien du 20ème siècle. (Réalité extrapolée *) Une simulation holographique de Gandhi figurait parmi les profils de personnalités historiques étudiés par le Docteur de l'USS Voyager en 2373, durant sa tentative d'étendre ses subroutines de personnalité. Celui-ci discuta de la fonction su sexe avec Lord Byron. (VOY: "Darkling") Le vaisseau de la Fédération du 24ème siècle, USS Gandhi, fut nommé ainsi en son honneur. (TNG: "Second Chances" ; DS9: "Defiant")
- Please see page on Mohandas Gandhi --Dore chakravarty 04:09, 24 October 2007 (UTC) Link is given below --Dore chakravarty 04:14, 24 October 2007 (UTC)
- thumb|Mahatma GandhiMohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 października 1869 - 30 stycznia 1948), często nazywany Mahatmą Gandhi był politycznym i duchowym przywódcą Indii podczas indyjskiego ruchu niepodległościowego przeciwko Brytyjczykom. Kluczem do przywództwa Gandhiego było Jabłko Edenu, a według Claya Kaczmarka, Obiektu 16 projektu Animus, drugi Fragment Edenu swojego typu. Jak Gandhi uzyskał Jabłko pozostaje tajemnicą, choć okazało się, że templariusze w końcu go zabili, aby zabrać artefakt.
- <default>Mahatma Gandhi</default> Sex Other statuses Status Alias(es) Hair Occupation Location Relatives First appearance First mentioned Name seen Voiced by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi or Gandhi, was a prominent figure in India's history, and helped lead the country to its independence.
- thumb|Das Mahatma-Gandhi-Hologramm Mahatma Gandhi ist ein bekannter menschlicher Pazifist und Freiheitskämpfer aus dem Indien des 20. Jahrhunderts. Im Jahr 2373 erschafft der Doktor der USS Voyager im Rahmen des MHN-Programms 4C eine holografische Projektion von Gandhi, um seine Persönlichkeit zu studieren, wodurch er später seine persönlichen Subroutinen erweitern möchte. (VOY: ) Im 24. Jahrhundert ist ein Sternenflottenschiff, die USS Gandhi, nach ihm benannt. (TNG: ; DS9: ) Das Hologramm von Gandhi wurde von Noel de Souza gespielt und von Wolfgang Plumhoff synchronisiert.
- In episode 503 of The Muppet Show, guest star Joan Baez encourages the rats to learn from Mahatma Ghandi. She tries to locate her copy of his book on non-violence, but finds one of the babies has it. When the child resists, Joan Baez speaks in an Indian accent and quips "Well, that's what happens when you take Gandhi from a baby."
- Mohandas Gandhi (Künstlername Mahatma) (*1768 +1947) war ein indischer Hetzer - wahrscheinlich der schlimmste seit Goebbels. Heute gilt er als Vorbild in Sachen Gewaltfreiheit, weil er nämlich die anderen hat prügeln lassen und selbst nur zusah.
- However, the secret to Gandhi's leadership was actually an Apple of Eden, and according to Clay Kaczmarek, Abstergo Industries' 16th test subject for the Animus Project, the second Piece of Eden of its type. How Gandhi acquired the Apple remains unknown, though it was revealed that the Templars eventually killed him in order to obtain it.
- Mahatma Gandhi's full name was Mohandas Gandhi. He was born on October 2, 1269, and was assassinated January 30, 1948
- Se um único homem alcançar o mais alto grau de amor, isso será suficiente para neutralizar o ódio de outros tantos.
- Mohandas 'Mahatma' Gandhi was a 20th century Human philosopher from India. A holographic simulation of Gandhi was among the historical personality profiles studied by The Doctor in 2373, during his attempt to expand his personality subroutines. He discussed the function of sex with Lord Byron. In his opinion, males and females should not even look at each other with passion, which he felt was only useful to promote procreation. He recommended a cold bath to dispel such urges. (VOY: "Darkling")
- Mahracas Karamellach Gandhi, più semplicemente noto come मोहनदास करमचन्द गांधी, (Puobastàr, 30 settembre 1869 – Muortefhàmm, 30 febbraio 1948) è stato un noto dittatore e terrorista indiano. Importante guida spirituale per il suo paese, lo si conosce soprattutto col nome di Mahatma (trad. Mahatma), appellativo che gli fu conferito per la prima volta dal suo pupazzo Herbie. Gandhi è stato uno dei più noti esponenti della violenza incivile e dell’odio indiscriminato. Con le sue azioni ha ispirato molti movimenti terroristici e personalità quali Nicolae Ceausescu, Augusto Pinochet, Charles Manson, Macchia Nera, il Ku Klux Klan.
- Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi; October 2, 1869 – January 30, 1948) was a major political and spiritual leader of India, and the Indian independence movement. He was the pioneer[1] and perfector of Satyagraha - the resistance of tyranny through mass civil disobedience strongly founded upon ahimsa (total non-violence) — which led India to independence, and has inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhi is commonly known and addressed in India and across the world as Mahatma Gandhi (from Sanskrit, Mahatma: Great Soul) and as Bapu (in many Indian languages, Father).
- In the early 20th century, Gandhi led a pacifist revolution against the oppression forced upon his country by the British Empire. In March 1930, one of his top aides, Jawaharlal Nehru, was sentenced to six months in prison for violating the Salt Law. Having read of his conviction in The Star Dispatch, Edith Keeler regarded it as unjust. (TOS - Crucible novel: Provenance of Shadows) In the 24th century, the Federation starship, USS Gandhi, was named in his honor. (TNG episode: "Second Chances"; DS9 episode: "Defiant")