Transformers Legends is an anthology of Transformers short stories published in November 2004 by ibooks. It was edited by David Cian, who had previously written half of the Keepers Trilogy. It is important to note that the foreword of the book ends with a statement that these stories are not to be taken as part of pre-established canon. They are "what if?" stories, and though they may branch off from specific storylines, they should not be considered an actual "part" of the storylines they're set in. Whether this renders the stories as each taking place in their own micro-continuity or not is a question for those who enjoy definitional semantics.
Transformers Legends is an anthology of Transformers short stories published in November 2004 by ibooks. It was edited by David Cian, who had previously written half of the Keepers Trilogy. It is important to note that the foreword of the book ends with a statement that these stories are not to be taken as part of pre-established canon. They are "what if?" stories, and though they may branch off from specific storylines, they should not be considered an actual "part" of the storylines they're set in. Whether this renders the stories as each taking place in their own micro-continuity or not is a question for those who enjoy definitional semantics.