| - Megachile (Melanosarus Mitchell 1934: 303. Type species: Megachile xylocopoides Smith. Original designation. Megachile (Melanosarus Mitchell 1937b: 78-79. Pseudocentron (Melanosarus Mitchell 1980: 56. Ten of the eleven species currently recognized in the subgenus range throughout the neotropics. M. xylocopoides Smith 1853 occurs in southwestern U.S.A. Three species have been recorded from the West Indies. 1. Megachile (Melanosarus) aequilibra Vachal Megachile aequilibra Vachal 1908: 225. Female. Type locality: Palmar, Ecuador/ Mapirí, Bolivia. Type repository: Vachal Collection, MNHN. Examined. Megachile (Melanosarus) aequilibra : Raw 2002 # 7: 22. DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA. ECUADOR. 2. Megachile (Melanosarus) bahamensis Mitchell Megachile bahamensis Mitchell 1927a: 47-48. Female. Type locality: Mangrove Cay, Andros, Bahamas, 1 August 1904. Type repository: MCZ 15716. Examined. Megachile (Melanosarus) bahamensis : Krombein 1953b: 21-22. Megachile (Melanosarus) floridensis Mitchell 1934: 349-352. Male. Type locality: Miami, Florida, 10 June 1927 (S. Graenicher). Type repository: USNM 44243. Examined. Synonymy of Krombein 1953b: 21 (D, L). ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Graenicher 1930: 162 (D, F, L as M. morio); Mitchell 1937b: 80 (D, R-M as M. floridensis); 1962: 169-171 (D, F, L, R-FM). DISTRIBUTION. BAHAMAS: Andros, Bimini, Cat Island, New Providence. U.S.A: FL- Miami, Key West, No Name Key, Stock Island, Palm Beach. FLOWERS. Bidens leucantha, Flaveria, Melanthera brevifolia and Poinsettia cyathophora. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly from late February to late September in southern Florida and to late October in the Bahamas. 3. Megachile (Melanosarus) brasiliensis Dalla Torre Megachile brasiliensis Dalla Torre 1896: 422. New name. Megachile denticulata Smith 1853: 185. Male. Type locality: Brazil; Rio Tapajoz (H. W. Bates). Type repository: NHML 17a2448. Examined. (Not M. denticulata Fairmaire, Ferret & Galliner 1847: 453. Type locality: Abyssinia; Madagascar.) Synonymy ? Megachile nigridorsis Vachal 1908: 243. Male. Type locality: Rivière du Kourou, Guyane Française. Type repository: MNHN. Synonymy of Raw 2002 # 7: 22. Megachile brancoensis Mitchell 1930: 187-188. Female. Type locality: Pedra Branca, Brazil (H. H. Smith). Type repository: ANSP 4141. Synonymy of Raw 2002 # 7: 22. Megachile (Melanosarus) brancoensis : Mitchell 1934: 303. Megachile (Melanosarus) brasiliensis : Raw 2002 # 7: 22. Combination by association. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Cockerell 1912d: 61 (D); 1927a: 13 & 17 (D, K); Schrottky 1920: 25 (D); Alfken 1930: 11 (D); Moure 1942: 309 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 213 (D); Viana and Alves Santos 2002: 12 (D). DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA; Beni; Buenavista, Cavinas; Chaparo. BRAZIL: AM- Carino, Tefé, Jacareanga; Caracaraí (Rio Branco); MS- Pedra Branca; MT- Cáceres, Chapada dos Guimarães, Salobra; PA- Tapajos; RO- Porto Velho, Guajará Mirim; RS; SP-Salobras. 4. Megachile (Melanosarus) densa Mitchell Megachile densa Mitchell 1930: 257. Female. Type locality: La Rioja, Argentina. Type repository: MCZ 16205. Examined. Megachile (Melanosarus) densa : Raw 2002 # 7: 22. DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: LR. 5. Megachile (Melanosarus) nigripennis Spinola Megachile nigripennis Spinola 1841: 143. Female. Type locality: Cayenne, French Guiana. Type repository: IZU, Torino. Megachile hypocrita Smith 1853: 184-184. Female. Type locality: Pará [Brazil] (H. W. Bates). Type repository: NHML 17a2460. Synonymy of Raw 2002 # 7: 22. Megachile totonaca Cresson 1878: 117. Female. Type locality: Mexico (Sumichrast). Type repository: ANSP 2422. Synonymy of Raw 2002 # 7: 22. Megachile proserpina Schrottky 1908: 233-234. Female. Type locality: Asunción, Paraguay (Anisits). Type repository: MZSP ? Synonymy of Schwarz 1934: 21. [= Megachile nudiventris Schrottky 1902: 439. Type locality: Unknown. Type repository: MZSP ? (Not M. (Pseudocentron) nudiventris Smith 1853: 186 [see Schrottky 1913a: 156.) Megachile fumicosta Strand 1910: 526. Male. Type locality: Asunçión, Puerto Bertoni, Paraguay. Type repository: Unknown. Synonymy of Mitchell 1934: 303. Megachile vernoniae Schrottky 1913a: 248. Male. Type locality: Assumpção/ Puerto Bertoni, Paraguay, Vernonia. Type repository: MZSP Unknown. Synonym of Megachile fumicosta Strand, see Schrottky 1920: 24. Megachile infecta Vachal 1908: 226. Male. Type locality: Pachitea, Peru. Type repository: Vachal Collection, MNHN. Synonymy Unknown. Megachile (Melanosarus) proserpina : Mitchell 1943b: 663. Megachile (Melanosarus) nigripennis : Raw 2002 # 7: 22. Combination by association. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Vachal 1909: 17 (K as M. infecta); Schrottky 1913a: 137 (K), 156 (D), 203 (R-M as M. fumicosta); 1920: 32 (D) M. proserpina; Cresson 1916: 133 (T); Friese 1916: 297 (D); Cheesman 1929: 144 (D); Cockerell 1919: 219 (K as M. aequilibra); 1923b: 1 (T); 1927a: 13-17 (D, K), 13 & 15 (D, K as M. hypocrita); Mitchell 1930: 187 (D as M. proserpina, M. totonaca and M. vernoniae); Schwarz 1934: 21-22 (D, R-M as M. totonaca); Michener 1954: 100 (D, L as M. proserpina); Ayala et al 1997: 455 (D); Silveira et al 2002: 213 (D). MZSP. DISTRIBUTION. ARGENTINA: MI. BOLIVIA: Beni- Ivon; Buenavista. BRAZIL: AM- Manaus; MG; MS- Pedra Branca; MT- Chapada dos Guimarães; PA; SP- Jundiaí, Marumbí, Paraná, Praia do Barro, Praia das Cigarras, Ipiranga, Itatiba, Rincão (MZSP), Rio Feio, São Paulo. COSTA RICA: Escazu, Guante, San José. ECUADOR. EL SALVADOR. FRENCH GUIANA. GUATEMALA. MEXICO: JA- Chamela; QR- Felipe Corilloro; TA- Victoria; YU- Chichenitza. PANAMA: Barro Colorado; Taboga Is; Isla Coiba, Valle de Anton. PARAGUAY: Asuncion; Cororo- Rio Ypane, Puerto Bertoni, San Pedro. PERU- HUANUCO (Ras]. LIFE HISTORY. Adults fly February to April in São Paulo state and February & March in Panamá. 6. Megachile (Melanosarus) pullata Smith Megachile pullata Smith 1879: 74. Female. Type locality: Ega [=Tefé, Amazonas, Brazil] (H. W. Bates). Type repository: NHML 17a2431. Examined. Megachile (Melanosarus) pullata : Raw 2002 # 7: 22. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Mitchell 1930: 257 9D). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AM- Tefé; PA- Santarém. 7. Megachile (Melanosarus) reliqua Mitchell Megachile reliqua Mitchell 1930: 260. Female. Type locality: Buenavista, Bolivia. Type repository: Meyer. Megachile (Melanosarus) reliqua Mitchell 1934: 303. DISTRIBUTION. BOLIVIA. 8. Megachile (Melanosarus) sedula Smith Megachile sedula Smith 1879: 79. Female. Type locality: St. Domingo [West Indies]. Type repository: NHML 17a2418. Examined. Megachile (Melanosarus) sedula : Mitchell 1934: 303. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Friese 1902: 200 (D); Cockerell 1905: 339 (K). DISTRIBUTION. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. HAITI- Port-au-Prince. 9. Megachile (Melanosarus) singularis Cresson Megachile singularis Cresson 1865: 177-178. Male. Type locality: Cuba. Type repository: GCH. Megachile maura Cresson 1865: 179. Female. Type locality: Cuba. Type repository: ANSP 2421. Examined. Genaro 1998: 151. Megachile (Melanosarus) maura : Mitchell 1934: 303. Megachile carlotensis Mitchell 1927a: 55-57. Male. Type locality: Mina Carlota, Trinidad Mts. Cuba, 1500 ft, on flowers of Neuroloena limbata ( G. Salt). Type repository: MCZ 15705. Synonymy of Genaro 1998: 151, Raw 2002 # 7: 22. ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Dewitz 1881: 197 (D); Gundlach 1886: 164 (D); Cresson 1916: 123, 130 (T); Mitchell 1927a: 57 (D, F); Wolcott 1948: 869 (D); Alayo 1976: 23 (D, T). DISTRIBUTION. CUBA: Cienfuegos, Habana, Oriente, Pinar del Rio (rare), Isla de Piños, Nueva Gerona. Wolcott (1948) doubted the authenticity of the record of this species from Puerto Rico. FLOWERS. Neuroloena limbata. 10. Megachile (Melanosarus) strenua Smith Megachile strenua Smith 1879: 73. Male. Type locality: São Paulo [de Olivença], Amazons, [Brazil]. Type repository: NHML 17a2473. Examined. Megachile (Melanosarus) strenua : Raw 2002 # 7: 23. ADDITIONAL REFERENCE. Schrottky 1920: 33 (D, R-M). DISTRIBUTION. BRAZIL: AM; PA- Santarém.