| - Hazelmere is a non-player character who lives on Hazelmere's island. He is one of the oldest known gnomes, and only speaks in an ancient gnomish dialect. The tree gnome translation is required to translate his dialogue. In The Grand Tree quest, the player must find Hazelmere in order to figure out why the tree is dying.
- There is a fairy ring nearby, the code being
- Hazelmere was, during his most active years, a popular advisor to the gnomish King Healthorg the Great. He was also a leader within the gnomish military who fought actively during the Thorobshuun - Gnome War, including the legendary Battle of Atarisundri in roughly 1950 of the Fourth Age. He was amongst those who later fought to remove Glouphrie the Untrusted from power, before finally retiring to a small islet near the coast of southern Kandarin. In the Year 169 of the Fifth Age, he is recruited as part of a hero party in a military operation overseen by Crux Eqal, and is killed in action by the Mahjarrat Lucien.
- Hazelmere the Ethereal is a legendary gnome mage who has established his name in gnomish history. He lived on a small archipelago east of Yanille. Hazelmere was the last surviving creator of the Grand Tree, a massive living fortress within the Gnome Stronghold. He was also an accomplished battle mage, tree whisperer, precognite, and telepath with a great knowledge of history and culture.