Nice try, kiddo! A little to the left! Almost, sweetpea! Oh, no! What happened? You looked like you had that one. But it was coming right at me! That's the point, precious. The ball comes at you and you stop it. You'll get the hang of it! Okay, team, another round of penalty kicks! And let's put some Piston in it this time! (cheering) Oh, Muffy, I'm so proud of you! (sound of car horn honking)
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| - Nice try, kiddo! A little to the left! Almost, sweetpea! Oh, no! What happened? You looked like you had that one. But it was coming right at me! That's the point, precious. The ball comes at you and you stop it. You'll get the hang of it! Okay, team, another round of penalty kicks! And let's put some Piston in it this time! (cheering) Oh, Muffy, I'm so proud of you! (sound of car horn honking)
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| - Nice try, kiddo! A little to the left! Almost, sweetpea! Oh, no! What happened? You looked like you had that one. But it was coming right at me! That's the point, precious. The ball comes at you and you stop it. You'll get the hang of it! Okay, team, another round of penalty kicks! And let's put some Piston in it this time! (cheering) Oh, Muffy, I'm so proud of you! (sound of car horn honking)