Attacks per round is derived from a character's base attack bonus (BAB)
The term attacks per round (APR) refers to how many attacks a creature is able to make during a round (6 seconds). The base attacks per round is determined by the creature's base attack bonus (BAB) — or unarmed base attack bonus (UBAB) in the case of a monk fighting unarmed or with a kama. Even though BAB continue to increase at epic levels, a character's maximum number of attacks is determined by his or her BAB at character level 20. Attacks per round are also split up among three flurries.
Attacks per round is derived from a character's base attack bonus (BAB)
The term attacks per round (APR) refers to how many attacks a creature is able to make during a round (6 seconds). The base attacks per round is determined by the creature's base attack bonus (BAB) — or unarmed base attack bonus (UBAB) in the case of a monk fighting unarmed or with a kama. Even though BAB continue to increase at epic levels, a character's maximum number of attacks is determined by his or her BAB at character level 20. Additional attacks may be gained by using an off-hand weapon or with other effects or feats. For example, haste provides an extra attack per round, and improved two-weapon fighting provides an extra off-hand attack. Attacks per round are also split up among three flurries.