| - Loki
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- Loki is a supervillain from the Marvel Universe, the brother of Thor & god of mischief. In Bakugan Avengers, Loki was turned into an Aquos Bakugan & is currently being used by Doctor Doom.
- Loki (Korean: 로키) is the most powerful member of the Assassins Guild and one of the seven Assassins of the Cross. He is apparently totally devoid of emotions (though there is some debate on this topic) and has a hard time fathoming them in others.
- Loki is one of the dolphins in the pod near Kahrain that takes care of Readis when he runs away from Paradise River.
- Loki (ロキ Roki?) is a character introduced in Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index. He is a member of GREMLIN, who is used as bait against the Anti-GREMLIN Alliance in their assault on the Sargasso of the North Sea.
- [[Category:Breath of Fire III |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire III Residents|Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Loki]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Loki]] Loki is a character within Breath of Fire III.
- Loki Stone is a Blue Mew that travels with his best friend Kyo Stone in Nuzlocke Zer0
- Loki is the prince of Elbaf, who was once Lola's arranged fiance before she ran away.
- Es el hermanastro de Thor y personaje de Lego Marvel Super Heroes. thumb
- Battezzato col nome del dio dell'inganno della mitologia norrena, Loki era un'IA di sicurezza planetaria in servizio presso l'UNSC .
- Loki is the Norse god of thievery and mischief. Although rarely mentioned in the books, Hiccup prayed to Loki when trying to steal a baby dragon. Also in between Dragons: Defenders of Berk and Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 1, the twins dedicated their lives to Loki by pranking everyone on Berk.
- Volk: Organisation Zugehörigkeit Geschlecht Status Jahr Herkunft Ort Gebiet Mutter Vater Geschwister Partner Kinder Loki ist im nordgermanischen Volksglauben ein mythisches Wesen, das die Skalden zu einer Gestalt mit verschiedenem Grundton ausprägten, so wie die mittelhochdeutschen Dichter den Zwergenkönig Laurin. Der Stoff wurde aus den verschiedensten Quellen geschöpft: aus dem Volksglauben, aus der wandernden Märchendichtung und ebenso aus christlichen Teufelssagen.
- Loki was a Planetary Security Artificial intelligence construct in service with the United Nations Space Command. He was stationed aboard the Phoenix-class colony ship, UNSC Skidbladnir until it landed on Harvest.
- Loki es un mundo industrial situado en el Segmentum Pacificus.
- Loki is a plump black tom with glossy fur.
- Loki is a trickster god in Norse mythology.
- Loki is the chaotic god of the Valkyrie pantheon.
- Loki ist der Boss der Bösewichte.thumb|346px|Loki
- Loki è un gigante e il principe di Erbaf.
- Loki is a cruiser, part of the Ghost Fleet. Accompanying Battlestar Valkyrie in the First Cylon War.
- He is the current Pirate King... His bounty is currently unknown, but would indefinitely be higher than even Doflamingo's. The reason he does not have a bounty is because Freyja is the new Fleet Admiral of the Marines, after Sengoku's defeat. Anyone who knows Loki would know that even if he tries to trick people (Like the norse god I named him after), he wouldn't attack his sister. Not out of love, just because his sister has an ability (it is implied about her Devil Fruit) that would easily crush his own. Therefore Loki poses no threat to the Government. He even tried to prevent the Ouka Shichibukai Rebellion!
- Not to be confused with Eris Discordia. Loki is a pagan Norse god who is often misunderstood and considered evil. A creature of chaos who helped develop Change Management and other interesting things. His influence is wide felt throughout the known world.
- Loki – postać z panteonu nordyckich bóstw. Olbrzym, przez Odyna przyjęty w poczet Asów. Według podań miał dać początek "Zmierzchowi bogów" (Ragnarok). W literaturze wykorzystywany wielokrotnie, chociażby w twórczości Rogera Zelaznego, czy Neila Gaimana. W literaturze polskiej postać ta pojawia się między innymi u Marcina Mortki, Jarosława Grzędowicza i Jakuba Ćwieka.
* Loki w twórczości Jakuba Ćwieka 30pxUwaga! To jest tylko zalążek artykułu. Jeśli możesz, [ rozbuduj go]. Kategoria:Zalążki artykułów
- Loki is the being of mischief in Odinism. A son of the frost giants Fárbauti and Laufey, Loki is described as the "contriver of all fraud". Loki mixed freely with the gods for a long time, even becoming Odin's blood brother. Like Odin, Loki bears many names : Lie-Smith, Sly-God, Shape-Changer, Sly-One, Lopt, Sky Traveller, Sky Walker, Wizard Of Lies, and Loftur among others.
- Loki ist eine Minifigur aus der Baureihe Super Heroes und der Unterbaureihe Marvel. Die Minifigur ist 2012 erschienen.
- The Loki, also known as the Spirits of Toranux, were a race of evil beings from Toranux who planned to destroy other races and rule the Polaris Galaxy.
- Loki was a planet settled by humans during the Terran Confederacy expansion in the 21st and 22nd century. It was located about 200 light years Terra-wards in front of the Orion Nebula . Loki was not as badly hurt as most human planets during the Great Collapse when the Confederacy fell apart. It managed to maintain and rediscover most of the technological and scientific knowledge of the Confederacy and established the Loki Salvage Service to continue to scavenge ruins on other planets. However, c.a. AD 3240 a crises developed; the Service lost four scout ships beyond human explored space on the other side of the Orion Nebula. Erasmus Chang was ordered to discover what had happened to them.
- Loki es un personaje de única aparición de la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy. Es el dios de las bromas, hijo de Odín y hermano de Thor. Es un vikingo bromista que reside en el Más Allá de Asgard.
- Loki (właściwie Loki Laufeyson) - fikcyjna postać, geniusz zła, który pojawia się w komiksach wydanych przez Marvel Comics. Jego postać opiera się na istocie o tej samej nazwie z mitologii nordyckiej. Postać pojawiła się w Venus # 6 (sierpień 1949) oraz w nowoczesnym dniu w Podróż do tajemnicy # 85 (październik 1962). Postać została stworzona przez Stana Lee, Larry'ego Lieber'a oraz Jack'a Kirby'ego. Loki pojawił się w kilku trwających serii, serii Limited i alternatywnej rzeczywistości, w tym jego własnej 4-emisyjnej serii Loki (2004).
- Loki is a senior officer of the crew Odin's Demise and a member of the flag The Usual Suspects. Image:Pirate.png Arr! This article about a pirate in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Loki is the leader of the Freedom detachment stationed in Yanov in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.
- Loki is the fourth World Boss to appear in Mushroom Kingdom Fusion. The Mushroom Kingdom Coalition will face Loki in The Demon Realm.
- Loki es una Inteligencia Aritficial del UNSC. Estaba a cargo de la Nave Colonial Clase-Phoenix UNSC Skidbladnir hasta que aterrizó en Harvest y fue desmantelada.
- Loki ist eine Gottheit aus der nordischen Mythologie und ein geringerer Antagonist der Turtles in den Mirage Comics.
- A failure in the eyes of his father Odin, Loki desperately seeks his fathers approval but is constantly falling short due to his like of leisure and fun. As such Loki has been seeking his mask for what is likely centuries.and he would be ruler of all the whole entire everything,reality,existence and universe and there will be nothing no ruled by him
- Loki es un personaje imposible de encontrar y fue protagonista en Superhero Party. La historia real de este villano es que es el hermano de Thor y siempre se ha sentido en la sombra de Thor, aparece en el "escuadrón de Superhéroes" y "Los Vengadores" (la serie).
- Loki ist der Sohn von Crach an Craite mit einer seiner Mätressen. Loki ist außergewöhnlich groß. Gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Ragnar und seinem Vater war er zur Hochzeit von Geralt und Yennefer auf Schloss Montsalvat eingeladen. Die Hochzeit findet in der der Kurzgeschichte "Etwas endet, etwas beginnt" ("Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna") statt. Diese Kurzgeschichte steht in keinem Zusammenhang mit der Geralt-Saga.
- A tricky devil, the Loki's arc can make quick work out of a lot of planes, and it's roomy enough to upgrade and hold a couple of crew. With a little work, this guy can turn into a speeding bullet shooting other smaller bullets. Trust me. It's fun!
- Loki is the Norse god of mischief, as well as of fire. He is the son of two giants, Fárbauti ("cruel striker") and Laufey (or Nál which means "needle", implying that she was skinny and weak.). His two brothers (who were to be beside him in Ragnarök) are Býleistr (bee-lighting) and Helblindi (All blind or hel-blinder). He is referred to as the blood-brother of Odin. Loki becomes harbinger of Ragnarök and the father of the three chaos monsters: Fenrir, Jörmungandr, and Hel. Loki's mischief and intellect is not to be underestimated, as he is ultimately although indirectly responsible for the deaths of Baldr and Thor, which were caused by Höðr and Jörmungandr (respectively).
- thumbLoki est un loup présent dans Warcraft III, dans la prison d'Illidan Hurlorage. Ce loup est nommé et présent à côté de deux unités offensives Elfes de la nuit. Il est libéré par Tyrande Murmevent. Loki est le nom d'un dieu dans la mythologie scandinave. Son fils Fenrir était un loup gigantesque.
- Loki is a trickster Jötunn and ex-honorary Norse god, and an enemy of Magnus Chase. While treated as a nominal member of the Aesir tribe, he was known to switch his allegiance often and was destined to ultimately side with the Jötnar and lead them against the gods. Loki is the father of Hel, Lady of the Dead, Jormungand, the World Serpent, Fenris, the Wolf, and Samirah al-Abbas, and is the mother of Sleipnir and Alex Fierro.
- Loki is a major god of the Norse in Age of Mythology.
- The fight with the Spy is one of the hardest of the game and is more of a puzzle then an a common fight. The best strategy is to explore environment for power-ups and serums, don't touch spiked walls, and kick Loki into fire pits (position yourself so a blowing drum would be behind you, so Loki can't kick you off your position, and kick him into the pit that should be two squares in front of you).
- Loki is the Asgardian god of mischief, cunning and wit. Loki formed a pact with a force of darkness (presumably Dahak) to bring about the three tragedies that would herald Ragnarok. Loki who stole the Book of Fate from the Norn and painted a future in which Balder was dead (first tragedy). He also painted the defeat of Thor at the hands of a demigod (second tragedy). He then created a mask and gave it to his father Odin, leaving him blind (the third tragedy). He has resentment towards his family (especially his parents), because has he lived under the shadows of his brothers.
- Loki was a one-eared husky that joined Indiana Jones in his search for Angus Starbuck across Far East Asia. → This article is a stub. You can help us by adding to it. Check out the talk page for hints on what needs to be done.
- Loki est le plus jeune des fils de Crach an Craite et d'une de ses concubines. Il ressemblait à un elfe gracile. Lui, son frère Ragnar et son père étaient tous invités au mariage de Geralt et Yennefer dans la nouvelle " Quelque chose s'achève, quelque chose commence ".
- Mark Pizzorno(born 20 November 1981 in Glasgow, Scotland), better known by his ring name of Loki, is a member of the Pro Wrestling R4GE roster.
- Loki es un dios travieso de la mitología nórdica, es hijo de los gigantes Farbauti y Laufey y tiene dos hermanos, Helblindi y Býleistr de los que poco se sabe. En las eddas es descrito como el "origen de todo fraude" y se mezcló con los dioses libremente llegando a ser considerado por Odín como su hermano hasta el asesinato de Baldr. Luego de esto los Æsir lo capturaron y le ataron a tres rocas. Se liberará de sus ataduras para luchar contra los dioses en el Ragnarök.
- The Loki was an experimental terran battlecruiser. It was present at Valhalla when Raynor's Raiders raided the installation to steal the Odin.
- Loki was the name given to a G-type star near the Romulan Neutral Zone, orbited by the planet Obsidian. In the late 23rd century, Loki entered a period of increased flare and radiation activity, exacerbating the already difficult living conditions for the natives of Obsidian. This increased output prompted Obsidian to seek out Federation assistance in the 2290s. (TOS novel: Vulcan's Forge)
- Loki is the son of Crach an Craite and one of his concubines. He is exceptionally large. He, his brother Ragnar and his father were all guests at Geralt and Yennefer's wedding in the short story "Coś się kończy, coś się zaczyna".
- Loki is the Evil God from Norse mythology and the main antagonist in Volume 7 of the light novels. In the anime, Loki is the main antagonist of High School DxD BorN.
- Loki was a male Garudan who lived on his homeworld during the time the Invid had occupied it. In that time, he became part of the resistance forces that fought for control of the planet Garuda. During one of these raids, he was captured and placed within the labor camps. On this occasion, he met Kami who was a fellow Garudan and member of the Sentinels who brought his allies to liberate the planet. The pair were being escorted to the labor camp where Loki told Kami not to worry as his friends would rescue them whereupon they would rejoin the fight. When the Invid guard attempted to silence them, the Garudan freedom fighters emerged where they freed the captive slaves who rejoined the fight to free their homeworld.
- Loki (ロキ, Roki) serves as the right hand of Drbal, thereby making him an antagonist in The Heated Battle of the Gods
- Loki is a playable character from Heroes of Mana as well as NPC in Seiken Densetsu 3. He is the father of Duran and also a good friend of King Richard.
- Loki (レキ, Reki) is one of the four possible Guardian Beasts in the game Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2. He is a brash young demon who is constantly trying to make himself stronger through combat. He has an abundance of self-confidence – perhaps too much – and violence is almost always his first (and only) option. He sees himself as the player's protector and strives to improve his sword skills at every turn. Loki is from the Oni Realm of Silturn. His Element is Fire.
- Loki is a character in Chronicles of the Sword. He is found in Chronicle 3 and was a brigand under Chester's command, he even seems to be his second. In Soulcalibur IV he appears in the Tower of Lost Souls in the ascend and descend modes.
- Loki is the name of a trickster god in Viking mythology. His son, Fenrisulfr, was a wolf so large that his lower jaw touched the underworld when his upper jaw touched the sky.
- Loki (based on the norse mythological god. See Loki) is the main villain in Testimonial Midgard during episodes 1 to 6. He is the administrator and founder of the KTBPU Project. He typically resides within the Midgard Core exclusively. Loki often seems troubled and spiteful on the occasions that players meet him. He tends to be mischievous in nature. His incarnation is Strider.
- The Loki class tank destroyer is a light yet deadly Melconian combat vehicle. It is a highly stealthed, mobile 60mm Hellbore. It can mounted on a unarmored ground transport or counter grav lift rings. The Melconian advantage in stealth allowed them to evade even a Bolo's sensors and sneak into a flanking position where they could be truely deadly. Normally they only get off a few shots because once they revealed their position they were easy to take out. If they got into proper position they could easily destroy a tread or a turret. If they were lucky, they could take out a Bolo Mark XXXI .They were fast moving and could keep pace with all other melconian front line equipment.
- Loki war eine "schlaue" KI des United Nations Space Command. Loki hatte die ONI-Spezifikation "Planetare Sicherheitsintelligenz" und war ursprünglich auf der Skidbladnir stationiert, diente zuletzt jedoch auf Harvest.
- From Norse mythology. Depending on whom you ask, he's an aesir, a jotun or both. A trickster god, he starts out as at least on the side of the aesir, but crosses the line when he engineers Baldr's death. He eventually leads the armies of the jotun during Ragnarok.
- Loki (ロキ, Roki) is a Level 64 Persona of the Fool Arcana. It can be obtained by maximizing the Fool Arcana Social Link. Loki inherits "Ice" skills from other Persona in fusions.
- Satellites Location: Milky Way / Exodus Cluster / Asgard System / Fourth planet Prerequisite: Bring Down the Sky (Mass Effect)
- thumb|left|200px|Symbol Lokiego Nordycki bóg oszustw i konfliktu. Ojciec wielu nordyckich potworów (m.in. wilka Fenrisa) oraz mniejszych bogów (np. Hel). Jako syn Odyna, oraz przez pewne zasługi w przeszłości, jest tolerowany przez innych nordyckich bogów; mają oni jednak świadomość, że Loki ich zdradzi dla olbrzymów. W charakterze wykazuje znaczne cechy demoniczne, chociaż z nimi samymi nie współpracował. Wspiera tylko chaotycznych czcicieli. Ich stosunek do kwestii dobra i zła jest mu obojętny. Najczęściej daje im umiejętności złodziei.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: Roc File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: File:LightIcon.png Light: Orochimaru | Vishnu | Bright Blight File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Slash File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Fire (Time) | Fire (Carnage) | Water (Time) | Wood (Carnage) | Light (Time)
- The real classification of the Loki Mech is questionable. In many ways it is considered a Medium Mech, due to the sets of weapons it carries. The weapon set on the Loki is lesser than that seen in other Heavy Mechs, but seem more similar something that would be found on a Medium Mech in addition, this Mech has Null-Signature which is seen more commonly on lighter class Mechs. On the other side of the argument, the Loki is considered a Heavy Mech because of it's weight and armor, and top speed, which infact makes it similar to that of the Thor and Summoner, both of which are classed as Heavy Mechs.
- Loki is a fictional competitor robot in the game Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction. It is a lightweight class robot with a low dome-shaped body. Its weapons are a pair of lifting forks and it is armoured in polycarbonate. It cannot self-right.
- thumb|Vangittu Loki ja hänen vaimonsa.Loki (myös Lodur, Lodu, Loke oli skandinaavisessa mytologiassa jättiläissukuinen jumala. Loki teki paljon ilkeitä kepposia ja aiheutti aasoille paljon harmia kunnes aasat vangitsivät hänet. Hänen päänsä päälle laitettiin käärme joka pudottaa myrkkyä.
- Loki is a former traitorous member of the Aesir who betrayed the other members of the Aesir by organizing Baldur's death and was subsequentially imprisoned. Freed by his secretly placed spies, he is now at large, planning his next onslaught against the Aesir with the Frost Giants. Loki is the main antagonist of the Too Human storyline. He is voiced by Robert Picardo.