| - Being a journalist inlists that you get up everyday early in the morning. The reporting part of the job is rather fun, you get to travel and investiagte. Remember to get all the details of a story and make sure the facts are correct! (unless you are writing for a gossip magazine) The writing part of the job can be rather difficult for some. There are many deadlines you must meet so it's important to manage your time. If you have a love for writing though you should be very motivatied to finish writings on time! You will need to major in English for this job.
- From journal + -ist.
- The Journalist was one of the men who attended the dinner at which The Time Traveler told of his adventures in futurity. ("The Time Machine: An Invention")
- Journalist är en person som arbetar med att samla in och skriva nyheter. Under 1998 presenterade Armin Selig sig för Överste Jonathan J. O'Neill att han var en journalist. Och spelade upp en inspelning för honom med hans samtal med Kapten Samantha Carter om deras samtal om Stargate programmet. (SG1: "Secrets")
- A journalist or reporter was an individual who made a living reporting on news events. They usually worked for news agencies and companies like HoloNet News and the Environmental Action Gazette. One notable journalist was Anora Fair, who reported on the Antar Atrocity and later joined Berch Teller's rebel cell. The rebel Hera Syndulla later posed as a journalist working for the Gazette in order to get Skelly to tell her about the Empire's mining operations on Gorse. Tracene Kane worked as a journalist during the Galactic Civil War. Suralinda Javos was a journalist during the time of the Cold war.
- The Journalist is the reporter who found out about the animal church service and came to Dibley to get the story. He mocked the idea by asking if Gerbils would be taking part in holy communion, he also said his bulldog is interested in the service. After the story about the animal service was published and David showed Geraldine the article, she swore that if he came around again, she would be later seen wearing testicle shaped earrings after dealing with him.
- Keine über institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen konkretisierbare Berufsbezeichnung. Jeder in Deutschland darf sich Journalist nennen (siehe: Journalismus). Im Prinzip ist jeder, der publiziert Journalist, vor allem aber als Verbreitung die Massenmedien nutzt. Aus dieser Perspektive zählt die breite Masse derer, die online publizieren nicht zum Berufsfeld des Journalisten. Ausnahmen sind die Websites, die auch heute schon als Massenmedien gelten. Der Umstand, dass der Beruf nicht geschützt ist, befördert Missbrauch. Deshalb bedarf jeder Journalist eines Presseausweises, der von den zuständigen Verbänden ausgestellt wird. Es gibt angestellte Journalisten (Redakteur) aber auch freie Journalisten.
- By the way, there might be a killer at your window, and he may be about to rape your children. We'll tell you how you can protect them tonight at 10. Right after the commercials.
- A journalist is a person who collects, writes, or distributes news or other current information. A journalist's work is referred to as journalism. A journalist can work with general issues or specialize in certain issues, however, most journalists tend to specialize, and by cooperating with other journalists produce media that span many topics.
- Ein Journalist [ʒʊrnaˈlɪst] ist jemand, der sich „hauptberuflich an der Verbreitung und Veröffentlichung von Informationen, Meinungen und Unterhaltung durch Massenmedien beteiligt“ (Definition des Deutscher Journalisten-Verbandes). Der Journalist betätigt sich im Journalismus. Die Berufsbezeichnung Journalist ist in Deutschland rechtlich nicht geschützt und darf auch ohne entsprechende Ausbildung geführt werden. Journalisten arbeiten in einer Vielzahl von Tätigkeiten und Funktionen wie Korrespondent, Redakteur, Reporter, Chef vom Dienst, Bildredakteur, Kolumnist, Feuilletonist, Leitartikler, Fotojournalist, Videojournalist oder Moderator.
- "The Journalist" is the name given to a key character on Manhunt. She is a young reporter who has been researching Starkweather's activities for some time, and it is hinted that Starkweather is on to her.
- A journalist collects, writes, and distributes news and other information. A journalist's work is referred to as journalism.
- Journalists are college-educated women who investigate news stories and present reports on them through newspapers, radio stations, and TV stations. Journalists also work in museums of modern art. The higher a journalist's skill is, the more persuasive their newspaper articles are, the more respect or liberty their audience gets from their TV and radio shows, and the higher the service quality of their art museum is.
- A journalist was someone who specialized in journalism: writing articles for a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical. Journalists who specialized in researching and disseminating information about events were called reporters. In 2371, Captain Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris encountered Latika, a young boy, whose father was a journalist. Latika proclaimed that he, too, was a journalist, writing for his school newspaper. (VOY: "Time and Again")
- Much like the related class of experts, Journalists come in two types: Real journalists, who concern themselves with the truth and speak from the gut, and So-called journalists, who want to talk about "facts" and think with their heads. The latter type are typically factonistas or Wordonista Wordanista Wordinista s, intent on manufacturing stories to fit the truth into 500 words or less.
- A journalist is a person who practices journalism, the gathering and dissemination of information about current events, trends, issues and people. Reporters are one type of journalist. They create reports as a profession for broadcast or publication in mass media such as newspapers, television, radio, magazines, documentary film, and the Internet. Reporters find the sources for their work, their reports can be either spoken or written, and they are generally expected to report in the most objective and unbiased way to serve the public good.