| - Circuit Breaker and Walter Barnett reflect on how they captured the seven Autobots recently arrived from Cybertron. Barnett questions the need to use such force on them but Circuit Breaker rebuffs these concerns. Then, when Barnett attempts give Circuit Breaker a bonus check for the "job well done," she is insulted, proclaiming that "no amount of money could make up for what those robots did to me!" Back in the Ark, Ratchet continues working on a wound Optimus Prime received during a recent attack on the Decepticon base. Bombshell takes advantage of this opportunity to inject Prime with a cerebro-shell. However, Bombshell finds that he is unable to control Prime, but can merely monitor his thoughts. This allows Bombshell to eavesdrop on a conversation whereby Prime sends Skids and Donny Finkleberg to find out what has become of the Autobots whom have recently arrived on Earth from Cybertron. Skids secures Finkleberg's participation by taking from him a check for $25,000 that Finkleberg was paid for his services as Robot-Master. Prime then proceeds to reactivate the Aerialbots using the Creation Matrix. Thanks to Bombshell's cerebro-shell, the Decepticons are able to take advantage of this use, and via Soundwave's internal receiver, Megatron is able to simultaneously use the Creation Matrix to give life to the Stunticons. As Skids and Finkleberg begin their search, they are delayed as they come upon a driver endangered in an accident near fallen power lines. Skids stops to save the driver (much to Finkleberg's chagrin), and the incident is reported by the local news, giving Barnett further reason to suspect that not all robots are bad. All Circuit Breaker sees is a robot on the loose that must be destroyed. She leaves to undertake this task. Meanwhile, the Decepticons also see this news report, and send the Stunticons out to make sure that the PR damage done (by letting humans know that some Transformers are not threats) is minimalized. The Stunticons and RAAT converge upon Skids' position, and a battle ensues in the middle of heavy traffic. The Aerialbots arrive to offer Skids assistance, but they quickly become the targets of Circuit Breaker's attentions. She blasts Superion while Superion is fighting Menasor, who is left victorious. Circuit Breaker, weakened from the attack on Superion, is rescued by Barnett before Menasor can kill her, and Skids and Finkleberg escape in the confusion. Finkleberg, proclaiming himself tired, stops at a hotel, where he deactivates Skids, goes to a pay phone, and calls RAAT to turn the Autobot in for $50,000.