| - Gates was the second person to serve as Chief White House Counsel under President Josiah Bartlet, following Cochran, but was soon replaced by Solomon. When President Bartlet pondered why White House Counsels did not last very long under him, Chief of Staff Leo McGarry said that Counsels agree to advise the President and then he "didn't let them in." ("Bad Moon Rising") Gates was never seen on screen, and was only mentioned after Lionel Tribbey and Oliver Babish had been introduced.
- Gates is a playable gladiator dwarf in the games Shining Force Gaiden and Shining Force CD.
- Gates is a priest who works in the chapel at Suffolk County hospital who was dying; Bishop found him and turned him into a vampire. He took this as a message that God gave him a second chance. He then became one of Bishop's henchmen. At the hospital, he turned a dying man turning him into a vampire. Aidan found out about this an confronted him in the chapel. Aidan tried to convince him what he was doing was wrong and when he denied this, Aidan yanked out his teeth. He returned to Bishop and he was disappointed to learn that vampire fangs don't grow back. He was taken away he is never seen again.
- Gates was a Grayson citizen and an officer of the Grayson Space Navy. Holding the rank of Captain, he was in command of the superdreadnought GNS Furious, part of Battle Squadron One. (HH5)
- right|thumb|Fähnrich Gates Fähnrich Gates ist Navigationsoffizier der USS Enterprise-D unter Captain Jean-Luc Picard im Jahr 2370 und kommt als Ersatz für Ro Laren an Bord. Fähnrich Gates wird in kurzer Zeit zu einem beliebten Mitglied der Mannschaft und nimmt auch an Worfs Geburtstagsfeier teil. (TNG: )
- Gates is an NCIS Special Agent.
- 2 Sterne Und nicht mal aktuell ises wo blebit denn der gehe4ssige Blogeintrag, dass Dynamo abgestiegen is oder bekommst du das in Brandenburg erst 3 Wochen spe4ter mit??? Und nicht mal aktuell ises wo blebit denn der gehe4ssige Blogeintrag, dass Dynamo abgestiegen is oder bekommst du das in Brandenburg erst 3 Wochen spe4ter mit???
- In the classic Wonderland trilogy, laser gates are made up of three spinning lasers. The laser gates can only be opened by either square, round, or timer buttons. Square buttons permanently open the gate (unless a round or timer button is pressed afterwards), but round ones keep the gate open only if there's something standing on them, and when said object leaves said round button, the gate will close again. Timer buttons, once pressed, keep the gate open only for a few seconds.
- Gates was a US Paratrooper during 1946. As a private, he took part in the assault on Deathshead's compound where he died opening the gates for his fellow soldiers.
- The five Gates created by the Order of the Scribble contained the Snarl. The gates were created by using both epic arcane and divine magic which (as hinted by Redcloak) could take as long as decades to research, making it nearly impossible to recreate if destroyed.
- Gates, é melhor descrito como um homem militar velho. Ele atualmente é encarregado de manter um olho no exército privado de Erich em nome da militariedade da Terra, mas às vezes ele trabalha em nome de Erich. Categoria:Personagens Seihou Categoria:Seihou
- Vaandrig Gates was een vluchtcontroleur aan boord van de USS Enterprise-D onder het commando van kapitein Jean-Luc Picard. Gates zat vaak aan het roer van de Enterprise-D tijdens 2370, na het vertrek van vaandrig Ro Laren. Gates was een gewaardeerde officier en ze wist de Enterprise-D veilig binnen een asteroïde te verplaatsen. (TNG: "The Pegasus") Gates werd gespeeld door extra Joyce Robinson. Ze was ook enkele keren zichtbaar in de achtergrond in Ten Forward en was ook op Worfs verjaardagsfeestje in TNG: "Parallels." Gates werd vernoemd naar Gates McFadden, AKA Dr. Beverly Crusher.
- "Vettes." A Numan card game. The Numan deck consists of only four suits as opposed to the five used in The Farlands. They have Kings and Queens, but no Princes, Knaves or Priests. In Gates, one must beat the dealer's hand as well as the opposing players.
- Gates, known as Mr. Kalium in the light novels, is the primary antagonist of the third season of the anime Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid. One of the few know Amalgam's principal and most brutal agents,He took over the rank of Gauron short after his apparent demise. Like Gauron, Gates showed interest in fighting the ARX-7/ Arbalest,Until the same Arm Slave lead him to his demise in Hong Kong.
- Gates is the primary antagonist in Full Metal Panic!: The Second Raid. An Amalgam agent and the head of Amalgam's Execution Squads, Gates seems to have two personalities. He is known to kill his subordinates whenever he messes up an operation, hears that an Amalgam-sponsored mission is a failure and (for the most part) when he is angry. Gates kills through a variety of methods including shooting an Amalgam commando in the head when he back talked and crushing Xia Yu Fan's Shadow Arms Slave with extreme ferocity. He is also shown to be highly abusive of his subordinates with him kicking his second in command off a helicopter and nearly drowning him in a pool.
- These are the Gates. The gates have been known throughout ancient civilizations and tribes. One man named Mel Waters has brought focus to them. The two he has found have been dubbed "Mel's Hole(s)" Mel asserts that, for years, locals had known about the "bottomless" nature of the hole, dumping garbage down the hole, including dead cattle, truckloads of old auto tires, and large appliances like refrigerators and TV tubes. When garbage was dumped in the hole, no sound of the object hitting the bottom was heard. Mel expressed his wish to have his body thrown into the Nevada hole after his death.