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  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
  • Thrall
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  • Does not include Ascension & Kingdom bonuses * Visit Ascending & Leveling Troops for more information
  • Thralls are undead followers of Palawa Joko. They appear in Joko's Domain after completing the quest A Deal's a Deal.
  • Thrall are nearly mindless pawn/berserker units, charging headlong into melee combat range. Thrall commonly attack in large packs, and pursue the goal to tear apart their targets.
  • Thrall (geboortenaam Go'el), zoon van Durotan (geboren 2 jaar NDP), is de voormalige Warchief van de herstelde sjamanistische Horde, en leider van het rode land van Durotar in Kalimdor. Hij is opgegroeit als slaaf, getraint als gladiator en dankzij de hulp van zijn vrienden een sjamaan en leider van de orcs.
  • Shaman jest jedną z postaci w grze Hearthstone. Jego umiejętność pasywna dodaje na pole areny jeden z kilku dostępnych totemów, może to zapewnić postaci szybkie wypełnienie areny. Karty w jego talii mogą ulepszać jego wcześniej postawione totemy przez co staje się dosyć silną postacią ale trudną.
  • Thrall is a major character in Blizzard's Warcraft series, first appearing in Warcraft III, and later making an appearance in World of Warcraft. He first appeared in the Summer 2007 Contest, where he fell short of advancing behind Ganondorf and Vergil. Two years later, he made the Winter 2010 Contest through the vote-in polls, but drew the "short straw," getting stuck in a hopeless match against Link.
  • During a swordfight, thralls will use sticks as their weapons. During a rumble, thralls will use their bare fists. To gain a thrall, the battle navigator must use a gold flower token maneuver. A gold flower token maneuver, also known as the 'thrall token' will be gained every time each type of station (Sailing/Rigging, Carpentry/Patching, Bilging) attains 2 flower tokens. The number of thralls allowed aboard a ship is one per pirate or, for larger ships, up to a maximum of thirty.[1][2] Image:Stub.pngArr! This article be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
  • The thralls were later freed by Captain James T. Kirk's actions. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion" ) A thrall is a slave, whether someone in physical, mental, financial or even emotional slavery. The term originated in the Norse culture of old Earth, in the region of northern Europe once home to the Vikings. In its original context to be a thrall meant to be a slave or at best a serf, one who toiled exclusively for the benefit of a ruling class and who lived or died at their whim.
  • Thrall (llamado Go'el al nacer), hijo de Durotan, es el líder actual del Anillo de la Tierra, antiguo Jefe de Guerra y fundador de la Nueva Horda, quien fue precedido por Garrosh Grito Infernal. En Image:IconoWoWMini.gif residía en el Fuerte Grommash en Orgrimmar. Adicionalmente es posible encontrarlo en la Instance de Escape from Durnholde Keep en las Cavernas del Tiempo.
  • Thrall ist der Sohn von Durotan und Draka, den ehemaligen Häuptlingen des Frostwolfklans, sowie der Enkel von Garad und Großmutter Geyah. Er ist wahrscheinlich der mächtigste lebende Orc. Mit dem wuchtigen Schicksalshammer bewaffnet gilt Thrall als unvergleichlicher Krieger und mächtiger Schamane. Er war der Kriegshäuptling der Horde und herrschte auch über die Trolle der Dunkelspeere und Taurenstämme.
  • Trall ist ein Assassin aus dem Warcraft Universum. File:Thrall SC2 DevGame1.jpg
  • Thrall é chefe da horda e o maior amigo de Varian Wrynn. Sua namorada é Jaina Proudmoore. Ele habita em Orgrimmar. Thrall possui dois filhos junto com sua amada esposa Grommash Hellscream e Garrosh Hellscream.
  • Seul Galt était un Maître-Thrall. Certains comme Shahna étaient des Drill-Thralls, des entraineurs pour les nouveaux esclaves venus. En 2268, les Thralls furent libérés de leur condition d'esclaves et de guerriers par le capitaine James Kirk. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion") Il ne fut pas clarifié depuis combien de temps les Pourvoyeurs agissaient de la sorte.
  • A thrall is a bound servant in ironborn culture. They are people kidnapped during raids and forced to toil at tasks such as agriculture and mining, which the ironborn despise. In a raid, most are put to the sword, but those who are unlikely to cause trouble and have particular skills and uses are taken as thralls. Like "salt wives," they have a low status in ironborn society.
  • Thrall oli Orc rotuinen sotapäällikkö, jonka oli tarkoitus johtaa Palavaa Legioonaa muiden rotujen kimppuun. Thrall teki kumminkin valinnan, joka vaikuttaa Azherothissa viellä nykyäänkin, eli päätti ottaa vallan omiin käsiin ja johtaa Orc rotu takaisin esi-isien kunjan poluille. Thrall muutti myös Orcien demonologiset ajatukset Shamanilogisiin. Nykyään Thrall tunnetaan Orc rodun viisaana johtajana.
  • Thrall (birthname Go'el), son of Durotan, was the Warchief of the restored orcish Horde and ruler of the red land of Durotar in Kalimdor. Before the Cataclysm, he was Warchief of all the Horde, but temporarily gave leadership to Garrosh Hellscream in order to lead the Earthen Ring's effort with Farseer Nobundo against the Twilight's Hammer cult and elemental imbalance afflicting Azeroth caused by the awakening of Deathwing. After Garrosh's tyranny was overthrown, Thrall renounced his claim on the title of Warchief and instead gave the position to his close friend and ally, Vol'jin.
  • File:IconDamage.png (8/10) File:IconUtility.png (5/10) File:IconSurvivability.png (7/10) File:IconComplexity.png (6/10) Thrall is one of the player characters in Heroes of the Storm. As a child, Thrall served the cruel Aedelas Blackmoore as a slave. After gaining his freedom, he guided the liberated orcs to a land of their own and worked to recover their ancient traditions. Now and forever, he is Warchief of the Horde.
  • The Masked Council met within a massive chamber topped by a dome whose interior had once been decorated by bas-reliefs leafed in gold. The floor was covered in geometric tiles with a worn granite disc at its centre. A semicircle of wooden tiers where the Council sat occupied the wall opposite the grand entrance. Behind the Council were fourteen doors, one for each Councilor and each guarded by a member of the Gidrath. Petitioners to the Council stood upon the granite disc while speaking.
  • A thrall is a human person put under some kind of mental control.
  • (autor SudruhPrdko) Thrall, syn Durotana je vodcom obnovenej Hordy, a pán červenej krajiny Durotar v Kalimdore. Vybudoval tu hlavné mesto Orgrimmar.
  • Thrall's orkiske navn, som foreldrene valgte, men var ute av stand til å gi ham, er "Go'el."
  • The Heortling Slaves. * Not every clan has thralls. * They are considered to be their master's property. * They are usually debt-slaves, criminals or prisoners of war. * The offspring of a female thrall is free. Source: King of Sartar
  • Thrall (Go'el), der Sohn von Durotan, war nach dem Dritten Krieg Kriegshäuptling der Neuen Horde. Zugleich gilt er als einer der mächtigsten, lebenden Schamanen. Seine Freundschaften zu Jaina und Taretha führten, Aggra zufolge, immer mal wieder zu abwegigen Gerüchten - an denen natürlich nichts dran ist. Auffällig waren schon immer seine blauen Augen, da es die Farbe bei Orcs nur selten gab.
  • Thrall (pierwsze imię Go'el), syn Durotana (urodzony 2 lata po otwarciu Mrocznego Portalu), jest wodzem wojennym odbudowanej w duchu szamanistycznym Hordy i władcą czerwonej krainy Durotar w Kalimdorze. W World of Warcraft jest on przywódcą frakcyjnym poziomu ?? (Boss) przebywającym w Fortecy Grommasha w Dolinie Mądrości w orkowej stolicy Orgrimmar, jak również wewnątrz lochu w Twierdzy Durnholde w instancji Stare Pogórze Hillsbradzkie. Czasami go również można spotkać w fortecy Mag'har w Garadarze w Nagrandzie.
  • Thrall (nome di nascita Go'el), figlio di Durotan, è il precedente Capoguerra della Nuova Orda, fondatore della terra di Durotar a Kalimdor. I suoi genitori furono uccisi dagli assassini di Gul'dan poco dopo la sua nascita, agli esordi della Prima Guerra. Fu trovato e allevato da Aedelas Blackmoore che gli diede il nome di Thrall. Divenuto un potente sciamano, cedette il comando a Garrosh Malogrido, figlio del suo vecchio amico Grom, ed insieme agli altri membri del Circolo della Terra iniziò una campagna per sconfiggere il drago Alamorte.
  • Following Deathwing's cataclysmic return to Azeroth, Thrall stepped down as Warchief and joined the Earthen Ring, re-embracing his shamanistic roots in an attempt to battle Deathwing's forces and heal the broken earth. According to a prophecy, Thrall was destined to face Deathwing and maybe defeat him. Due to the Old Gods' severly corrpupting Deathwing, The dragon was invuilnerable to the strongest attacks no matter how powerful so the Aspects have heroes go back in time to get the Dragon Soul in its purest state.
  • They sometimes walked with the use of their knuckles. Although they let out war cries, they were more animal than sentient, not being on control of their actions according to Kaye Galfridian, being unable to use complicated weapons or tactics more advanced than basic cunning. In addition for use as soldiers, they were used to train Yuuzhan Vong warriors. On occupied Garqi, the Garqi Agricultural University was a major center for Thrall production.
  • El Thrall es uno de los enemigos jefe de El Alma del Guerrero, aparece por primera y única vez en la sala donde consigues la espada del escorpión, aunque no en el mismo momento, sus movimientos y su forma de combatirlo son las mismas que las de un Bruto, la principal diferencia entre ambos es su aspecto (lleno de vendas y con una armadura distinta), a demás el Thrall tiene una mayor resistencia y velocidad. Al contrario que los brutos, posee una barra de vida, si te lanza de su espalda o no te subes a ella, parte de su barra de vida se rellenará, en concreto una cantidad igual a la que le quitaste para que se agachara, además no puedes matarlo sin subirte a su espalda, por lo que la existencia de ésta barra no modifica el combate.thumb|left|Captura de pantalla Categoría:Personajes Categorí
  • The Wyrm itself is, of course, the natural and positive source and cause of destruction, and so the source of destruction in the Garou is tinged by it. (Garou with Rage of 7 or above do show faintly in Sense Wyrm, for example.)But given as the Wyrm itself is corrupted, so too is the Garou's Rage, and those Garou who give in to it completely end up in a frenzy which is unstoppable, mindless, and truly terrifying.Mechanically, if the player gets 6 successes, they enter a Berserk frenzy, with no chance of Willpower staving it off. The frenzy follows normal tendencies with regards to attacks and duration, but it includes some even more horrific aspects.Specifically, players must roll Wits (difficulty 7). If the roll botches, the characters give in to a particular aspect of the Wyrm.Homid Garou
  • Thrall era el término que la Nueva República le daba a aquellos, normalmente humanos, que eran usados por los yuuzhan vong como esclavos al implantarles coral de aumento. Todos eran altos y fuertes, y tenían parches de coral en sus cuerpos que les servían como armas o defensas naturales. Estos crecimientos de coral podían incluir crestas para proteger los ojos, púas en los nudillos, codos y rodillas, placas en el pecho o los miembros o incluso armadura de cuerpo entero similar a la de los stormtroopers.
  • Thralls are enemies encountered in Tomb Raider: Underworld, and are found in the Croft Manor, Southern Mexico, Jan Mayen Island and Arctic Circle levels. They also feature in the DLC levels, Beneath the Ashes and Lara's Shadow. There are four different types of thralls in the game:
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse tincidunt, nisl sed porttitor maximus, nulla nisl congue enim, et molestie ex ex hendrerit sem. Curabitur aliquet est at viverra varius. Integer id tincidunt quam, id vehicula lacus. Phasellus consectetur volutpat sapien, non mattis justo laoreet sed. Cras elementum mi felis, ut mollis justo dignissim ornare. Fusce sed malesuada lorem, sit amet placerat nunc. Maecenas tincidunt sagittis lorem, a tempor quam malesuada ut. Nullam ac lacinia turpis, tempus gravida urna. Nam sit amet arcu eu lectus tincidunt dictum. Nulla sit amet nibh id metus faucibus luctus. Donec dolor dolor, condimentum id ultrices et, rutrum id leo.
  • Thrall a Hófarkas Klán korábbi vezérének, Durotánnak és feleségének Drakának egyetlen gyermeke. Csecsemőként a meggyilkolt szüleinek, véres teste mellett talált rá Setétláp Édalász, a fogolytáborok parancsnoka, és segédje Rókalyuki Tammis. Setétláp a Thrall nevet adta neki, mely emberi nyelven annyit jelent "szolga". Setétláp, Thrallal és Tammissal, visszatért az erődjébe, Barnavárba, hol gladiátort nevelt az orkból. Csecsemőkorában Rókalyuki Clannia nevelte. Amikor nagyobb lett, Clannia lányával, Rókalyuki Tarethával barátkozott. Mivel ork vadsággal és emberi ésszel rendelkezett, Thrall tüneményes diáknak és harcosnak bizonyult.
  • The Thrall was a condition in a minority of members of the Jenchum species. Jenchum able to generate the Thrall mostly gained this ability during puberty and maintain it through their adult life. The Painter was 15 when he gained the Thrall, and, as of 2367, he'd had the Thrall for 15 years. During the Thrall, one Jenchum would unconsciously provide positive emotions and feelings to the recipient, boosting their negative emotional state. The recipient, in turn, would give off negative emotions and feelings to the Thrall-enabled Jenchum, completing the cycle.
  • Der als Thrall bekannte frühere Sklave brachte der Horde Einigkeit, verwandelte Verwüster in Architekten und sicherte seinem Volk eine Zukunft.„Thrall“ war der Spitzname, den der junge Orc Go'el in seinem ersten Zuhause erhalten hatte, einem Internierungslager, das die orcischen Gefangenen des Zweiten Krieges davon abhalten sollte, jemals wieder eine Bedrohung für Azeroth darzustellen. Der Name hätte nicht passender sein können. Als Go'el aus seinem Gefängnis floh, suchte er nicht nur seine Freiheit, sondern auch seine Wurzeln und fand schließlich Weisheit im schamanischen Glauben seiner Ahnen.Thralls Schamanismus leitete seine Taten, als er die Horde neu erschuf, ihr Kriegshäuptling wurde und sein Volk in einem von Dürre geplagten Land ansiedelte, das er zu Ehren seines Vaters Durotan „Du
  • 24(xsd:integer)
  • ??
  • ??
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