| - The Thompson submachine gun or tommy gun is a recoil operated submachine gun commonly used by mobsters and criminals throughout the 1920s and early '30s. It was standard-issue to US troops during World War II and the early years of the Cold War, up to 1957.
- The Thompson submachine gun (informally known and referred to as the Tommy Gun and Chicago Typewriter) was an American machine gun famously used during the Prohibition era used by law enforcement individuals and mafia criminals. It came in different variants, including the M1928A1 and the M1A1.
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- The Thompson SMG was a submachine gun invented in 1919 by General John T. Thompson. It was widely used by chicago gangsters during the prohibition era. It had several nicknames, such as "tommy gun" and "chicago typewriter." The thompson fires about 1,000 .45 ACP pistol rounds per minute (600-1200 rounds depending on the model). It started to be replaced by the M3 SMG as the standard infantry submachine gun in 1944. However, it continued service until the Korean War.
- The Thompson submachine gun is an American submachine gun that became infamous during the Prohibition era. It was a common sight of the time, being used by both law enforcement officers and criminals. The Thompson was also known as the "Tommy Gun", "Chopper", "Chicago Typewriter" and "Chicago Piano". The Thompson was favored by soldiers and civilians alike for its compactness, large .45 ACP bullet, and high volume of automatic fire.
- The Thompson submachine gun is an American submachine gun that became infamous during the Prohibition era. It was a common sight of the time, being used overwhelmingly by both law enforcement officers and criminals. The Thompson was also known as the "Tommy Gun", "Chopper", "Chicago Organ Grinder", "Trench Broom", "Trench Sweeper", "Chicago Typewriter" and "Chicago Piano". The Thompson was favored by soldiers and civilians alike for its compactness, ergonomics, large .45 ACP bullet, and high volume of automatic fire.
- The Thompson was favored by military soldiers, criminals, police and civilians alike for its ergonomics, compactness, large .45 ACP cartridge, reliability, and high volume of automatic fire. It has since gained popularity among civilian collectors for its historical significance.
- The "Thompson" Sub-Machine Gun was a sub machine gun that was a favored pick for Allied soldiers alike. There are two versions of it that appear in the series, the M1A1 Thompson, and the M1928/A1 Thompson. These two versions of the weapon system appeared in different games of the Medal of Honor series. It's nicknames were Chicago typewriter and Tommy Gun. It often appeared in gangster movies, often with compensator, pistol fore grip and distinctive drum magazine. The Military models include the M1928A1, M1 and M1A1 Thompsons.
- The Thompson submachine gun is a weapon that was primarily used by the South Vietnamese Army and provided by the United States. The Thompson SMG was popularised during the Prohibition era, as it was used by both law enforcement officers and criminals. It soon became a very iconic weapon of the time, and engendered an extensive list of informal nicknames, such as the "Tommy Gun" or "Chicago Typewriter". Afterwards, the Thompson submachine gun was adopted by the U.S. Military and saw much action during WWII.
- The Thompson Submachine Gun, popularly called the Tommy Gun, was designed by General John T. Thompson, who was inspired by the trench warfare of World War I to develop a "one-man, hand-held machine gun", firing a rifle caliber round. However, the recoil from rifle rounds was too great and so it had been found that the only cartridge then in U.S. service suitable for use with the lock was the .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol). The project was then titled "Annihilator I", and by 1918, most of the design issues had been resolved. However, the war ended before prototypes could be shipped to Europe.
- In an alternate timeline in which Germany invaded the United States, the resistance fighters used many weapons, including the military M1 Thompson, among others during an attack in 1944 on the facility where the Na'kuhl were constructing a temporal conduit. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") The natives of Sigma Iotia II, a world that modeled itself after the book Chicago Mobs of the Twenties, left behind by the crew of the starship Horizon, almost universally carried the weapons in 2268, including the women. (TOS: "A Piece of the Action" ) : M1(A1) [1]
* "Manhunt" ; M1928 [2] : Colt 1921AC [4]
- The Thompson Submachine Gun (also know as "Tommy Gun" and "The Chicago Typewriter") is a typical pre-World War II submachine gun and one of the first weapons of its kind. It fires the .45 ACP pistol round, which is also larger and more powerful than the more common 9x19mm parabellum round. It is a very rare weapon amongst civilians, because of its regulated fully-automatic nature. No fully automatic Thompson can be legally modified to semi-automatic configuration for widespread sale (without a Class III license, allowing purchase of "machine guns"). The BATFE holds that any weapon once capable of fully automatic fire will always be classified as a "machine gun" and subject to the laws and regulations applicable. Though original Thompsons are rare, modern semi-automatic clones mimicking the
- The Thompson (named Thompson submachine gun by the maker) is an American submachine gun, invented by John T. Thompson in 1918, that became infamous during the Prohibition era. It was a common sight in the media of the time, being used by both law enforcement officers and criminals. The Thompson was also known informally as: the "Tommy Gun", "Trench Broom", "Trench Sweeper", "Chicago Typewriter", "Chicago Piano", "Chicago Style", "Chicago Organ Grinder", and "The Chopper".