| - Pickups refer to any objects which are collected by simply walking into them. Pickups in GTA games range from short to long term beneficial objects such as Weapons, Health, Armor, Clothing and Police Bribes, to collectibles required for 100% such as Hidden Packages and Oysters. In the 3D Universe and earlier, pickups are depicted floating in mid-air. In Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V, they are located on the ground, glowing bright red for better visibility.
- Pickups are objects that are spawned or dropped in various locations across most maps. These usually consist of varying forms of Health, Ammo and Metal. A player must walk into them to collect them, and will only pick them up if they are not at full Health, Ammo or Metal. Any regular item pick-up used in this way will disappear, and will respawn after ten seconds with a distinct sound effect.
- Ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Grand-Theft-Auto-Serie sind die an den unterschiedlichsten Stellen platzierten Pickups. Pickups kann man meist durch einfaches Darüberlaufen aufnehmen, aber bestimmte Pickups, wie zum Beispiel die roten Ballons, müssen mit einer Waffe zerschossen werden.
- All lootable objects such as Storage Containers, and lootable corpses will all show up on radar when equipped with the Thief's Wit, Loot Detector, and Animal Instinct mods.
* During Invasions, Spy mission vaults, and the Battle Damage/Self-Destruct Environmental Hazards, Butcher and Crewman corpses will appear depending upon the faction that owns the tileset; either the owner for Invasions and Hazards, or the opposite faction for Spy vaults (e.g. Butcher corpses in Corpus vaults). They can also spawn on specific parts of Earth.
* Corpse behavior depends on mission type as well. In Invasions and Earth, the corpses will automatically dispense pickups when walked over; in all others, the corpses must be manually interacted with (default X on PC).
* Storage lockers come in three t
| - All lootable objects such as Storage Containers, and lootable corpses will all show up on radar when equipped with the Thief's Wit, Loot Detector, and Animal Instinct mods.
* During Invasions, Spy mission vaults, and the Battle Damage/Self-Destruct Environmental Hazards, Butcher and Crewman corpses will appear depending upon the faction that owns the tileset; either the owner for Invasions and Hazards, or the opposite faction for Spy vaults (e.g. Butcher corpses in Corpus vaults). They can also spawn on specific parts of Earth.
* Corpse behavior depends on mission type as well. In Invasions and Earth, the corpses will automatically dispense pickups when walked over; in all others, the corpses must be manually interacted with (default X on PC).
* Storage lockers come in three types - green (openable), red (locked), and black (permanently locked/broken). Green lockers can be opened simply by interacting with them. Red lockers can be unlocked using the Master Thief mod or a Kubrow with the Scavenge mod. Finally, black lockers can never be opened by any means. Lockers do not show up on the radar.
* Corpus and Grineer Caches in Earth and Orokin Void Sabotage missions also resemble storage lockers, though their lights are white, and the locker glows brightly whilst also emitting a low humming noise. These lockers do show up on the minimap.
* The four varieties of Storage Containers (Common, Uncommon, Rare, Reinforced) are 'opened' by force, dispensing loot when destroyed; they have very little HP and can be damaged by anything from melee strikes and gunfire to syndicate auras and Warframe abilities (Common and Uncommon containers have around 10 object health). The exact type of loot depends on the container type and area (lootables in hidden areas have a higher chance to yield rare resources, and mods up to rare in the Orokin Void).
* A unique variant of the Orokin container with red lights and smoke emitting from it will explode like an Explosive Barrel when destroyed.
* The Master Thief mod and Nekros's Desecrate ability are affected by pickup spawn patterns.
* Syndicate Medallions appear only in Syndicate missions, but do appear on the minimap (using the standard 'loot' icon).
- Pickups are objects that are spawned or dropped in various locations across most maps. These usually consist of varying forms of Health, Ammo and Metal. A player must walk into them to collect them, and will only pick them up if they are not at full Health, Ammo or Metal. Any regular item pick-up used in this way will disappear, and will respawn after ten seconds with a distinct sound effect. In addition, the Heavy's Sandvich can also be considered a pick-up item, in the sense that a Heavy can drop his Sandvich for his teammates or enemies to use. It can recover as much health as a medium-sized health kit. When a Heavy is at full health, he can pick up a health kit to instantly recharge his Sandvich if it has been depleted. The Scout may also drop small health packs whenever they receive a kill or assist with the Candy Cane. Health pickups, excluding the Sandvich, and Ammo/Metal pickups do not restore a set amount of health or ammo/metal; instead they restore a percentage of the maximum health or ammo/metal of a class. Pickups cannot be retrieved if an Engineer builds a teleporter on the pickup spawn point. Other engineering buildings, such as the Sentry Gun and Dispensers, allow friendly players to pass but block enemy movement, so they can be used to prevent opponents from taking pickups. However, such buildings also block the builder from claiming them.
- Pickups refer to any objects which are collected by simply walking into them. Pickups in GTA games range from short to long term beneficial objects such as Weapons, Health, Armor, Clothing and Police Bribes, to collectibles required for 100% such as Hidden Packages and Oysters. In the 3D Universe and earlier, pickups are depicted floating in mid-air. In Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V, they are located on the ground, glowing bright red for better visibility.
- Ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Grand-Theft-Auto-Serie sind die an den unterschiedlichsten Stellen platzierten Pickups. Pickups kann man meist durch einfaches Darüberlaufen aufnehmen, aber bestimmte Pickups, wie zum Beispiel die roten Ballons, müssen mit einer Waffe zerschossen werden.
* Herz-Symbole (füllen die Energie auf maximale Leistung auf)
* Schmiergeld-Sterne (verringern den Fahndungslevel um einen)
* Schutzwesten (fügen bis zu 150 Prozent Schutz hinzu)
* Verbandskasten (füllt die Lebensenergie komplett auf)
* Adrenalin-Pillen (verlangsamt das Spiel und macht Sprünge höher und Schläge stärker)
* Aktenkoffer
* Austern (zum Einsammeln, um bestimmte Dinge zu bekommen)
* Bewaffnung (schützt den Spieler vor Kugeln)
* Bonus-Leben (gibt dem Spieler ein Leben geschenkt)
* Doppelter Schaden (verdoppelt den Schaden für eine Weile)
* Gefängnis-frei-Karte
* Elektrofinger (gibt Passanten automatisch einen Stromschlag)
* Extra-Leben (siehe Bonus-Leben)
* Hufeisen (zum Einsammeln, um bestimmte Dinge zu bekommen)
* Multiplier Up (erhöht den Multiplikator um eins)
* Instant Gang
* Löwenstatuen (zum Einsammeln)
* Respekt (verbessert den schlechten Ruf um einen Balken bei Gangs)
* Rote Ballons (zum Zerschießen, um bestimmte Dinge zu bekommen)
* Schnell nachladen (verschnellert das Nachladen von Munition)
* Schneller laufen/Schneller fahren (Spieler kann eine bestimmte Zeit lang schneller laufen oder fahren)
* Totenkopf-Symbol (startet eine Rampage)
* Unsichtbarkeit (macht den Spieler für einige Weile unsichbar)
* Unverwundbarkeit (macht den Spieler für einige Weile unverwundbar)
* Versteckte Päckchen (zum Einsammeln, um bestimmte Dinge zu bekommen)
* Waffen-Symbole (enthalten verschiedene Waffentypen)
* Dollar-Symbol (Aufnehmen von bestimmten Geldmengen)
* Speicher-Symbole (zum Speichern eines Spieles)
* T-Shirt-Symbole (zum Wechseln der Kleidung)
* Symbol für den Zweispieler-Modus (um Zweispieler-Spiel zu starten)