| - Spektor was the Treasurer of Monitor, a city on the Serpent Isle in Ultima VII Part Two. Though he was a Knight and member of the Leopard Command, Spektor was an intellectual who felt more at home among books than on the field of combat. He served not only as Treasurer but as chief assistant to Lord Marsten during the final days of Monitor. A loyal lackey to Marsten, Spektor was drawn into a conspiracy to betray the city. Lord Marsten and Spektor struck up an alliance with the Goblin King Pomdirgun, the goal being that the Goblins would be able to wipe out the Wolf and Bear Commands, leaving the city to be ruled by Marsten (crowning himself king) and the rest of the Leopards. Marsten further planned on cheating the Goblins, hoping to wipe them out with a new secret weapon. Spektor embezzled money from the treasury to secretly pay the armourer, Standarr (who was ignorant of their connection with the Goblins) to develop blasting powder. The plot was nearly uncovered by a pikeman of the city, the husband to Harnna and father of Cantra, so in a panic (fearing for his own life) Spektor murdered the pikeman and hid his body. The murder weighed heavily upon his soul, but not enough for him to admit his deeds. The plot with the Goblins included providing crucial information that allowed for the Goblins to capture Fawn Tower. The plans also called for an assault on the Tower at the Inn of the Sleeping Bull, but these plans never reached fruition, after the arrival of the Avatar. After becoming a Knight of the city, the Avatar uncovered the hidden goblin village in the Western Forest and lead a highly successful raid, recovering the Helm of Courage and slaying Pomdirgun. Some documents implicating Spektor and Marsten were also recovered, and once brought to light the two were promptly arrested. Spektor was killed in his cell soon thereafter when the Bane of Wantonness (possessing the body of Dupre) conquered the city at the head of a huge army of Goblins and other ferocious monsters.