| - This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing) Finally, below the Natural Languages section, is the "Constructed Languages" section - "Postavjene Jezyki" - which includes "Slovio" "Novosloviensky" (NeoSlavonic) and "Slovianski". The "Slovio" project is no longer active. "Novosloviensky" and "Slovianski", on the other hand, have joined together as "INTERSLAVIC" or "MEDŽUSLOVJANSKI" - each offering a slightly different grammatical format. Here you may access and edit this information.
- Success was The Wørd for February 26, 2006. It was chosen in honor of the triumphant Bristish pull-out from Iraq which, as Vice President Dick Cheney has noted, is a clear sign of progress, no matter what any National Intelligence Estimates might otherwise suggest. The NIE is just a set of facts. Mr. Cheney's opinion is based firmly in his gut directly below where his heart would be if he had one. Any further definition of success would embolden the enemy.
- His account was disabled due getting into a dispute with AlmostLost at RuneFest 2015.
- A success, in the game systems used by White Wolf, represents a level of achievement when a character attempts to perform an action. Successes are usually determined by the number of dice in a dice pool which, when rolled, equal or exceed the target number. In the Storyteller and Revised Storyteller systems, successes are negated by any 1s rolled; this may result in a botch. Characters may score automatic successes, either instead of or in in addition to those scored on a dice roll. This represents effort in which chance is somehow avoided. Depending on the game, this could be achieved by spending a point of Willpower, or through supernatural powers, though the latter usually only applied to certain types of action. For example, the vampiric Disciplines Potence and Fortitude granted automatic successes to Strength-related tasks and rolls to soak damage, respectively. Aberrant's Mega-Attributes also granted automatic successes. A character with sufficient mastery of the task in question can achieve basic success without rolling any dice, assuming there are favourable conditions (availability of tools, no unusual difficulties, etc.). In such cases, the task succeeds as if a single success had been rolled. This usually requires that the character's relevant dice pool equals or exceeds the target number of the roll. Scoring a single success on a roll usually means that the character achieves the result desired, though often at a minimum level of proficiency; scoring additional successes means the character has managed a greater achievement. For example, scoring one success when researching a particular topic may indicate the researcher discovers a single relevant and useful fact; scoring multiple successes may mean she finds multiple facts, or one of greater use, or even something that is generally regarded as secret knowledge. In combat, successes usually equate directly to dice or levels of damage. More difficult tasks, or those which require an extended period of time to achieve, may require that the character achieve multiple successes before the action is considered even minimally successful. In the Revised Storyteller System, this is equivalent to the difficulty of a task, though in the earlier Storyteller System this mechanic existed alongside the variable target number difficulty system. Tasks which are contested between multiple characters are generally won by the character who scores the most successes when both roll for their side of the contest. In the Storytelling System, most tasks do not have degrees of success; a single success is always sufficient for an action to succeed well. Multiple successes are only required for extended or contested actions, as penalties or bonuses are awarded by adding or subtracting dice from the dice pool, rather than by changing the number of successes required. Scoring multiple successes only grants improved results in certain circumstances, though scoring five or more successes is usually counted as a exceptional success.
- It’s as if the wind senses her before they do - the once gentle breeze is throwing sharp shards of rock at her. Lady Midnight sits in her position on the hill. She watches the city below, the towers lit up with witchlights. She watches as the lights slowly start to dim in the magnificent city below her, until the only light left are those on the borders. Walking out of the shadows, Lady Midnight walks down the hill, slowly. She makes sure to kick every small pebble in the soft grass, and blow at the dandelions that dot the hillside. At last she gets to the tall towers, and she sees the boundary line shimmer in the moonlight - only Shadowhunters can pass. But Lady Midnight just stands there and waits. She looks at the towers - as if in mockery - and just waits in silence. She sits right in front of the boundary line, where she can see the colors bouncing off the invisible rippling wall. It’s perfectly silent. Until - “Who’s there?” Lady Midnight turns around to see a pair of eyes - bright blue ones, the exact shade of heather. They stared at each other in silence, until the cat at the top of the hill starts moving towards Lady Midnight. “Who are you?” he calls again. There’s only silence… just silence… And in reply, Lady Midnight turns and runs into the city. ~ “Kingfisher lied, Britt.” At that, I roll my eyes. “Of course Fish lied. Why do you think he got grounded by Jem? He’s an ungrateful little jerk who doesn’t know how much Jem and I are doing for him. He should learn to -” “Britt? Britt!” I open my eyes wearily to see Liv in front of me, looking concerned. Liv. Liv. I look at her, fear starting to gnaw at me - but it’s really her. Not the lunatic Liv who decided that bursting into flames was good for my mental health. “Britt, are you alright?” she asks, cocking her head. “Liv … “ I breathe softly, getting out o my nest in the Sea Institute. The plain stone walls make me feel trapped, and I need to go outside - I need to go… “Britt, I’m scared.” Liv says softly, and I stare at her, surprised. Liv is usually the calm one - she tends to have control over our nerves when I get myself and Jem into sticky situations. But as I stare into her beautiful blue eyes, I can tell something is wrong- very wrong. All my claustrophobic thoughts forgotten, I sit down next to her, wrapping my tail around her. “What wrong, Oliva?” “It’s Fish.” she says sadly. I stiffen at once, and she can’t help but giggle. “Listen, alright? There’s no need for you to worry about that little creep that you used to love, alright? He’s just a jerk that -” I’m so caught up in my anger that I don’t notice Liv. “Um, Britt? Fish is, um, kinda my brother... “ I give her a sheepish grin, and bite my lip to keep the long string of snide remarks from flying out of my mouth. No need to make Liv more upset than she already is. “Spill, Liv.” “It’s just - I’m worried about Fish. He wasn’t there - last night …” I look at her curiously. “He didn’t come back to his nest last night. He’s missing.” I’m unable to hold back an exasperated sigh. “Liv, look. this is Kingfisher we’re talking about - he doesn’t listen. Why in the name of the Angel did you think he got grounded?” “But he didn’t really deserve-” I cut her off with a wave of my tail. “So you think that trying to remake the whole Sea Institute’s barrier in less than a day was a good idea? Liv, the mundanes could’ve seen the Institute because Fish broke down the mendelin charm! They would think that they’re going mad after they see us - cats just like them with freaky silver scars and whips!” “That’s not what I meant, Britt! Please listen, for once.” Liv’s tone makes me feel a bit guilty, but I push it away. “I meant that Jem shouldn’t have been so harsh on him.” “LIV. HE WAS EXPOSING SHADOWHUNTERS TO MUNDANES. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT JEM TO DO?” Liv looks like she’s going to cry again, and guilt claws more fiercely at me than before. “Fish… deserved that.” “And whose point are you trying to prove here, again?” “Britt, it’s just that - I’m telling you this because I don’t want to tell Jem.” She hangs her head, ashamed. “Why not?” I ask her, perplexed. “Jem will listen to you no matter what.” Liv makes a face - something I never thought I’d imagine seeing. “It’s because he’s with Jenna.” At that, I can’t help it - I burst out into laughter. Liv shrinks down even more, and I bite my lip to hold everything in. “There’s something awful about her - I can’t explain it. It’s like she’s surrounded by a layer of ice - it’s horrible.” She makes a sour face again before regaining her composure. “I see what you mean. It’s as if Jenna is just … not a cat in a way.” I shiver, and Liv manages a smile. “I’ll probably go and look for Fish now, I suppose.” Liv gets up and starts to walk out of the room. “Bye, Britt.” She runs out of my room and down the hall. Liv was right - Jem was with Jenna. I’m not going to get caught up in whatever they’re doing - well, I might if a monster decided to randomly appear on the spot. Which, sadly, has about an 88% chance of happening. I’m just hoping that we have a good day, and that no monsters decide to come - because honestly, I don’t think last night’s sleep was a good one - dreams of cats bursting in flame probably isn’t something that happens pretty often. I head straight down to the training area to get my sheath - and also, to burn off the energy that’s making me jumpy. The stone walls are covered with various weapons and tools - witchlights, sharp shards of rock, steles, whips made of poison ivy vines, and a bunch of other equipment that I don’t really care about. I realize that someone’s already here, and she’s working up a storm. She’s using one of the whips on the unbreakable dummies that are in the training room. It takes me a few seconds to realize who she is, and when I do, a smile breaks onto my face. “Savi! Savannah!” I call out - and she looks at me quizzically before running up to me. “Hi Britt! What brings you here?” she asks, lifting my mood. Savannah can just do that. It’s as if she radiates happiness, and she keeps everyone’s spirits up. She partially the reason that the cats in the Institute don’t rip each other apart. Well, we really can’t, as it’s pretty much just me, Savi, Jenna, Jem, and his siblings. “I could ask you the same thing.” “Well,” Savi shrugs. “There’s always work to be done. And I can’t always let you and Jem steal the show.” she adds, and I look at her amused. “But we’re stronger together - well, I’m already strong by myself, Jem just makes me stronger.” Savi rolls her eyes before beckoning me to the middle of the training floor. “You and Jem are only as strong as the other is - you guys are parabatai. Come on, let’s train.” Savi picks up her whip again, and I follow her, picking up one of the seraph blades. Muttering the invocating name - Israfel - I run up and join Savi, slashing at the dummy until it is just a bunch of moss and twigs. “And that’s how you destroy an unbreakable dummy.” Savi starts laughing, and I smile again. “We should do a bit of hunting, Savi.” I start walking out of the training room, when I hear a scream. ~ Lady Midnight runs through the city, where any cat can see her. She runs past the dens - the cats have turned off their witchlights and have gone to sleep. But Lady Midnight is wide awake as she runs through the glowing city. She can hear the pawsteps of the strange cat far behind her - calling for her, asking who she is. But she’s already given her answer - pure silence. She runs through small alleys, trying to twist her way up to the Institute of the glowing city. Lady Midnight finallys stops to catch her breath, where no one could see her - in the shadows. Her deep green gaze unblinking, she waits for the tom with the startling blue eyes come find her. He’ll come and find her - Lady Midnight counts on it. A hiss escapes Lady Midnight when she sees the tom pad up towards her hiding place. His ears perk up, and he looks around, finally meeting her gaze. He looks at her curiously, but Lady Midnight knows what she’s doing. Jumping quickly, she pins the tom down underneath her. The tom looks at her with fear - it’s evident on his face. His blue gaze is wide as she snarls. “You risk a bloody death if you don’t listen to me.” ~ Soon, I’m out of the Institute, heading towards the piercing screams, sheath full of deadly weapons. Savi is by my side, her whip ready to use. The first cat I find is Jem, who runs to me as soon as he sees me. “Britt, it’s a demon! Jenna’s fighting it right now - I came to get you.” Jem’s sea-green eyes are wide, and I feel something inside me blossom. “Come on!” Jem says, starting to run. “Really, James? Slow down. Rune up.” He shoots me a look - evidently annoyed that I used his own quote against him - before muttering a horrible word. But he ends up coming back to me, and I trace the runes into his fur - clairvoyance, equilibrium, and strength. I turn around and close my eyes as the stinging sensation of the stele on my fur calms down my nerves. “Savi, go on. We’ll catch up.” I say, and Savannah nods her head before running out of the camp. Jem continues to trace the runes slowly, before I start to get annoyed. “Jem, you know that it’s your girlfriend who’s fighting the demon, right?” I say fixedly, and Jem seems to snap out of a daze. “Oh! Yeah… let’s just go Brittany.” We start running, and I’m too worried to be mad at him - Brittany isn’t a very nice name, in my opinion. Jem rarely gets distracted - is something wrong? But my questions get cut off as I crash into Jem, who has - unknowingly to me - stopped. “It’s right there.” Jem points to a cat fighting Savi and Jenna. While Savi looks ragged and bloody, Jenna looks unhurt, and perfectly well… for some reason, that doesn’t seem right. But all my doubts about jenna seem to flow away; a swear word escapes from my mouth as I realize what exactly we were fighting. “James!” I say angrily. “Why didn’t you tell me that this was an eidolon demon?” “I got distracted…?” “How do you get distracted when there’s an eidolon demon on the loose?” I shake my head before grabbing my lovely seraph blade out of my sheath, which is strapped to my back. Looking back at Jem, who is busy getting his weapons out, I meet his gaze before signalling to the battle. “Let’s just get this battle over with before we get into another mess.” Jem says, not meeting my gaze. We both charge at the eidolon demon, and I signal for Savi and Jenna to stop and take a break - because obviously, Jem and I have come to finish this thing off once and for all. “Hey stupid!” I call out, distracting the demon as Jem creeps up behind it. He whirls around, and for a second, I feel my heart stop. It’s the same one - the same one from my dream. The demon looks like a cat - its fur is a light silver, with gray stripes running across his tail. He’d look normal to any other regular cat. But what distinguishes the eidolon to us is its eyes. This eidolon has blood red eyes. “You.” I whisper, anger boiling up in me. This is the same demon - the same demon who became the Behemoth, Liv, Jem, and even Jenna. This was the stupid demon who killed my night’s sleep. “So we meet again, Brittany.” the demon says - I’m only able to understand it because of the permanent language rune carved next to my parabatai one. I can see Jem throw me a questioning look as he waits for my signal. I shake my head at him before focusing again on the demon. “This is how it’ll end, Eidolon. You’ll be sorry you’ve ever bothered me.” The eidolon demon laughs and I see Jem poised to strike. “Divide and Conquer!” I yell, and Jem immediately slashes his blade against the demon. I can see the bubbly black ichor spill out from the wound. This is no ordinary eidolon demon. “Israfel!” I shout, touching the angelic rune carved into the blade. The seraph glows and grows into a long weapon, and I slash at the eidolon with it. But he is good. He deflects my block, and he jumps on top of me, pinning me down with his weight. “You are the perfect one.” “What does this perfect one do?” I ask angrily, trying to find a way to beat his iron grip. I stare at him, and - sadly, it only reminds me of the dream - Liv bursting into flames, Jem hating me, and Jenna… being well, Jenna. “I shall take you-” That’s when a good thing and a bad thing happen: The good is that I’m able to get out from the eidolon demon’s grasp because of Jem, who found the perfect moment to slash at him. The bad thing is that I got black ichor all over myself. There’s honestly nothing wrong with getting myself dirty - it usually ends up happening to me as I’m a Shadowhunter. getting dirty and fighting demons is pretty much my whole life at the moment. But demon ichor - especially that of a Greater Demon, like a eidolon - can be fatal to someone who touches it. And I happen to have it all over my pelt. “I’ve saved your sorry pelt twice, Britt. You owe me some answers.” Jem looks at me sternly, his sea-green eyes sharp. “Wait - I’ll tell you at the Sea-” I feel the rake of claws against my pelt as i choke back a scream. I whip around to see the eidolon demon - bleeding all over the forest floor - a wicked grin in his eyes. “And you’ll be coming with me, Brittany.” I manage to find my seraph blade and I slash him with it. “And that’s not happening.” I say with triumph. It’s evident now that the eidolon demon is finished. He falls to the ground, and the ichor spills out faster than before. “Jem!” I call. He’s on the other side of the demon, and he runs up to me. “Nice move.” he says grinning. We both look back at the demon, who’s starting to fade. “Lady Midnight awaits you, the parabatai.” And he fades away completely, leaving Jem and I staring at him in shock.
- Success was a Ferengi musical quartet, and the most popular recording act in the history of Ferenginar. Led by Grymi Success on the windsqueezer, the four rose from poverty in Kidneypond to global fame, selling recordings and playing to sold-out venues around the planet. Success has been scheduled to perform at the Isle of Grub Festival, which was billed as "Five Days of Music, Oo-mox, and Merchandising," but canceled their appearance when Grymi and his wife, Pino, instead decided to spend the day tied up in a tube grub harvesting sack, and the rest of the group left for Risa. The absence of Success caused a riot that injured over a hundred thousand. Soon after, Success released the album In Memory of the Fallen, a Tribute to the Tragedy at Grub, including the song "Grymi Says He's Sorry". The album sold a hundred million copies. (DS9 reference: Legends of the Ferengi)
- "Success" is a cover song by Duran Duran, released on the album Thank You by Capitol-EMI on 4 April 1995.
- By convention among players, the term success refers to a unit of measure for the advancement of a skill. A specific number of successes, given by formula, is required to reach each skill level. Successes in any of the prime skills also contribute to the class level. The original intent was that a single use of a skill gives one success, if the skill does not fail. In the game, this is not always true. The actual unit of advancement continues to be a secret known only to developers and possibly GMs. Players have tried to make various skills fit the formula for successes, by describing a single use as giving multiple successes, or a fraction of one success. When a character is starving, skills give zero successes. The skills continue to work; they do not always fail; but all advancement to the next skill level will stop.