| - Die Wilden Kerle (lit: "the wild guys") are a German movie series (based on the children's book series Die Wilden Fussball Kerle, which became The Wild Soccer Bunch in the Cultural Translation in America) from The Noughties about a team of boys (and Vanessa) who like to play football (soccer, for Americans). There are no less than five movies about them: 1.
* "Alles ist gut, solange du wild bist!": The team has a problem: A bunch of older bullies, lead by "fat Micky", have occupied the place where they use to play football. A match (naturally) shall decide who gets the right for the place. Fortunately, former football pro Willi is there to train the boys. 2.
* They need money for an upgrade of their sports field for a match vs. the national team, and Vanessa has fallen in love with the cool skater boy Gonzo and is missing for an important match. 3.
* "Die Attacke der Biestigen Biester": The bunch is challenged for the title of "wildest team in the world" - by an all-girls team, of all things. 4.
* "Der Angriff der Silberlichten": The team has to do a freestyle soccer contest against the "wolves of Ragnarök". Then, the "Silberlichten" team lead by the girl Horizon appears. And she tries to seduce the boys... 5.
* "Hinter dem Horizont": After Leon has disappeared, the team looks for him and crosses the borders of reality, it seems. They discover a castle inhabited by vampires, who challenge them to a "Soccer 3D" match. Especially the later movies weren't exactly liked by the critics, but they still were commercially successful.
* The Alcoholic: Willi has a problem.
* Broken Pedestal: Willi in the first movie, when they learn (from fat Micky, of all people) that Willi wasn't a pro as he claimed.
* But Not Too Foreign: Rocce, the half-Brazilian
* Catch Phrase: "Alles ist gut, solange du wild bist!" (Everything's cool, as long as you're wild!)
* Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Willi disappeared after the first movie. Other members of the team were Put on a Bus. Sometimes, The Bus Came Back.
* Cool Bike: For a gag, in the bike scenes they added sound effects of motorbikes. And in #4, they get real bikes.
* The Cuckoolander Was Right: When Leon disappears in #5, Raban and Joschka get the idea that he was abducted by vampires.
* A Day in the Limelight: Each and everyone of the "Wilden Kerle" has their own book.
* Defeat Means Friendship
* Department of Redundancy Department: Unbesiegbare Sieger, Biestige Biester (two of their opponents)
* Distaff Counterpart: Die biestigen Biester
* Early Installment Weirdness: Inverted. The first movies were about mundane topics, but in the latter they had to play against vampires. ???
* Earth Drift
* Face Heel Turn / Heel Face Turn: Several members have left the "Wilden Kerle" for the one or other reason, and sometimes even joined other teams, but returned later. More common in the movies.
* Fat Bastard: Der dicke Michi (fat Micky)
* Film of the Book: Five of them.
* Free-Range Children: A very Egregious case. Im the fifth movie, they look for Leon who has disappeared. The search takes ten months! Do they still have parents??
* Gadgeteer Genius: Hadschi, "Düsentrieb" in #5 for the vampires.
* Genre Shift: The first movie was a quite conventional kids' sports movie. Later movies added romance (appropriate since the boys grew up), adventure (OK, I guess) and fantasy / horror (???).
* Loads and Loads of Characters: Justified, you need eleven people for a real football team. Many of those (at least of our heroes) get A Day in the Limelight.
* Love Interest: Gonzo for Vanessa in the 2nd, Horizon in the 4th movie.
* The Merch: Including stuff you "need" if you want to found an official "Wilde Kerle" team in Real Life.
* Nerd Glasses: Raban
* Oddly-Named Sequel 2: Electric Boogaloo: All of them, except #2.
* One Steve Limit: However, in another way broken - until the books came out, "Joschka" pretty much referred to politician Joschka Fischer.
* Our Vampires Are Different: In #5. They like to play what you may call 3D soccer.
* Putting the Band Back Together: In #3.
* The Quiet One: Maxi, who never speaks
* Repetitive Name: Hadschi ben Hadschi ben Hadschi ben Hadschi. (Shout-Out to Karl May.)
* The Series: Animated, will come to your TV in 2012.
* Shout-Out: Two vampires are named "Jekyll" and "Hyde".
* The Smurfette Principle: Vanessa.
* Inverted with their opponent team "Die biestigen Biester" - all females
* Team Pet: The dog Socke.
* Token Minority: Deniz, the Turk
* Tomboy: Vanessa, natch. She wants to become the first woman in the (men's!) national team.
* Unfortunate Names: "Die biestigen Biester" can mean "the beastly beasts" or even "the bitchy bitches".
* Write What You Know: Author / director Joachim Masannek trained a boys' soccer team.
* Write Who You Know: Two main characters are named Leon and Marlon, like the sons of the author.