Located in the middle near the Imagination Collector. Complete quick build for jumper, use steam vent to shoot to platform. Walk around to the large white platform and use a speed booster to cross span. Jump between hands to get brick.
The Brick is located in the free hand of the minifig statue. It can be reached via the Yellow Path.
The Brick is located above the Stromling Ape guarding the bouncer to the Pirate Camp. It can be reached by carefully double jumping off the cliff while using a speed booster.
The Brick is located in middle vat near the vendors in the Paradox Refinery, and is disguised as a confined monster. To uncover it, you must smash the pile of pipes and quick build it into another pile. Smash that pile and quick build it into a console. Use the console to reveal the brick. A common work-around states that jumping around the back of the vat should allow you to get the brick.
The Brick is located at the top of the concert stage in Red Blocks. It can be reached by constructing four of the same stage effects at the same time, which opens the stairs for a medium amount of time.
The Brick is located in the back of the lighthouse. It can be reached by using a Pet Bouncer.
Located near Sherland Powers. Either quick build part of the bridge and wait until it is 1/2 open, then it is easy to jump up to the brick. Or, have someone open the far side of the bridge, then jump to the back of the up side and jump up the steps until you can reach the brick.