| - This is simply a matter of detecting whether you are in the intro camera, or intro swirl. The intro camera is viewing the level, and the intro swirl is the swirl around Bond when the level is about to begin. It can be placed in 04XX or 10XX blocks, but generally it should be in 10XX blocks. The detection is done using return value commands CE, and CF, which in the example below goto 0201 if they are current in the swirl, and simply continue executing commands otherwise. For example, if in the intro swirl: repeat… If not in any intros:
| - This is simply a matter of detecting whether you are in the intro camera, or intro swirl. The intro camera is viewing the level, and the intro swirl is the swirl around Bond when the level is about to begin. It can be placed in 04XX or 10XX blocks, but generally it should be in 10XX blocks. The detection is done using return value commands CE, and CF, which in the example below goto 0201 if they are current in the swirl, and simply continue executing commands otherwise. For example, if in the intro swirl: 0200 ;do nothing for now AD Loop until intro is done ; comments are ignored 03 ;leave the routine once, this is needed to avoid inf loop for backwards CE01 Detect if in intro camera, we aren’t, so don’t do anything CF01 Detect if in intro swirl, we are, so goto 0201 0201 0100 Goto beginning, then goto first 0200 repeat… If not in any intros: 0200 ;do nothing for now AD Loop until intro is done ; comments are ignored 03 ;leave the routine once, this is needed to avoid inf loop for backwards CE01 Detect if in intro camera, we aren’t, so don’t do anything CF01 Detect if in intro swirl, we aren’t, so don’t do anything 0002 Goto 0202 0202 AD Do whatever want here ;… program continues with whatever you want 05FD0001 ;this just exits the routine so it never is active again