Captain Tsubasa: Endless Dream (キャプテン翼 ENDLESS DREAM), also known as Captain Tsubasa: Weekly Shonen Jump 40th Anniversary and similar variations, and originally titled simply Captain Tsubasa, is a 50-page long oneshot of the Captain Tsubasa series. It was released in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Shueisha's shonen magazine Weekly Shonen Jump, the same magazine where the series debuted. It was republished as a special separate booklet included with #2 of the tankobon edition of Captain Tsubasa: Kaigai Gekito Hen en La Liga as part of Captain Tsubasa's 30th anniversary, released on sale on 2010-10-19.
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| - Captain Tsubasa: Endless Dream (2008)
| - Captain Tsubasa: Endless Dream (キャプテン翼 ENDLESS DREAM), also known as Captain Tsubasa: Weekly Shonen Jump 40th Anniversary and similar variations, and originally titled simply Captain Tsubasa, is a 50-page long oneshot of the Captain Tsubasa series. It was released in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Shueisha's shonen magazine Weekly Shonen Jump, the same magazine where the series debuted. It was republished as a special separate booklet included with #2 of the tankobon edition of Captain Tsubasa: Kaigai Gekito Hen en La Liga as part of Captain Tsubasa's 30th anniversary, released on sale on 2010-10-19.
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| - Captain Tsubasa: Endless Dream
Original run
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| - Front cover of the booklet edition
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| - Captain Tsubasa: Endless Dream (キャプテン翼 ENDLESS DREAM), also known as Captain Tsubasa: Weekly Shonen Jump 40th Anniversary and similar variations, and originally titled simply Captain Tsubasa, is a 50-page long oneshot of the Captain Tsubasa series. It was released in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Shueisha's shonen magazine Weekly Shonen Jump, the same magazine where the series debuted. It was republished as a special separate booklet included with #2 of the tankobon edition of Captain Tsubasa: Kaigai Gekito Hen en La Liga as part of Captain Tsubasa's 30th anniversary, released on sale on 2010-10-19. The oneshot was original released in Weekly Shonen Jump #36 (2008), cover date #2008-08-18 (on sale starting 2008-08-04). Of the Weekly Jump 40th Anniversary series, it is part 11. The story has some inconsistencies with previous series, much like the epilogue of World Youth Hen has with Road to 2002 and following series. Despite these inconsistencies, due to the way the story is presented, it is believed to be part of the canon of the regular series. If this is correct, Endless Dream is the last story of the Kids' Dream arc.