| - The Villa is a building on FarmVille. The Mini Villa is the miniature version of it.
- Villa can be unlocked after completing the job Connect With La Familia in Region 1: Roma.
* File:Item volcanicbrick 01.png Set of Volcanic Bricks You can collect your income every 4 hours.
- A villa is a type of house.
- Villa is an Argonian who resides in Hissmir, Shadowfen.
- The Villa is a location in Resort Area exclusive to Pokémon Platinum. When the player arrives at the Villa, a person shows the player around about the Villa on whom the previous owner gave to the player. People such as the player's mom, Gym Leaders, Professor Rowan, Dawn/Lucas, and the player's rival visits here from time to time. Here, the player can decorate their new house with stuff such as furniture. When this place is entered, the table is the only thing in the house with the catalog book on it.
- Die Villa ist ein Ort im Sierra Madre. Sie ist komplett von der Wolke verdunkelt und an einigen Stellen gibt es hochkonzentrierte Wolkenansammlungen.
- The Villa (formerly Solano's Villa) is a large estate to the south-west of Venezuela, and is currently the Head Quarters for the Private Military Company in Mercenaries 2: World in Flames.
- This arena is based somewhat after Daniel Carrington's villa. It has many of the same colors (white, orange, green, yellow, brown, and blue) and textures. No ladders in this arena all ramps with many elevation changes. There is some sniping points and drop throughs, secret ledge ( where you can reach the long hallway from the bottom floor; very useful especially if trapped in this room), and a pillar with the #4 gun slot on top of it.
- Villa is one of the Skywars maps on Minecraft Central. It was added 19th February 2016 and was made by Savage_Hotdog.
- Villa was a man responsible for helicopters used by CTU Los Angeles, and was mentioned by Alberta Green during Day 1.
- The Villa is a location in the Sierra Madre. The entire area is blanketed by the Cloud, and has several pockets of high-concentration Cloud.
- Villa ist eine Multiplayerkarte aus Call of Duty: Black Ops.thumb|Ein Blick auf die Map
- Villa eli Wool on Creative 0.0.20 -päivityksen mukana peliin lisätty kuutio. Sitä saa joko valmistamalla langasta tai keritsemällä lampaita. Villa palaa helposti, ja se on heikko suoja räjähdyksiä vastaan. Villaa voi keritä keritsimien avulla. Sitä voi myös värjätä 16 eri väriin väriaineilla. Värit ovat valkoinen, vaaleanharmaa, harmaa, musta, punainen, oranssi, keltainen, limentti, vihreä, vaaleansininen, syaani, sininen, violetti, magenta, vaaleanpunainen ja ruskea. Kuutta niistä (valkoinen, vaaleanharmaa, harmaa, musta, ruskea ja vaaleanpunainen) voi löytää myös luonnollisesti oikean värisiltä lampailta.
- La Villa estaba planeada para ser el sitio vacacional acompañante del Sierra Madre, Frederick Sinclair contrató a una empresa acreditada y con buena fama para la construcción del Sierra Madre, y otra empresa con mala fama y desconfiable para la construcción de la villa, ocasionando asi que la Villa fuese construida con Cartón Piedra.La Villa estaba pensada para ser autosuficiente, siendo este el caso en el que Sinclair instaló las máquinas expendedoras del Sierra madre por toda la villa, para que los residentes de esta pudieran obtener cualquier tipo de alimento, bebida o traje a cambio de Fichas del Sierra Madre.
- thumb|Мини-карта Villa — сетевая карта из Call of Duty: Black Ops. Основана на миссии Операция 40.
- In Multiplayer mode, the player must finish the story mode once to unlock the Villa.
- Lone Star Community College 'Stabbing Attack' Leaves 12 Hospitalized Lone Star Community College outside of Houston was the scene of a horrific "stabbing" attack on Tuesday. At least fourteen people were injured and four were airlifted to the hospital in critical condition. Witnesses described the suspect as using a box-cutter; but that has not been confirmed. An unnamed suspect is in custody after being subdued by a student. Harris County Deputy Thomas Gilliland said the suspect, who has not been identified, was seen going "from building to building," as reported by USAToday. Some conflicting reporting is already happening with this story; as it is breaking. One report say that 15 people were injured and that a group of students subdued the attacker. Whoever subdued the attacker is a hero