| - Stingmon sind Insektendigimon, die man nur selten zu Gesicht bekommt, da sie sich meistens in den tiefen, dunklen Wäldern der Digiwelt aufhalten. Durch ihre guten Sinne können sie aber mögliche Feinde trotzdem mühelos ausmachen und sie überraschend angreifen und gnadenlos besiegen. Dabei nutzen sie ihre extreme Geschwindigkeit und ihre hohe Intelligenz, wegen welcher sie für Champion-Digimon außerdem ziemlich stark sind und es so sogar mit dem ein oder anderen Ultra-Digimon aufnehmen können.
- Stingmon is a virus type, champion level plant attribute Digimon. Its name and design are derived from a bee's stinger and monster. It digivolves form Wormmon and can further into Paildramon with ExVeemon. For some reason, it's humaniod. A Stingmon plays a major role in season 2 of the anime.
- Stingmon is an Insectoid Digimon whose name and design are derived from the stinger of a bee. It is an extremely unusual Insectoid Digimon which possesses a humanoid shape. It possesses nimble movements and the tough exoskeleton characteristic to Insectoid Digimon. It excels in its abilities as an assassin, aiming at the opponent's vitals by accurately and keenly discerning the way they carry their body, and specializes in attacks that silence the opponent with a single blow. It is highly intelligent due to its extreme composure, and is the owner of a cool disposition. It wields the "Spikes" on both of its arms.
- thumb|leftStingmon ist Wormmons Digitation. Er ist Kens Partnerdigimon bloß digitiert.
- Wormmon first Digivolved to Stingmon when he and Ken were pursuing a mysterious woman through the DigiWorld, after she had materialized in Ken’s bedroom, and subsequently disappeared. The trail led them to a Punimon village, which was being rebuilt by the new DigiDestined at the time. While working underground, Cody and Digmon were attacked by Thundermon, and Digmon reverted to Armadillomon. When the tunnel collapsed, Armadillomon Digivolved into Ankylomon for the first time, but Cody was swept up in Thundermon’s destructive wake. As he was hurled through the air, he bumped into Stingmon, who flew him to safety, and then destroyed Thundermon, much to the shock of the kids. Stingmon then reverted to Wormmon, and he and Ken made themselves scarce.