| - Shelob is a hero for the Goblin Faction; the giant female spider.
- Schelob è un aracnide che vive all'interno del Regno di Mordor, più precisamente in un insieme di cunicoli e gallerie nei pressi della torre e della scalinata di Cirith Ungol, nella Catena del Morgai, vicino a Minas Morgul. Una dei discendenti della stirpe di Ungoliant, viene definita come "l'ultima figlia di Ungoliant nel tormentare il mondo infelice". Viene presentata ne Le due Torri, capitolo IX, "la Tana di Shelob".
- Shelob is one of the rarest STTs. It is now very rare and very sought after. It sells for high prices on eBay but is still rarely seen on there.
- Shelob is a giant spider from The Lord of the Rings, residing in Mordor. She is a descendant of Ungoliant, and the mother of many of the giant spiders of Mirkwood. Agents occasionally use her to dispose of Mary Sues.
- Shelob was one of the countless brood of Ungoliant, an ancient monster in arachnid form, created, possibly, by the perversions of Morgoth. Shelob was the greatest of Ungoliant’s spawn, many times larger than even the largest of Mirkwood’s spiders. Shelob took up residence in the Ephel Duath, near Cirith Ungol in the passes above Minas Morgul. For thousands of years she resided in this mountainous region, making a labyrinth of webs within a network of caves to better entrap her would-be prey. She captured Frodo Baggins and incapacitated him and was fought off by Sam. She is also very similar to Aragog from Harry Potter.
- Shelob was a Great Spider, chief among the offspring of Ungoliant, a distant relative of the spiders that dwelt in Mirkwood. During the Third Age she lived in Mordor and was known to feed indiscriminately, preying on , , , and alike. She is a temporary once the "Terror of Cirith Ungol" (3pp) spellbook power has been purchased. She immediately starts off as useful since she can fling back enemy units from the start, making her great for disrupting a cavalry charge or other formations. All three of her abilities are available as soon as she is summoned.
- Shelob was a Great Spider. She was the greatest offspring of Ungoliant. During the Third Age she lived in Mordor and was known to feed indiscriminately, preying on Orcs, Men, Elves, and Dwarves alike. She was encountered by Frodo and Sam in their quest to destroy the One Ring.
- Shelob, Guardian of the Ephel Duath.Immortal daughter of a demonic mother, Shelob occupied the caverns of Cirith Ungol for two full Ages, serving as a guard for Mordor. She owed no loyalty to Sauron, but rather operated on her own initiative in a way that served his needs ,much as the desires of a cat to kill vermin serve the needs of the man whose house she chooses to occupy. Indeed, Sauron often would send otherwise useless prisoners to Shelob as a man would give his cat the giblets of a hen he had slaughtered for his own table, yet "his cat he calls her, but she owns him not" (the Redbook of Westmarch, commenting on Shelob's relationship to Sauron). Indeed, Shelob had precious little use for Sauron beyond considering him a source of occasional treats.
- Shelob guards the second entrance to Mordor- the pass of Cirith Ungol. Gollum takes the hobbits Frodo and Sam this route as an alternative way into the Black Land (the only other known way to enter Mordor being the Black Gate) and they encounter Shelob. Gollum had met the giant spider before and convinced her not to eat him and leads the hobbits to her so that she will eat them so he can recover his "precious" (the Ring). Shelob poisons Frodo and Sam thinks that his master is dead, but this is not the case: Shelob's venom basically knocks you out and makes you go completely limp and seem dead. But like her smaller cousins Shelob likes her prey fresh and if you live long enough to wake up from the poison you'll probably have no worse than a headache.