In 2143, during the Mankind-Zangali War, the colony ship Bonaventure fled Earth carrying a zealot named Corbin Daltanov and his followers. These people, primarily of Eurasian descent, believed Daltonov was a messiah delivering them to a holy land. After failing to find Eden, Daltonov proclaimed that if he could not find the holy land in this world, then it obviously must be found in the next.
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| - Ungstiri (Millennium Era)
| - In 2143, during the Mankind-Zangali War, the colony ship Bonaventure fled Earth carrying a zealot named Corbin Daltanov and his followers. These people, primarily of Eurasian descent, believed Daltonov was a messiah delivering them to a holy land. After failing to find Eden, Daltonov proclaimed that if he could not find the holy land in this world, then it obviously must be found in the next.
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| - Vacuum Tolerance, Zero-G Aptitude, Stubborn
| - +1 Willpower, -1 Charisma
| - In 2143, during the Mankind-Zangali War, the colony ship Bonaventure fled Earth carrying a zealot named Corbin Daltanov and his followers. These people, primarily of Eurasian descent, believed Daltonov was a messiah delivering them to a holy land. After failing to find Eden, Daltonov proclaimed that if he could not find the holy land in this world, then it obviously must be found in the next. Daltonov then commanded his followers to take their lives through an overdose of painkillers so they could transcend the realm of the flesh. Some were ready to follow -- a few even did -- but most soundly rejected the idea as ridiculous. Starshij Lejtenant Stefan Boromov and Mladshij Praporschik Illiyana Romanov lead a mutiny and seized control of the colony vessel, and on November 30, 2193, fifty years after their departure from Earth, these surviving mutineers were the first to step out upon Youngster. Youngster was the Eden that the original Daltanov followers had been searching for. A vast, lush land covered in flora and fauna Youngster was as close to paradise as one could imagine.