The panic room fad originated from the upsurge in violent home invasions following the apocalyptic madness of 2000. The major 24-hour news channels began reporting exclusively home invasions by dark individuals in hoods or masks, who by all accounts simply swelled from the depths of surrounding seemingly harmless bogs, dells, and sewers. The televisions rattled and screeched almost non-stop with telephone-call recordings consisting of nothing but faint cries for help, prayers, moans, gasping, screaming, and finally silence as the last, slender copper lifeline to the outside world was brutally sliced. The 24-hour-a-day frenzy ceased as fast as it began, as break-ins became so commonplace that the news stopped reporting them.
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| - Panic Room
- Panic Room
- Panic room
| - Panic Room est un film de suspense américain de David Fincher sorti en 2002. Avec ce film, David Fincher réalise, d’abord, un exercice de style particulièrement réussi. Mais il crée aussi une atmosphère prenante dans la mise en place de son huis clos et, parallèlement, jette un regard caustique sur la recherche du besoin de sécurité absolue qui caractérise nombre de citoyens de son pays. Il se permet même une subtile réflexion – cinématographique - sur les différences de destin selon la condition sociale à travers le jeu de l’apparence et de la réalité.
- The panic room fad originated from the upsurge in violent home invasions following the apocalyptic madness of 2000. The major 24-hour news channels began reporting exclusively home invasions by dark individuals in hoods or masks, who by all accounts simply swelled from the depths of surrounding seemingly harmless bogs, dells, and sewers. The televisions rattled and screeched almost non-stop with telephone-call recordings consisting of nothing but faint cries for help, prayers, moans, gasping, screaming, and finally silence as the last, slender copper lifeline to the outside world was brutally sliced. The 24-hour-a-day frenzy ceased as fast as it began, as break-ins became so commonplace that the news stopped reporting them.
- The panic room, or safe room, is a room connected to a house or other location that can be secured upon entry. They are typically used in case of a break-in or home invasion, but also can be used for refuge from natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes. To date, Candace is the only member of the family known to use the panic room. For a while, she kept her stuffed bear, Mr. Miggins, in the room, and discussed strategy with him on how to capture one of the robots that had frightened her a few minutes before. ("I, Brobot," when she has a short nervous breakdown)
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| - file:Shieldtrigger.jpg S・トリガー
■ バトルゾーンにある相手の進化でないクリーチャーを1体選び、裏向きにし、新しいシールドとして持ち主のシールドゾーンに加える。その後、相手のシールドをひとつ選び、相手はそれは手札に加える。
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| - DMR-05 Episode 2: Golden Age
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| - Candace and Mr. Miggins in the Panic Room
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| - しまった! うっかりした! -Explodemaru, Careless Ogre
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| - ■ Choose one of your opponent's non-evolution creatures in the battle zone and add it to its owner's shields face down. Then, choose one of your opponent's shields. Your opponent adds it to his hand.
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| - The panic room, or safe room, is a room connected to a house or other location that can be secured upon entry. They are typically used in case of a break-in or home invasion, but also can be used for refuge from natural disasters like tornadoes and hurricanes. At the Flynn-Fletcher house, the entrance to the panic room is located inside a crate in the basement. A ladder leads down to the panic room. The room itself is sparse and metal-lined. For unknown reason, cell phones can be used there, even though it would undoubtedly be out of range. The only decoration appears to be a framed needlepoint canvas that says, "The Panic Room". The Panic Room is apparently used merely as a safe haven for when one family member needs to calm down. To date, Candace is the only member of the family known to use the panic room. For a while, she kept her stuffed bear, Mr. Miggins, in the room, and discussed strategy with him on how to capture one of the robots that had frightened her a few minutes before. ("I, Brobot," when she has a short nervous breakdown) Candace would later return to the panic room after she thought Ferb was an alien. ("Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers") Linda from the 2nd Dimension also used a 2nd dimension panic room in the house of the 2nd Dimension's Flynn-Fletchers.
- Panic Room est un film de suspense américain de David Fincher sorti en 2002. Avec ce film, David Fincher réalise, d’abord, un exercice de style particulièrement réussi. Mais il crée aussi une atmosphère prenante dans la mise en place de son huis clos et, parallèlement, jette un regard caustique sur la recherche du besoin de sécurité absolue qui caractérise nombre de citoyens de son pays. Il se permet même une subtile réflexion – cinématographique - sur les différences de destin selon la condition sociale à travers le jeu de l’apparence et de la réalité.
- The panic room fad originated from the upsurge in violent home invasions following the apocalyptic madness of 2000. The major 24-hour news channels began reporting exclusively home invasions by dark individuals in hoods or masks, who by all accounts simply swelled from the depths of surrounding seemingly harmless bogs, dells, and sewers. The televisions rattled and screeched almost non-stop with telephone-call recordings consisting of nothing but faint cries for help, prayers, moans, gasping, screaming, and finally silence as the last, slender copper lifeline to the outside world was brutally sliced. The 24-hour-a-day frenzy ceased as fast as it began, as break-ins became so commonplace that the news stopped reporting them. In the confusion, the anarchist parties of several world superpowers rose to prominence, but even they, with their outback minutemen and click-load tyre guns on the fences, were forced to admit defeat. A heroic army of suicidals, organized into military-style platoons, "volunteered" to undertake the deadly task of erecting a rolling battery of barbed-wire fences to stem the sheer tide of homicidal street punks and beatboxers, base-bopping their bloody way to icy-eyed world domination one screaming single mother and stranded local biddy at a time.