| - "Who are you, and by what right do you ask favors of me?"
- "The followers of R'hllor are a danger. Whoever they won't convert, they will sacrifice."
- "Old gods, new gods, they're all just stories. I have no interest in religion."
- "My name is Oskar, my [lord/lady]. I have sought visions of the Old Gods north of the Wall, and ..." he looks proud, "...dare to call myself a Greenseer."
- "What must the Old Gods be defended from? Does something threaten them?"
- With Terrei in Essos, you are visited by a man claiming to speak for the Old Gods. "We need men and arms, my [lord/lady]. The Old Gods must be defended!"
- Oskar bows to your heart tree. "How many still keep a Godswood? We have been under attack since the Andals. But the red priests pose a new threat."
- "Winter is coming. We cannot allow the wisdom of the Old Gods to be lost."