| - After Avatar Korra arrived in Republic City and joined the Fire Ferrets, she became good friends with Mako and Bolin. Following Bolin's kidnapping by the Equalists, Korra and Mako infiltrated Amon's revelation rally and rescued him before Amon had the chance to remove his earthbending. Mako became romantically involved with Asami after she accidentally hit him with her moped. When Amon attacked and significantly damaged the Pro-bending Arena, Mako and Bolin moved to Asami's mansion to live with her and her father. During a visit to the Sato estate, Korra overheard Hiroshi talking on the phone in a suspicious manner, making her very concerned. After warning Chief Beifong and Tenzin, the three of them, along with the Metalbending Police Force, successfully located a secret Equalist factory beneath the Sato mansion. After being ambushed by Hiroshi and the other Equalists in the factory, a brief battle ensued. Following the investigating team's defeat by Hiroshi's mecha tanks, Mako and Bolin took it upon themselves to rescue Korra, Tenzin, and Lin. With Asami's help, the group was able to escape Hiroshi's forces and flee from the estate on a police airship. Korra told Mako that he, Bolin, and Asami were welcome to live on Air Temple Island with her. Respective to their opposition to the Equalists, a major reason behind their formation was to revolt against Tarrlok's methods of law enforcement, which was perceived as counterproductive and oppressive.