| - Das Community-Portal dient als Einstiegsseite für die Community. Hier findest du hilfreiche Links zum Start. Generelle Informationen über dieses Wiki kannst du dieser Seite entnehmen.
- Welcome to My English Wiki! The Community Portal is where this wiki community comes together to organize and discuss projects for the wiki. To see the most recent discussions, click the Discussion tab above. You can find out more general information about the wiki on the About page.
- Why one should think of humans as an undifferentiated unit is an open question. It works for a herd of grazing cows; they demonstrate all the typical traits of a community. By comparison, if the human world were a community, one would assume the victims of an opera-house massacre would not have scrambled to find the nearest exit.
- Hubert ist der Hahn des Hofes.Er kräht jeden morgen.Und auch tagsüber mal.
- LGBT community or Gay community is a term used to describe the gay, LGBT, or queer demographic. Within this demographic are many identifiable "sub-communities" - the leather community, the Bear community, the chubby community, the lesbian community, the bisexual community, the transgendered community, the drag community, the rave community, and so on---each of which represents a sub-demographic of the "gay community" at large. In other cases, the speaker may be referring only to gay men.
- Community is the second episode of Zero: Black Blood
- Community Pakistan is an emerging Pakistani Social Portal, showcasing latest news and events details in Pakistan.
- Welcome to the community. PS3E's users are driven by a ranking system that is totally unique for any encyclopedia. This makes us and other users/guests able to know how experienced you are on the Playstation 3 gaming system. You can also become an expert on single-subject articles. You have to be dominated for this to happen. To become a part of the community and experience PS3E's features as it should be, you will have to register, and sign in. You do not need to write down any personal information at all when registering. The community is a fun place. The adventure of PS3E has yet started, and even now, users are signing up, and posting comments. You may interact with other users in the shoutbox always placed on the left side of every site on the network.
- These are members with Wikia pages. Everyone is allowed to edit these.
* tehviruss
* San Ting
* Sangheili God
* The Jeffers
* Aussiemon
* MuffledMuffin
* Killer Chief 97
* Smoof
* CrazedOne1988
* Kinkydan
* AngryWaffle
* flairza
* PersonNinja
* SavageReindeer
- A community is
- Audio Engineering Society.
- Community (集【コミュニティ】, Komyuniti) is episode 2 of the Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro anime.
- Icis Leibgarde, Nana92
- The PEZ enthusiasts form a widespread community. They stay in touch by way of newsletters, forums, webrings, museums, conventions, web sites, and on-line auctions.
- Mortal Online community info
- New dedicated facebook group for Psychonauts:
- This is a list of useful EverQuest Fan sites.
- This page is under development.
- Type in to see pepper clark ( me) blog!
- The Ice Hockey Wiki community is a small but dedicated group of people who love ice hockey and are bound by a common goal: to build the most complete and accurate ice hockey encyclopedia ever written. We all have our very own Specialty. If you have any question about the wiki itself or about editing, you should ask our three administrators: DMighton, founder of the IHW, Fanofpucks and Yannzgob. We have a discussion page, the Locker Room. Don't hesitate to drop by the place and ask questions, propose things or join ongoing discussions!
- This page links to resources available to the Soap Bubble Wiki community. It will be a central repository for links and information about wiki community features that might not be obvious. As of Feb. 2011, we are still learning about all the features and determining how to best structure the wiki and how to manage discussions. Each article has a talk page and the site has a Community Portal and Forum. Additionally, the Community Portal has its own Talk page
- Community is a relatively permanent association of humans or other animals with common interest in living together in one physical location. Unfortunately the word is often used euphemistically to describe political interests or groups of government organizations, as in "the international community" or "the intelligence community."
- Early in 2013, Tyler started a Kickstarter to enable full-time development on some core features of HabitRPG (now known as Habitica). The initial goal for funding was set to $25,000 USD. This was exceeded and, by the time the funding period had ended, a total of $41,191 USD had been pledged by 2,817 people. Thus, the community has played a key role in Habitica's development since its early stages.
- Softimage community is great Topics:
* Forums
* Blogs
* Social Media
* Mailing List
- logan96 poochiha
- Community is a comedy series broadcast on NBC from 2009 to 2014, and on Yahoo! Screen from 2015 onward. The series, created by Dan Harmon, focuses on the adventures of a group of students at a fictional community college in Colorado. In interviews, series creator Dan Harmon has compared the character of Abed to other sitcom "shamanic" characters, such as Reverend Jim on Taxi, Snoopy from "Peanuts", and Gonzo.
- Welcome to the Ninja Warrior Wiki Community. This Wiki is open to anyone to edit so we encourage you to use your knownledge of Ninja Warrior Sasuke and contribute to this wiki. You can find the community portal where you can meet new members and learn about Ninja Warrior Wiki right here: Ninja Warrior Wiki Community Portal
- For links to many forums elsewhere see: See also: Video help and search links. Click the Google search links for videos, and then switch over to web searches. Add "forum" and/or city name to the searches. See also the many forums, Facebook pages, meetup.com pages, chapter links, etc. found by looking at the many city and pages.
- The Civilization community is spread over multiple sites on the internet. Here we attempt to list and describe them all in alphabetical order.
- L'insieme di appasionati che seguono e migliorano i loro giochi preferiti. Quella di Gothic III si dimostrata probabilmente una delle più sfegatate arrivando a creare diverse patch non-ufficiali per migliorare il gioco.
- Pirates Online is a global game. Though the system is based in the United States and all of the components are in English, players from around the world are fighting, sailing and socializing around the clock. Though Disney Online provides support to their players a number of other outlets exist for the pirate community at large.
- Community is an American television comedy series created by Dan Harmon that premiered on September 17, 2009 on NBC.
- thumb Community es una comedia televisiva estadounidense creada por Dan Harmon y emitida por NBC y Yahoo!, que trata sobre un grupo de estudiantes que asisten a una universidad comunitaria situada en la ciudad ficticia de Greendale, Colorado. La serie se caracteriza por utilizar humor meta (humor autorreferente) y por hacer continuas alusiones a la cultura popular, a menudo parodiando los clichés del cine y la televisión.
- Die Community sind alle angemeldeten User auf dem Wakfu wiki. Übersicht:
* Aktive Benutzer
* Admins
* Bürokraten
* Oversighter
* "Hausmeister"
* Helfer
* Checkuser-Berechtigte
* Rollbacks
* Bots
* Staff
- The Player Community in Atlantica Online is one of the best of any MMORPG I (Smashix) have played.
- The Attack has a loyal community of fans. The "official" name for the community is the Attack Pile or just the Pile, and often they are simply referred to as the Attack fam. Since the stream is community funded, the fans are literally the reason the stream exists. The community interacts with the Attack staff and with each other in several ways.
- In a LittleBigPlanet game, after unlocking access to the community, you can use all of the game's online features after accepting the EULA. When connected to any LittleBigPlanet server, you can publish your own levels, play or download published, and play with other players online.
- The player base of Puzzle Pirates has formed a highly social community. This runs the gamut from social interactions in-game, on the forums, and in real-life to creating things to share with fellow players. Image:Stub.pngArr! This article be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- You found this page accidentally. To prevent this from happening, simply have you mouse go over this link and then the rest of the links should pop up. Then proceed to do the same until you can't do it anymore, and then you click on an article that interests you. Thanks for using Pikmin Wiki!
- The community includes Jagex moderators (Jagex staff members) and player moderators (ordinary players who Jagex hand-picks as trusted, and who have extended capabilities when reporting players). Members and high-level free players may also contribute to the RuneScape Forums, where the community can discuss various aspects of the game and website, speculate about future updates, and make suggestions for new content. The forums also include a section called "Community - Plan events and interact with other players". Jagex has described the forum community of RuneScape as "the second largest in the world".
- Community.wikia.com is a site where wikians (and Wikipedians) can explore ways to build community and lasting associations throughout Wikia. The association begins with the current definition of Community represented by its main article at Wikipedia.
- File:Redirectltr.pngw:c:communityThis page is a soft redirect.
- thumb|298pxCommunity ist eine US-amerikanische Fernsehsendung.
- Community is a comedy series about a suspended lawyer who is forced to enroll in a community college with an electric staff and student body.
- Eine Community ist eine Sonderform der Gemeinschaft. Es geht dabei um Menschen, die einander via Internet begegnen und sich dort austauschen. Findet die Kommunikation in einem Sozialen Netzwerk statt, das als Plattform zum gegenseitigen Austausch von Meinungen, Eindrücken und Erfahrungen dient, spricht man auch von Sozialen Medien.
- Note, you can find us sometimes in IRC on gamesurge.net, at #gamedesign. Please feel free to join in! There are lots of ways you can contribute, for instance:
* Express opinions
* Watch User talk:Community: This location has been set up as a posting board for discussions going on elsewhere on the site.
* Add specific pieces
* Create a character generation utility: One of our most pressing needs is for a character generation utility. This would look good on someone's resumé.
* Create a new module: WikiRPS is truly a universal role-playing system, meaning it can be readily adapted for any genre. Are we missing a module for your favorite genre? Create it!
* Harvest open content
* Harvest GFDL content: Copy and adapt content released under the GFDL or GPL, i
- This is a starter wiki page to serve as a gathering place for Dark Metal alumni who have gotten their shit together enough to find this page, and who have fond memories of many of the people they grew up with. People from all aspects of mu*ing contibute to this Wiki. Players, admins, owners, builders and coders have come together here to share information on the Dark Metal they played on and the way Dark Metal impacted them. Whether you have come to read or to share your knowledge, you too are a part of this community. Wizards: Staff: Players of note: David Arnold, who played:
- The Community of RuneScape broadly refers to the collective group of people who have an account. These are divided into members (those who pay a monthly fee and have full access to game content) and non-members (those who play for free with no time limit, but have limitations on skills, items and other content). There are no official figures on the distribution of players' ages, even in aggregate form. However, Geoff Iddison has indicated that most players are in the range 8 to 18 years old, and the trend is towards younger players.
- Il nostro scopo è quello di arrivare ad avere una grande e prolifica community. Potete certamente contare su di noi nel fornirvi gli strumenti per espandere la community, ma sta veramente a voi far sì che accada. Hai la nostra parola che saremo presenti in maniera attiva sui forum, principalmente nel leggere tutte le cose importanti che tu e altri utenti ci scriverete. Ad ogni modo, non pretendere che rispondiamo ad ogni cosa che ci viene scritta; ci sarebbe veramente impossibile a causa di problemi di tempo, sebbene vorremmo davvero poterlo fare.
- Community in SWTOR discussions typically refers to the interactions of players. The SWTOR design teams have made focused efforts at supporting this important aspect of MMORPG:
* Combat events - Flashpoints, operations, and warzones provide the most common opportunities to adventure together.
* Group dialogue - Players are able to take part in and sometimes influence conversations in dramatic ways.
* Crafting system - Crafting certain items may be limited so that dedicated crafters become an important resource in the game.
* Exploration rewards - Datacrons, a specialized type of codex item, sometimes provide significant benefits (e.g., permanent bonuses to character stats). The design team envisioned this kind of lore being gathered by particularly intrepid explorer-players
- Die Community-Liste vom Runes of Magic Wikipedia. Sie ist in Bearbeitung und ich brauche dazu eure Hilfe! Tragt dazu einfach in diesen Artikel euren Forum-Namen und wenn möglich euren Runes of Magic-Forumnamen und Ingamenamen. Ich mach den Anfang: B: Wiki: Blutschurke RoM:Blutsauger RoM-Forum: Blutschurke Ihr müsst nicht alle drei Angeben es ist auch schon ein Fortschritt , wenn ihr nur einen Namen angebt. Es geht darum die Namen zu Sammeln und sie dann zu einer schönen Liste zusammenzufügen. UND JETZT IHR : A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z: Beste Grüße Felix
- Here is the place where you can see content related to the usage of GE Wiki. Ranging from the Rules to the Memes, all sorts of content are waiting for you. Remember, this is here so we can all understand what happens in the Wiki and so we can all be a part of this community.
- Habbo is home to a wide community of people all around the world. By purchasing virtual furniture with SMS, credit cards, or other means, users can design their own Hotel rooms and create a social space for themselves and their friends.
- Die (YouTube-)Community besteht aus allen Zuschauern von YouTube Videos. Diese werden weiter untergliedert in
* angemeldete und nicht angemeldete Zuschauer
* Zuschauer bestimmter Genre (bsp.: Let's Play-Community)
* kommentierende und nicht kommentierende Zuschauer
* Zuschauer bestimmter YouTuber (bsp.: LeFloid-Armee)
- その顔画像の上で右クリックすると色々なコマンドのメニューが表れるので、inviteを選ぶ。
* チャット欄に「/invite キャラ名」。
* ソーシャルウィンドウのフレンドリストからGroupInviteボタンを押す。
* グループに参加する
* 誰かにグループに招待されるとウィンドウが表示されます。 Acceptで承諾するか、Diclineで辞退します。 既に他のグループを組んでいて承諾した場合は現在のグループを抜けて 新しいグループに所属する事になります。
* グループを抜ける
* 画面左上の自分の顔の画像をクリックして表れたメニューからLeavePartyを選ぶ。
* リーダーについて
* グループのリーダーは基本的に最初にグループを作った人になります。
* 画面左上の顔画像をクリックして現れる「PromoteToLeader」から新しいリーダーを指名する事ができます。現在のリーダーがグループを抜けた場合は、自動的に他の誰かがリーダーになります。
* 経験値分配
* モンスターを倒したことによる経験値は、同じレベルのプレーヤーであれば平等に得る。 しかしレベルが違えばレベルに応じて異なった経験値を得る。
- Ein deutschsprachiges Forum oder Mailingliste für Diskussion oder Smalltalk über Freeciv gibt es bislang nicht. Da müssen wir Dich auf die englischen Angebote verweisen. Falls Du im deutschsprachigen Teil des Wikis eine Information vermisst, kannst Du gerne eine Notiz auf dem discussion-Teil der entsprechenden Seite machen. In jedem Fall schau vorher in die Liste der häufig gestellten Fragen. Wenn Du Fehler melden oder Verbesserungsvorschläge machen möchtest, schaue bitte hier.
* deutscher Freeciv-Mirror
- Although it's been a decade since the last new Animorphs book was released, there are still a number of active fan sites for the series as well as the original Scholastic site. * Animorphs Fan Forum * Animorphs Livejournal community (Livejournal registration required) There is also a spoiler-free sister community accessable from the community profile community.livejournal.com/animorphs/profile * Hirac Delest : An archive of fan art and fanfiction, as well as a forum * Richard's Animorphs Forum The most active Animorphs forum on the web and the home of several fan projects.
- Community is about looking at the world as a whole. A divine feeling comes from an ultimate unity. People look inward and find inward emotions and dispostions within themselves. And, people can also look inward to community. The inward views rise from personal experiences, not from dogma, branding, hype and false promises. Community guys move away from the dogmatic and move to the ordinary. Community people do not apply scientific methods to religion nor to community. Rather, miracles are found in the commonplace. Community people follow a more highly developed conscious.
- The Community, also known as the Jedi-Sith clones, were clone Humans created in a top-secret Imperial facility under Grand Admiral Thrawn on a Frozen moon in the Unknown Regions. They were created using the DNA of Emperor Palpatine and that of various Jedi, including Kam Solusar, Jaden Korr, Lumiya, Kyle Katarn and possibly Mara Jade Skywalker and Lassin. Their creation was supervised by Dr. Gray.