| - Individual values or IVs can determine if a Pokémon is stronger than another Pokémon of the same species, as they are unique to each Pokémon obtained. They have a range from 0 to 15. The 3 individual values are Attack, Defense, and Stamina. The overall Appraisal is based on the sum of these three IVs. Each Pokémon species has base stats, which are listed on the individual Pokémon pages. The base stats are the lowest possible IV for that species. If a Pokémon's stats matches the base value, they are considered to have an IV of zero.
- Individual Values, or IVs function like a Pokémon's "Genes". They are the traits which are passed down from one generation to the next. Every stat has an IV ranging from 0 to 31 for each stat (HP, ATK, DEF, SPA, SPD, and SPE), and at level 100, their IVs are added to the Pokémon's stats for their total values. For example, a level 100 Tyranitar with no Effort Values and 0 IVs has 310 HP, however if it had 31 IVs, it would have 341 HP.
| - Individual Values, or IVs function like a Pokémon's "Genes". They are the traits which are passed down from one generation to the next. Every stat has an IV ranging from 0 to 31 for each stat (HP, ATK, DEF, SPA, SPD, and SPE), and at level 100, their IVs are added to the Pokémon's stats for their total values. For example, a level 100 Tyranitar with no Effort Values and 0 IVs has 310 HP, however if it had 31 IVs, it would have 341 HP. These stats are provided randomly for every Pokémon, caught or bred, and although as insignificant as 31 points may seem, they are required for Ace Trainers to obtain when breeding Pokémon with perfect natures/stats. On some occasions they are even the tipping point in a close matchup. For example, if there was a Terrakion with 0 Attack IV, it will have an attack of 358 at level 100 (with an attack improving nature), while a Terrakion with perfect Attack IVs would have 392 Attack. This small difference can mean the difference between a one-hit kill (not an OHKO) and survival with 1 HP.
- Individual values or IVs can determine if a Pokémon is stronger than another Pokémon of the same species, as they are unique to each Pokémon obtained. They have a range from 0 to 15. The 3 individual values are Attack, Defense, and Stamina. The overall Appraisal is based on the sum of these three IVs. Each Pokémon species has base stats, which are listed on the individual Pokémon pages. The base stats are the lowest possible IV for that species. If a Pokémon's stats matches the base value, they are considered to have an IV of zero.