| - Η μουσική τους παραδόξως είναι ιδιαίτερα καλή (λέμε τώρα), αλλά έτσι και αλλιώς στη "μέταλ" μουσική άμα κοπανιέσαι τη μια στιγμή, την άλλη το γυρνάς σε σοφτ μπαλάντα και αμέσως μετά βγάζεις θόρυβο, σε λένε Progressive ή Experimental και κάνεις καριέρα, οπότε αν ποτέ φτιάξεις Rock ή Metal μπάντα, μη φοβηθείς να βγάλεις το αυτιστικό που κρύβεις μέσα σου.
- System of a Down (denominado tamén polos fans como SOAD ou System) é unha banda de ascendenza armenia, formada Los Angeles no ano 1994. Está formado por Serj Tankian (voz) e Daron Malakian (guitarra/voz), Shavo Odadjian (baixo) e John Dolmayan (batería).
- System Of A Down is an American metal band
- System Of A Down is an American metal band
- Categoría:Descripciones de comunidades[[Categoría:Letra ]] Categoría:Música
- System of a Down (También conocida como SOAD) es una banda estadounidense de metal alternativo de thumb|159x159px|Logo original de la banda. ascendencia armenia formada en Los Ángeles, California en el año 1995.
- System of a Down (dt: System eines Untergangs, kurz SOAD) aus LA-County, Kalifornien, USA, machen seit 1995 hervorragenden Nu Metal. Seit 2006 machen sie nur noch sporadisch etwas zusammen. Sie verkauften insgesamt 40 Millionen Alben mit sehr kritischen Texten. Alle Mitglieder haben armenische Wurzeln.
- I System of a Down (trad. Sistema di un Down) sono un quartetto d'archi e di santoni, scesi dal monte Ararat, in Armenia, per professare la filosofia della droga, di Satana e del sesso libero. Sono acerrimi nemici di Bush: stavano infatti raccogliendo il maggior numero di fondi possibili per armare un esercito di Hippies e marciare su Washington, quando si sono accorti che tali fondi potevano servire anche per una vacanza superlussuosa in Florida.
- System of a Down has achieved commercial success over five albums, with singles such as "Chop Suey!", "Aerials", "B.Y.O.B.", and "Hypnotize". Their works have earned them one Grammy Award amongst four nominations. System of a Down is a part of the Axis of Justice, a non-profit organization formed by band member Serj Tankian (along with Tom Morello) that is dedicated to bringing together musicians, music fans, and grassroots political organizations to fight for social justice.
- System Of A Down – amerykański zespół muzyczny wykonujący metal alternatywny. Zespół został założony w 1994 roku w Glendale w stanie Kalifornia przez muzyków pochodzenia ormiańskiego. Działalność zespołu została zawieszona w 2006. W 2011 roku formacja wznowiła działalność.
- System of a Down is a Metal band from California.They recently got back together after a long Hiatus. All the members are either from the Middle East, or are from Armenian descent. They write songs about American polotics, the Armenian genocides, the war on terror and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and others.
- System of a Down je známa Americká nu-pop-power-punk-folk-funk-art-experimental-alternative-gothic-metalová kapela. Jej zakladateľom je čínsko-tibetský gruzínec arménskeho pôvodu, menom Sérg Tankyján. Založil ju spolu s populárnym violončelistom a gitaristom Dorónom Mlákyjánom. Význam názvu kapely je doposiaľ neznámy, ale v úzkej skupine ľudí zvaných systemáci sa hovorí, že vznikli po tom, čo Sérga pri vyhliadkovom lete balónom maďarskej výroby nad slovenskom zasiahli mačkopalom zospodu.
- SOAD write songs that make no sense to the casual listener, but I for one know they have a hidden meaning. For example, the song Chop Suey is not really about chop suey. It's about how angels deserve to die. Well, don't they? These lyrics make SOAD trve metal, and totally kvlt. It's not bvllshit like that Nickelback crap on the radio. It's real mvsic, 'cause it has a hidden meaning. In the early days, the band was trying to find the path to trve serenity. Daron expressed this in the lyrics to Vicinity of Obscenity. I quote:
- System of a Down (commonly referred to as System or abbreviated as SOAD) is an American rock band, formed in 1995 in Glendale, California. They have released five albums and have become a staple on mainstream rock radio. Their works have earned them four Grammy Award nominations, of which they won one.
- System of a Down (commonly referred to as System or abbreviated as SOAD) is a four-piece American rock band, formed in 1995 in Los Angeles, California. All four members are of Armenian descent, grandsons of Armenian Genocide survivors, and are widely known for their outspoken views found in many of their songs. System of a Down has achieved commercial success over five albums, with singles such as "Chop Suey!", "Aerials", "B.Y.O.B.", and "Hypnotize". Their works have earned them one Grammy Award amongst four nominations.
- Podczas pierwszego koncertu SOAD w Polsce, który odbył się w 1998 roku, publiczności od razu bardzo spodobała się muzyka zespołu. W związku z tym, że sprawiali wrażenie bezdomnych uciekinierów ze szpitala psychiatrycznego, polska publiczność, myśląc, że muszą być głodni zaczęła rzucać im różne smakołyki na scenę (a Serj to nawet dostał bułkę od razu do ust). Zespół uciekł z jedzeniem nie chcąc grać dalej koncertu, co bardzo rozczarowało publiczność. Po tym, jak Slayer i Vader wyśmiali ich za sceną, uciekli do rodzimej Armenii i stamtąd (żeby być tak groźnymi jak Slayer) zwyzywali Polaków od ciot. Przez ten drobny incydent System of a Down strasznie się na nas fochnął i nigdy więcej nie ma zamiaru zagrać koncertu w Polsce (choć sam Serj ze swoją orkiestrą 10 lat po tym tu był, ale Daron się
- System of a Down (commonly referred to as System or abbreviated as SOAD) is an American rock band, formed in 1995 in Glendale, California. All four members are of Armenian descent, grandsons of Armenian Genocide survivors, and are widely known for their outspoken views expressed in many of their songs. System of a Down has achieved commercial success with over five albums, performing singles such as "Chop Suey!", "Aerials", "B.Y.O.B.", "Lonely Day", "Question!", "Toxicity", "Hypnotize", and "Sugar". Their works have earned them one Grammy Award amongst three nominations.
- System of a Down is a Metal (Nu Metal) band. The band makes its debut in Guitar Hero World Tour, with "B.Y.O.B.". "Toxicity" is in Guitar Hero: Metallica. Both songs, as well as "Chop Suey", "Aerials", and "Lonely Day" are in Guitar Hero Live's GHTV mode. Out of all 5 of their albums, 'Toxicity' is the only one to avoid getting a parental advisory sticker. The band consists of: Daron Malakian (Guitars, Vocals) Serj Tankian (Vocals, Keyboards) Shavo Odadjian (Bass) and John Dolmayan (Drums)