| - You know how, like, when you're on the Internet and you're like "woah, I am BORED." So you go to the computer and the computer's all like "*pause, facial and bodily contortion*" because computers can't talk? Ahhhh right? *laughter* Well, you know what I'd like to do? I'd like to go onto the Internet and not be bored one day because it SUCKS to be bored, right?! Shazaam! And you know what else really sucks about being bored on the Internet? I'm gonna tell you what really sucks about being bored on the Internet and you're gonna go, "Wow, Dane. You just changed my life. Right here and now Dane, life *snaps fingers* totally changed." The thing that really sucks about being bored on the Internet is Porn. *applause for no actual reason* Yeah, porn sucks. Porn. *people nod their heads at some app
| - You know how, like, when you're on the Internet and you're like "woah, I am BORED." So you go to the computer and the computer's all like "*pause, facial and bodily contortion*" because computers can't talk? Ahhhh right? *laughter* Well, you know what I'd like to do? I'd like to go onto the Internet and not be bored one day because it SUCKS to be bored, right?! Shazaam! And you know what else really sucks about being bored on the Internet? I'm gonna tell you what really sucks about being bored on the Internet and you're gonna go, "Wow, Dane. You just changed my life. Right here and now Dane, life *snaps fingers* totally changed." The thing that really sucks about being bored on the Internet is Porn. *applause for no actual reason* Yeah, porn sucks. Porn. *people nod their heads at some apparent truth* It sucks. *more applause...* Porn sucks because you're looking and you're like "Holy crap I've got a boner" and then you can't have sex because it's on the computer. I mean duh the boner isn't on the computer but you probably guessed that, right? Fucking right. So you're bored and the computer can't have sex with you, because it can't talk, ya know? So then you go to this site, this Google, and you're like "what the hell, you shitbag, you are NOT a fucking long number!! Totally not a fucking long number man, I'm sorry, you're just not. You're not, no way." And then it's you, still sittin' there, and like you search, right? You type in some shit like "something funny" and you find, this site and it's called Uncyclopedia! *Boisterous laughter* I know! I fucking know! But that's the thing, like, you go there and it's funny...but you're still just like "You're not a fucking long number!" *inaudible screeching sound and indescribably and slightly innuendo-assuming body motions*