During the Fourth Age, the Iorwerth Clan betrayed the other elven clans, conquering Prifddinas and denying the other seven clans access to the tower. During Within the Light it is discovered that the tower reverted back into a crystal seed by the elders of Prifddinas, During Plague's End it, along with the rest of the city, is restored, and after the quest it can be accessed, and serves the main hub of Prifddinas.
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- Tower of Voices
| - During the Fourth Age, the Iorwerth Clan betrayed the other elven clans, conquering Prifddinas and denying the other seven clans access to the tower. During Within the Light it is discovered that the tower reverted back into a crystal seed by the elders of Prifddinas, During Plague's End it, along with the rest of the city, is restored, and after the quest it can be accessed, and serves the main hub of Prifddinas.
- During the Fourth Age, the Iorwerth Clan betrayed the other elven clans, conquering Prifddinas and denying the other seven clans access to the tower. During Within the Light it is discovered that the tower was reverted back into a crystal seed by the elders of Prifddinas. During Plague's End the tower, along with the rest of the city, is restored; after the quest the tower serves as the main hub of Prifddinas.
- Tijdens het vierde tijdperk, verraadde de Iorwerth clan de andere elfen clans, veroverde Prifddinas en verbood de andere zeven clans toegang tot de toren. Tijdens Withing the Light ontdek men dat de toren was teruggedraaid in een crystal seed door de oudsten van Prifddinas, Tijdens Plague's End wordt, samen met de rest van de stad, hersteld, en na de quest kan het benaderd worden, en bedient het de belangrijkste hub van Prifddinas.
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| - During the Fourth Age, the Iorwerth Clan betrayed the other elven clans, conquering Prifddinas and denying the other seven clans access to the tower. During Within the Light it is discovered that the tower reverted back into a crystal seed by the elders of Prifddinas, During Plague's End it, along with the rest of the city, is restored, and after the quest it can be accessed, and serves the main hub of Prifddinas. During The Light Within, the elven counsil goes into conclave on the floor[help] to discuss the return of Seren. Eventually after collecting various shards of Seren and Tarddian crystals on Tarddiad, Seren is restored. But she is soulless, to restore her soul, the adventurer brings her to the Elder Halls on Freneskae and with Zaros' help she is restored after which she returns to the Tower of Voices to speak to the Elven counsil. She remains here after the quest together with Baxtorian who also returned during the quest. Both can be spoken to for more information about them and other subjects.
- During the Fourth Age, the Iorwerth Clan betrayed the other elven clans, conquering Prifddinas and denying the other seven clans access to the tower. During Within the Light it is discovered that the tower was reverted back into a crystal seed by the elders of Prifddinas. During Plague's End the tower, along with the rest of the city, is restored; after the quest the tower serves as the main hub of Prifddinas. During The Light Within, the elven council goes into conclave on the floor[UK] to discuss the return of Seren. Eventually after collecting various shards of Seren and Tarddian crystals on Tarddiad, Seren is restored. But she is soulless, to restore her soul, the adventurer brings her to the Elder Halls on Freneskae and with Zaros' help she is restored after which she returns to the Tower of Voices to speak to the Elven council. She remains here after the quest together with Baxtorian who also returned during the quest. Both can be spoken to for more information about them and other subjects.
- Tijdens het vierde tijdperk, verraadde de Iorwerth clan de andere elfen clans, veroverde Prifddinas en verbood de andere zeven clans toegang tot de toren. Tijdens Withing the Light ontdek men dat de toren was teruggedraaid in een crystal seed door de oudsten van Prifddinas, Tijdens Plague's End wordt, samen met de rest van de stad, hersteld, en na de quest kan het benaderd worden, en bedient het de belangrijkste hub van Prifddinas. Tijdens The Light Within, gaan de elfenleiders in conclaaf op de 1e vloer om de terugkeer van Seren te beslissen. Uiteindelijk na het verzamelen van verschillende scherven van Seren en Tarddian crystals op Tarddiad wordt Seren hersteld. Maar ze is zielloos, om haar ziel te herstellen, brengt je held haar naar de Elder Halls op Freneskae en samen met Zaros zijn hulp, wordt ze hersteld waarnaar ze naar de Tower of Voices gaat om met de elfenleiders te spreken. Daar blijft ze ook na de quest, samen met Baxtorian, wie ook terugkwam na de quest. Beiden kunnen aangesproken worden voor meer info over zichzelf en over andere onderwerpen.
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