| - Mournare is a city located in the farthest northeastern reaches of Thunder's Shore and the farthest southeastern reaches of the Kingsland; in that regard, the city is actually cut in half by the two regions, but more of it lies in Thunder's Shore than the Kingsland. It is the second largest city in Thunder's Shore, and the fourth largest city in Andoras. The city has been rebuilding itself slowly ever since it was nearly completely torched to the ground in 289 AC, during the events of The Mournare Nights. Before that, it was the second-largest city in Andoras, only to be beaten by Dragonspire City itself.
| - Mournare is a city located in the farthest northeastern reaches of Thunder's Shore and the farthest southeastern reaches of the Kingsland; in that regard, the city is actually cut in half by the two regions, but more of it lies in Thunder's Shore than the Kingsland. It is the second largest city in Thunder's Shore, and the fourth largest city in Andoras. The city has been rebuilding itself slowly ever since it was nearly completely torched to the ground in 289 AC, during the events of The Mournare Nights. Before that, it was the second-largest city in Andoras, only to be beaten by Dragonspire City itself. Mournare is unique in the fact that it was built on a narrow strait; the city actually has two ports, and a river running through it that defines the border between the Kingsland and Thunder's Shore. On its eastern side, it borders the White Sea, but on its western side it borders Lake Lampar. This quality has led Mournare to become a highly coveted port, and one of the most populated cities in the world. Politically, Mournare is divided among the borders of the Lampar Strait, which feeds into the White Sea; on its south side, it is known as the Free City of Mournare in Thunder's Shore, where it carries its own political weight. On the north side, it is part of the Duchy of Mournare, and serves as the administrative capital of the duchy. As more of the city is in Thunder's Shore, the south side is quite more powerful than the north, and it is South Mournare which boasts a massive port, and St Markon's Church, where the Pentarch of the Church of the Five resides. Alternatively, some have called for Mournare to unite under one region, or to split into two cities; while the political divisions change little within the city itself, the lords who rule over the regions all covet the entire city for themselves, and with the War of Embers currently taking place, it seems more and more likely that conflict will erupt between Thunder's Shore and the lords of the Kingsland, forcing the respective sides of the city to close down. There is a possibility that the city could go to war with itself, in that case, if it still remains fractured by the time this happens.