| - Trish Hamilton was born in Holmes County, Ohio, as the third daughter of an Amish couple. When she was twelve, she saw her father hit her mother. She tried to stop, and received a blow herself. That was when she changed for the first time. When she came around, her father had been severely injured, and her mother and siblings was staring at her with fear in their eyes. That night, she ran away from home. For four years, she travelled the backroads of Ohio and Pennsylvania before arriving in New York. She left a trail of injured or dead would-be rapists behind her.
| - Trish Hamilton was born in Holmes County, Ohio, as the third daughter of an Amish couple. When she was twelve, she saw her father hit her mother. She tried to stop, and received a blow herself. That was when she changed for the first time. When she came around, her father had been severely injured, and her mother and siblings was staring at her with fear in their eyes. That night, she ran away from home. For four years, she travelled the backroads of Ohio and Pennsylvania before arriving in New York. She left a trail of injured or dead would-be rapists behind her. Lonely and scared of her 'dark side', she hid on an old estate in eastern New York state. Fate would have it that Malice bought the estate, discovering the scared girl. After meeting Malice and Succubus, Trish joined The Triumvirate. After several heists, Trish was arrested by government agents and brought to a secret prison facility. The government employees planned to experiment on her to find out how she changed into her 'Nightmare Form', and possibly use the knowledge to their own benefit. Malice, always protective of Trish, would not allow this to happen. He managed to discover the location of the prison facility, and alongside Succubus he raided the prison and freed Trish. On Malice's orders, she and Succubus went into hiding in Liechenstein...