| - .2da file that determines bonus feats by level. Think of the fighter bonus feats.
- The cls_bfeat_*.2da files are the .2da files that define when a class gets bonus feats. These files are used only when referred to by the "BonusFeatsTable" column of <a href="/mediawiki/Classes.2da" title="Classes.2da">classes.2da</a>. These .2da's have 60 rows (numbered 0 to 59), even though only 40 rows are normally relevant, as player characters are limited to level 40. (The extra rows could be used when a non-player character is given levels with the LevelUpHenchman() NWScript command.) These .2da's additionally have a blank row between the headers and row 0. The files of this type that are provided in the standard game are named for the (playable) class to which they are associated. Specifically, the standard files of this type are
* cls_bfeat_archer.2da,
* cls_bfeat_asasin.2da,
* cls_bfeat_barb.2da,
* cls_bfeat_bard.2da,
* cls_bfeat_blkgrd.2da,
* cls_bfeat_cler.2da,
* cls_bfeat_divcha.2da (for champions of Torm),
* cls_bfeat_dradis.2da,
* cls_bfeat_drag.2da,
* cls_bfeat_dru.2da,
* cls_bfeat_dwdef.2da,
* cls_bfeat_fight.2da,
* cls_bfeat_harper.2da,
* cls_bfeat_kensei.2da (unused; incomplete implementation of weapon master),
* cls_bfeat_monk.2da,
* cls_bfeat_pal.2da,
* cls_bfeat_palema.2da,
* cls_bfeat_pdk.2da,
* cls_bfeat_rang.2da,
* cls_bfeat_rog.2da,
* cls_bfeat_shadow.2da,
* cls_bfeat_shiftr.2da,
* cls_bfeat_sorc.2da,
* cls_bfeat_wiz.2da, and
* cls_bfeat_wm.2da.