| - Als Ensign dient Kell Ziram, zu diesem Zeitpunkt eine unvereinigte, weibliche Trill, im Jahr 2375 auf der USS ENTERPRISE / NCC-1701-E als Steuermann, unter dem Kommando von Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Sie besetzt die OPS während des Kampfes gegen dieSon´a im Briar Patch. Außerdem hilft sie bei der Entwicklung des Riker-Manövers mit und beschafft Informationen über den Briar Patch.
- Kell Perim était une enseigne Trill à bord de l'USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E dans les années 2370.
- Kell Perim was a Trill female who served as a Starfleet officer in the late 24th century. She was born in 2346. As an Ensign, she was assigned to the USS Enterprise-E as a conn officer. (Star Trek: Insurrection) Her date of birth is from the script to Star Trek: Insurrection, which lists her age as 29. Perim was eventually promoted to Lieutenant junior grade and served as the Enterprise's chief flight controller until 2379, when she left Starfleet. She was unjoined. (TNG novel: A Time to Heal)
- Kell Perim was a Trill Starfleet ensign, assigned to the USS Enterprise-E in 2375. In that year, she manned the operations station during Commander Riker's attempt to take the Enterprise out of the area of space known as "the Briar Patch," in order to inform the Federation Council of the reality of Admiral Dougherty's attempts to forcibly relocate the Ba'ku. In that capacity, she participated in the Enterprise's battle against two Son'a ships. (Star Trek: Insurrection)
- thumb|Fähnrich Kell Perim (2375) Fähnrich Kell Perim ist eine weibliche Trill. Sie dient auf der USS Enterprise-E als Steuermann unter dem Kommando von Captain Jean-Luc Picard. 2375 besetzt sie die OPS während des Kampfes gegen die Son'a. Sie hilft bei der Entwicklung des Riker-Manövers mit und beschafft Informationen über den Briar Patch. (Star Trek: Der Aufstand)
- Kell Perim was an unjoined Trill in the 24th century. In the 2370s, Perim served as an officer in Starfleet.
- Kell Perim was an unjoined Trill assigned as conn officer aboard the USS Enterprise-E in the 2370. Ensign Perim was assigned to the Enterprise in early 2375, and was at the conn when the Enterprise lead an assault against space station Sentok Nor. She was also at the conn when the Enterprise was forced to engage Sona Battleships in the Briar Patch. By, Perim had been promoted to Lieutenant JG and by the following year served as the primary conn officer. She was at the conn when the Enterprise was forced to perform tricky maneuvers in their mission to the Rashanar Battle Site in 2378.