| - Strength (12): Her body is toned, showing that she does take care of it. However, she does tend to struggle with anything of considerable weight. More often than not, she will allow any male that accompanies her to do anything that require physical labor. Dexterity (14): Many of her movements seem to follow the flow of the air around her. When eating or dancing, she makes a conscious effort to ensure that she appears to be doing so with grace. However, in combat situations, many times her awkwardness comes through.
| - Strength (12): Her body is toned, showing that she does take care of it. However, she does tend to struggle with anything of considerable weight. More often than not, she will allow any male that accompanies her to do anything that require physical labor. Dexterity (14): Many of her movements seem to follow the flow of the air around her. When eating or dancing, she makes a conscious effort to ensure that she appears to be doing so with grace. However, in combat situations, many times her awkwardness comes through. Constitution (12): With her immunity to airborne contagions, she rarely falls ill to things that affect most people. However, she does still succumb to other types off illnesses. Intelligence (20): This is by far her strongest point. Most of what she learns, she does so through observation and her own willingness to absorb information. If it is not a topic that interest her, it will not likely take hold. Wisdom (10): She is a bit naïve and far too trusting of people, until she is given a reason to be fearful or misgiving of them. Not exactly known for making the best decisions. Charisma (10): Well maintained, but not necessarily strikingly beautiful. Generally unaware of any possibility of others finding her physically attractive. Could be described as a friendly introvert, not one to try to draw attention to herself. Typically does not take on leadership responsibility and is far more comfortable standing back and observing others.