| - Categoría:Plantilla de personaje vieja Es uno de los niños del Orfanato Niños de las Estrellas para la época en que se realizara el Galaxian Wars.
- Akira, also know as The Masked Boy and Koji in the english version, is a male spirit in Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir. Akira was a boy that always played near the Haunted House. One day, when he was playing, he met the Woman in Black, and both became friends. He also loved playing with the Diary of Faces. However, one day, he discovered the Woman in Black's true intentions, and his face "vanished", because of that, he put on a mask.
- According to the old wiki, his name is Michael Parsons, a senior in Emerson. He is a TK motorcycle fanatic, who wants to move to an animé dimension. He was the leader of the group who thought Tennyo was really Ryōko from Tenchi Muyō! and tried to convince her to take them back into space with her. All this may or may not still be canon.
- Akira is a male fighter who challenges you for a consecutive battle, note that he gets stronger every time you defeated him. He may be coincidentally based from Son Goku of the Dragonball Z, who's story is same for every time Goku had pain gets stronger and never quits, just like how Akira fought.
- Akira is a premium character released on September 5, 2014, along with the content update. He is unlocked upon completion of the The Happy Sumo. He was part of a deal with the The Happy Sumo during the Black Friday 2015 Promotion.
- Akira was a farm established on Felucia to grow and harvest nysillin, a healing herb that was highly valuable.
- Akira Toudou (Toudou Akira, 藤堂 暁) spielt eine wichtige Rolle in dem Manga-Kapitel Onisarashi-hen und dem Kizuna-Kapitel Someutsushi-hen. Er besucht dieselbe Schule wie Natsumi Kimiyoshi und ist auch in ihrem Alter. Nach einiger Zeit gesteht Akira ihr seine Liebe und will von ihr eine Antwort hören, doch obwohl Natsumi genauso empfindet, sagt sie es ihm erst viel später. Akira steht in hohem Ansehen bei den anderen Schülern, und besonders bei Natsumi. In Onisarashi-hen zeigt sich, dass er sehr treu gegenüber Natsumi ist und sie um jeden Preis zu beschützen versucht. Kategorie:Charakter Kategorie:Männlich
- Akira is one of orphan.
- Akira was a ronin bandit.
- Akira (明) is a younger member of Night Troop. He and Misao are close, and she scolds him when he misbehaves.
- Akira is a a male who dresses in a kimono who many refer to as a skirt. Dispite his traditional attire, his attitude is similar to that of ebonics or urban speak. He's very tough and doesn't like to be messed with by people. Just like his he favors Holomon that a Rhino based which is another odd fact due to his attire. He is good friends with Kashi as well as Rashi later in the series (2nd Incarnation) and acts as a mediator when they argue. When he's talking, resting or battleing he whips out his fan and fans himself. He has mistakingly been thought to be a girl from time to time.
- Akira era una granja establecida en Felucia para cultivar y cosechar nysillin, una hierba curativa que era muy valiosa.
- Akira (Japanese: アキラAkira) is the main character of the fan fiction series Pokémon Expedition.
- Apparently the opposite of the skilled and serious Hien, Akira is a clumsy ninja who wears a mesh shirt and very purple pants. He has black hair and brown eyes, and he wears white head- and wristbands. His special move is a jump in which Akira appears in triplicate and drives into the enemy.
- Akira (アキラ Akira) is Shuji's younger brother and Nene's elder brother. For most of the series he is by Shuji's side, but much later in the series, he brawls Dan and Runo alongside Shuji and Nene. The three of their attributes can be combined for the Darkus, Subterra and Ventus triple node. His Guardian Bakugan is a Subterra Centipoid. In Bakugan, The Battle Begins, when standing next to Shuji, he was shown wearing a blue BakuPod, the trait of an Aquos battler, despite being a Subterra brawler.
- Akira 「アキラ Akira?」 es un manga creado por Katsuhiro Otomo y publicado por Kodansha de diciembre de 1982 a junio de 1990, contando con 6 volúmenes. Una película de anime salió en Japón en julio de 1988.
- Akira (アキラ Akira) jest Niebieską Maską (ブルーマスク Buruumasuku, Blue Mask) i jednym z Maskmanów.
- In 2002, he made his solo debut as PALM DRIVE, which he made music together with Japanese artists such as BoA and Zeebra.
- Dragon Fist Kamehameha Full Power Energy Wave Finger Beam
- Akira (アキラ) is an Earthling who befriended the Autobots during an attack by the Nine Great Demon Generals. His father knows a lot about the Zodiac. He enjoys frolicking in meadows, catching butterflies, holding hands, blushing and picking flowers. He is very good friends with Cain and his pink bunny-bird Emusa.
- アキラ (English: Akira) is a character from ザ・休み時間.
- Akira est un mage noir hybride né de l'union entre un démon et une humaine.
- Akira is one of the sons of Jerome and Lydia, born at the end of the Ginga Densetsu Weed manga, in the Futago Pass during the beginning of Autumn. When Monsoon attacks Ōu, Tonov, Sunny and Maru are the only survivors of the litter.
- Akira (アキラ) is a girl, who was thought to be a boy, thanks to the vague descriptions of her ghostly classmate.
- Akira is a local Moderator on the Astro Empires forum. He joined in November 2008 to take over the new Fenix servers Politics and War, Guild Recruitment, Trade Routes and Tavern boards.
- Akira bezeichnet
* eine Manga-Serie von Ōtomo Katsuhiro sowie einen darauf basierenden Anime-Film, siehe Akira (Manga)
* eine japanische Mangaka, siehe Akira (Mangaka)
- Akira (あきら) is the sensei of a karate dojo, a waiter at The Happy Sumo sushi restaurant and an employee at Costington's department store.
- The film became a hugely popular cult film and is widely considered to be a landmark in Japanese animation.
- Akira is a secret and mystical land, which can only be entered through nine different gateways, located in secret places all over the universe. These nine gates are guarded by the keeper of Akira, who is appointed by a council.
- "Whatever works, anything goes." -Subrosian Akira (あきら, Akira) is a Cipher Pol Agent from the special operations organization Cipher Pol Zero.
- Akira is a computer mii in Wii Sports, Party, and Sports Resort. He is a Master Mii in Wii Party. He is your friend.
- Akira (born May 5, 1983 in São Paulo) is a Brazilian wrestler. He works in the Xtreme Wrestling Association (XWA), on the Vendetta brand.
- Akira ist der kleinere Bruder von Shuji und der ältere Bruder von Nene. Er besitzt genauso wenig Talent wie sein großer Bruder im Bakugan spielen.
- Akira is a medium sized, mostly developed, and old nation with citizens primarily of Japanese and Caucasian ethnicity whose religion is Shinto. Its technology is advancing rapidly. Its citizens enjoy a wealth of technology within their nation. Its citizens pay extremely high taxes and many despise their government as a result. The citizens of Akira work diligently to produce Gold and Silver as tradable resources for their nation. It is a mostly neutral country when it comes to foreign affairs. It will usually only attack another nation if attacked first. Akira is currently researching nuclear technology for the use of nuclear power plants but believes nuclear weapons should be banned. Plans are on the way within Akira to open new rehabilitation centers across the nation and educate its cit
- 1988-ban készült anime. A film az 1980-as, azonos című mangája alapján készítette Otomo Katsuhiro. A történet 2019-ben játszódik Új-Tokióban, a III. Világháború után. A város nyomasztó megapolis, égbetörő házakkal, sötét sikátorokkal. Az utcákat kormányellenes zavargások dúlják fel, az éjszakát fiatalokból álló motorosbandák uralják, a rend az összeomlás szélén áll. A történet középpontjában az egyik motorosbanda vezére, Kaneda áll. Egy összecsapásban az egyik bandatag, Tetsuo megsérül, és a hadsereg elfogja. Kaneda megpróbálja kiszabadítani. Azt azonban nem tudja, hogy barátjának különös ereje van, melyet a a hadsereg megpróbál kihasználni. Amikor Tetsuo tudatára ébred képességeinek, elszabadul. Kaneda kénytelen szembeszállni vele, hogy megvédje magát és a várost.
- Durante le Guerre dei Cloni, Akira era abitato da un gruppo di agricoltori Feluciani, il cui capo era Casiss. Gli abitanti furono minacciati da Hondo Ohnaka e dalla sua gang, poichè volevano parte dei profitti derivati dalla vendita della preziosa pianta. Per proteggere i loro raccolti, Casiss fu costretto a chiamare un gruppo di quattro cacciatori di tagle. Questi erano Sugi, una Femmina Zabrak, leader del gruppo, Embo, un Kyuzo, Seripas, un piccolo alieno che utilizzava una tuta meccanica per nascondere la sua vera altezza, e infine Rumi Paramita, una Frenk.
- Akira has long dark brown hair with two side plaits with chain pieces at the ends, and crimson eyes. Her outfit usually consists of purple and black color combinations. She wears a knee-length, black kimono with bright purple butterflys on it. She has a black, cresent moon tattoo on her right side of her neck (which is acully a birthmark but looks like a tattoo). When Akira was younger she wore a longer kimono. Her hair is styled the same way but without the chain pieces at the ends.