| - The Godwin Estate is the ancestral island estate of the Godwin family. It is said that the estate was once a plantation made by a wealthy lord before he bequeathed it to his daughter, Mary Godwin, who let it fall into ruin in her pursuit of her macabre interests. It serves as her hiding place during the events of Traitor's Keep in Fable III. The Hero and Commander Milton battle their way across the grounds of the estate and into the mansion. On the outside of the estate there is a zoo containing a menagerie of animals not found anywhere else in Albion, such as corpse moths, celibate rabbits, predator squirrel, calmer chameleons, invisible chickens, a topiary swan, a Deepwood Devil Hamster, Shapeshifting Giraffes, and even Northern Combustible Monkeys. Only the rabbits, moths, and swan topiary can be seen, as the chickens are invisible, the flame monkeys are highly nervous animals that combust when spooked, and the rest are too shy to show themselves. The Devil Hampster's red glowing eyes can be seen peering from within its house, and the two so-called "Shapeshifting Giraffes" have taken on the forms of a clock and a coat rack. File:UHM.jpg While travelling through the estate grounds, the Hero and the Commander fight Balverines and Hollow Men that have been created by unnatural means. Once inside the Manor, Hobbes in costumes are found passed out on the party room floor, surrounded by empty bottles of liquor, confetti, colourful electric lights, and a disco ball. After the main quest, when visiting the party room, if the Hero turns on the juke box they have sixty seconds to kill as many Hobbes as possible. If a score over 101 is achieved the Hero is awarded a Teddy Bear as a trophy.