| - A long time ago, there was a great war And the victor was a monster. She was known as the Queen of Destruction, Only knew how to destroy. She seems so sweet and pure, But her soul is as black as they come. What could I do, What could I do? By this point, I'd settled on revenge, I had to get justice. She couldn't destroy me like this, I wouldn't let her get away with it. I travelled far and wide to find her, And when I did, I befriended her, Deceived her to get close. She seems so sweet and pure, But her soul is as black as they come. What could I do, What could I do?
| - A long time ago, there was a great war And the victor was a monster. She was known as the Queen of Destruction, Only knew how to destroy. She seems so sweet and pure, But her soul is as black as they come. What could I do, What could I do? By this point, I'd settled on revenge, I had to get justice. She couldn't destroy me like this, I wouldn't let her get away with it. I travelled far and wide to find her, And when I did, I befriended her, Deceived her to get close. She seems so sweet and pure, But her soul is as black as they come. What could I do, What could I do? By this point, time had past, And she trusted me. And when she was not excepting it, I betrayed her I snuck into her castle, While she slept. And when I tried to kill her, She never wept. And when they found me, I was not long for this world. I'd crossed the Queen of Destruction, And I'd learned the consequenses. I don't know what to say, I knew what was coming next. I regret nothing, I was happy a long time ago. She seems so sweet and pure, But her soul is as black as they come. What could I do, What could I do?