| - Opie and Anthony are two hosts of a mediocre radio show called The Opie and Anthony Show.
- Radio show on Sirius XM hosted by Greg "Opie" Hughes, Anthony Cumia and Jim Norton.
* Butt Monkey: Everybody on the show gets insulted and degraded on a pretty regular basis, but Sam and E-Rock get the worst of it.
* Call Back: Old bits, jokes and references are brought up constantly. Also known as a "linger longer", as originated by radio personality (and Anthony impersonation subject) Doug "The Greaseman" Tracht.
* Chiptune (whazzat?): At the beginning of their XM stint, the "World 1-1" music from Super Mario Bros. would be played at the end, signaling that time was running out for their show.
* Dead Baby Comedy / Dude, Not Funny / Too Soon: O&A push the envelope of "nothing is sacred" on a regular basis.
* Executive Meddling: Frequently. Changing attitudes of corporate
| - Radio show on Sirius XM hosted by Greg "Opie" Hughes, Anthony Cumia and Jim Norton.
* Butt Monkey: Everybody on the show gets insulted and degraded on a pretty regular basis, but Sam and E-Rock get the worst of it.
* Call Back: Old bits, jokes and references are brought up constantly. Also known as a "linger longer", as originated by radio personality (and Anthony impersonation subject) Doug "The Greaseman" Tracht.
* Chiptune (whazzat?): At the beginning of their XM stint, the "World 1-1" music from Super Mario Bros. would be played at the end, signaling that time was running out for their show.
* Dead Baby Comedy / Dude, Not Funny / Too Soon: O&A push the envelope of "nothing is sacred" on a regular basis.
* Executive Meddling: Frequently. Changing attitudes of corporate bosses and the FCC have had their toll on O&A, and it's a struggle to get classic bits and contests (such as Homeless Shopping Spree and the Wiffle Ball Bat Challenge) going, if not banned outright now.
* Getting Crap Past the Radar: Attempted regularly during their terrestrial radio career (with some success - Kim Phuc, anyone?); now that they're on satellite radio, there's not much of a radar.
* Incredibly Lame Pun (tssf, is that a pun that can't walk or somethin'?): Mostly delivered by Jim Norton's character Chip Chipperson.
* Loads and Loads of Characters: Jim Norton comes up with a lot of them, from the Pungeon Master Chip Chipperson, to the lecherous Uncle Paul, to the bombastic entrepreneur Ted Sheckler, to the lispy Edgar.
* Man of a Thousand Voices: Anthony in spades. Al Sharpton, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Mike Tyson, Charlton Heston, you name it.
* Moral Guardians: The show was kicked off the air for two years in 2002 after a stunt involving a couple having sex in St. Patrick's Cathedral. Before that they were cancelled in Boston for saying that Mayor Thomas Menino was dead on April Fools' Day.
* Only Known by Their Nickname: Opie.
* Potty Failure: Sort of. In 2006 "No Filter" Paul drank a laxative-type liquid, wore an adult diaper and soiled it in the studio... with really messy results.
* Real Song Theme Tune: The opening riff of Rage Against The Machine's version of "Street Fighting Man" kicks off their show.
* Supplemented on Sirius XM by the instrumental "Ecstasy Of Gold" from the soundtrack to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
* Reference Overdosed: Shows are filled with quotes from Back to The Future, The Godfather, A Clockwork Orange, Star Trek, American Psycho, Death Wish, Platoon and practically any Robert De Niro or Al Pacino film.
* Sixth Ranger: Jim Norton was considered this (and may still be) until he was put on the payroll in 2002.
* Straight Man and Wise Guy: Opie's the straight man to Anthony's Wise Guy
* Token Minority: Frequent show guest Patrice O'Neal, up until his untimely death in 2011.
* The Unintelligible: Frequent show guest Rich Vos. O&A keep a running tab of his mispronunciations.
- Opie and Anthony are two hosts of a mediocre radio show called The Opie and Anthony Show.