| - The Ratatoskr Crews saw the sheer magnitude of the destructive power of the Leukocyte. Virsago commented on the situation while he roughly said. "This is awful. This is really awful." Asagi saw the destruction of the airport where Ryoichi and his team were. She was worried if Shouichi survived or not. "Sho...." The satellite's power is simply 3%, but it is strong enough to create a gap between the land and waters. "What are these satellites like that!?" Virsago angry when he sawed Leuktocyte. "Virsago, calm down!" Takizawa tried to calm him down. The Ratatoskr Crews saw the large amount of power that Leukocyte firing from the sky. The screen image shows a lot of wreckage and smoke. Kenzaki answers to give Ratatoskr Members to explain how the Leukocyte worked. "It's a three-barrel energy satellites contains the white blood cells, they have an infinite radius over country, and once it's fully charged, it will have full day coverage to devastate any target by means necessary. It only has one purpose." "Okay, so why would GHQ build something like that? A: The satellite launches laser cannon to wipe out the Japanese people, and B: they will launch twice!" Virsago asked. Kenzaki quickly draw the gun pointing at his head while he answered, "Simple, just as the cells kill of a virus, the satellites will exterminate all the people in Japan." Just then, the mercenaries heard Ryoichi's voice, and were relieved by it. The first ones to speak were Misuzu receive a transceiver for Ratatoskr Leader. "Ryo!? Are you alright out there?! Is everyone's okay?" Ryoichi replies in the transceiver, "It's alright nothing will happen, Kyouko and Zeke are fine, however. Minor hurt, saved by Zeke."