| - "…and Mother Sera will remedy those whom have defiled her…man will be held accountable." (Snowblind)
- Tamar is an orc leatherworking vendor located within Kodohide Leatherworkers[[:File:|[, ]]] in the Drag in the orcish city of Orgrimmar. See List of Orgrimmar NPCs.
- thumb|Tamar (2267) Tamar ist 2267 ein Bewohner des Planeten Beta III. Er ist Mitglied der von Landru beherrschten "Gesellschaft" und außerdem ein führendes Mitglied der Untergrundbewegung des Planeten. In dieser kämpft unter anderem zusammen mit Reger und Marplon gegen das Regime Landrus. Er wird von den Gesetzgebern absorbiert, nachdem Hacom diese gerufen hat. (TOS: ) Tamar wurde von Jon Lormer gespielt und von Peter Capell synchronisiert. In einer Szene lieh ihm Niels Clausnitzer seine Stimme Kategorie:Person
- Den Namen Tamar tragen sowohl 1) Tamar von Malveel, Gouverneur der bakanischen Provinz Umntor (Karcanon) 2) Sirnbar-tamar, Kriegerausbilderin in Ter-A-took (Kiombael)
- Tamar is a female Toa of Water, and was previously a native of Tetra Nui.
- Tamar the Wanderer was a recondite Elementalist loyal to the Great Conflux, seemingly Human. He participated in the Demon Wars on the side of the Ironfists, and was the Elemental Lord of Air during that period.
- Full name Class Nationality First appearanceOathbreakers (novel) Tamar was a scout in the mercenary company Idra's Sunhawks. When Tarma and her select band went looking for the rumored pony trail through the hills that would bring them in behind the lines of the rebellious Lord Kelcrag, Tamar was the scout who filled in for her as Scoutmaster. Tarma judged him the best of the scouts remaining behind.
- Tamar é uma cidade de Port Cólice, capital do país. É geograficamente localizada na Costa Atlântica da América do Norte. Categoria:Cidades
- The name Tamar may refer to:
* Tamar (Beta III)
* Tamar (Teplan)
- Tamar Wędrowiec – podróżnik pomiędzy wymiarami, poszukiwacz wiedzy oraz władca Żywiołu Powietrza. Odwiedza Katarzynę Ironfist w czasie wojen o Ostrze Armagedonu. Ma postać wysokiego człowieka ubranego w długą szatę z twarzą ukrytą pod błękitnym kapturem. Srebrne runy zdobiące brzegi ciemnobłękitnej szaty migoczą, delikatnie odwracając uwagę od zakrytej twarzy przybysza. Spod kaptura widać jedynie ciemną, starannie ułożoną brodę oraz mocno zarysowaną żuchwę. Mówi cichym głosem, niemal szeptem, z lekkim akcentem.
- The Grazer Lord of the Wild Beasts
* His children are either food or foe. Source: King of Sartar
- Tamar is a former member of the Disciples of Andraste cult currently working for the Inquisition. She is a player-controlled protagonist in Dragon Age: Inquisition's multiplayer.
- 300px|right|thumb|Most Księcia Alberta 300px|right|thumb|Most nad Tamarem w Calstock Tamar, korn. Tamer - rzeka w południowo-zachodniej Anglii, oddzielającą hrabstwa Kornwalię i Devon. Wpływa do estuarium Hamoaze a następnie do Kanału La Manche. Przez rzekę przebiega 20 mostów drogowych, z których największy to Tamar Bridge w Plymouth oraz kolejowy Most Księcia Alberta. Dolina rzeki jest obszarem chronionego krajobrazu.
- Tamar (also known as Tamar the Treacherous) was a rich and powerful leader of a people in ancient Africa who appeared in the Smurfs cartoon show Season 9 episode “The Golden Rhino”. He lived on a remote island off the coast in a luxurious palace with servants and guards that were mostly trained gorillas, headed by his right-hand man Azoul. Tamar was also a greedy ruler who wanted to turn everything in his palace into gold, to which end he captured a pair of golden rhinos, rhinos which could turn objects into gold with their magical golden horns. But later, the captive rhinos had not enough power to continue transforming objects into gold as they needed to eat some special berries to renew their strength. Tamar decided to catch another golden rhino, which turned out to be the captive rhinos
- Tamar is a woman whose story is told in the Bible, sandwiched between two parts of the story of Joseph. Just when Joseph is resisting the temptation of Potiphar's wife - and being falsely accused of the offense himself, the Book of Genesis interrupts Joseph's story [1] to describe an episode involving Judah and Tamar. (Genesis 38) Judah's first two sons died without producing an heir. Er was "killed by the Lord" for his wickedness. Onan "spilled his seed" to avoid impregnating his brother's widow. When Tamar saw that Judah was neglecting his promise,
- Tamar ist eine Asiatische Elefantenkuh im Biblischen Zoo Jerusalem (The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens in Jerusalem). Tamar, ursprünglich Kwunjai genannt, wurde etwa 1984 in Thailand geboren. Sie wurde zusammen mit ihrer Artgenossin Oraphon (in Jerusalem "Susan" genannt) 1995 von Thailand in den Zoo Jerusalem gebracht. Bei Ankunft im Zoo lebte dort nur das Bullkalb Chapati aus dem Zoo Ramat Gan, das per Hand aufgezogen wurde. Der junge Bulle wurde im Jahr 2000 nach Thailand abgegeben. In Jerusalem erhielt Tamar ihren neuen Namen, der sich ableitet von der Frau des langjährigen Jerusalemer Bürgermeister Teddy Kollek, nach dem wiederum der später hinzugekommene Bulle benannt wurde.