| - In the year 2143, the NX-Alpha was the first ship to attain warp 2.2, but was destroyed after the warp field collapsed. The test pilot A.G. Robinson survived after ejecting in an escape pod and was picked up near Jupiter. It was this incident which prompted the Vulcans to recommend that Earth's warp trials should be put on hold indefinitely. (ENT episode: "First Flight")
- Le NX-Alpha était le premier prototype du programme NX qui avait pour but de franchir la distorsion 2.
- Die NX-Alpha ist eines von anfänglich zwei Testschiffen des NX-Typs, mit denen in den 2140ern im Rahmen des NX-Programms Probeflüge mit Warpfaktoren über 2,0 durchgeführt werden. Anhand der Testflüge mit diesen Prototypen will die Sternenflotte neue Informationen über die Funktionalität von Hoch-Warpantrieben sammeln, um schließlich ein schnelles Raumschiff für größere Strecken zu bauen, die spätere Enterprise (NX-01).
- Several commanders in Starfleet competed to be chosen as the first to fly NX-Alpha in the effort to break the warp 2 barrier. After several weeks, it became clear the competition was down to Jonathan Archer, Henry Archer's son, and A.G. Robinson. Although Archer had logged more flight hours in the simulator, Commodore Forrest selected Commander Robinson.
| - Several commanders in Starfleet competed to be chosen as the first to fly NX-Alpha in the effort to break the warp 2 barrier. After several weeks, it became clear the competition was down to Jonathan Archer, Henry Archer's son, and A.G. Robinson. Although Archer had logged more flight hours in the simulator, Commodore Forrest selected Commander Robinson. In 2143, Commander Robinson flew NX-Alpha while Commander Archer monitored from Starfleet Command. Initially, there was an imbalance in the power systems, causing them to keep NX-Alpha in orbit. When they finally gave him the okay, Robinson jumped to warp 1. The ship successfully attained warp 2, but the power systems began rapidly overloading. Command ordered him to drop to sublight, but Robinson believed it could be pushed a little further. After attaining warp 2.2, NX-Alpha broke up just outside of orbit of Jupiter. Luckily, Robinson was able to eject in an escape pod that was retrieved and brought back to Earth. Afterward, the Vulcan Advisory Council insisted on pausing the program until the Human scientists could figure out what had gone wrong, and run more simulations. Robinson told the inquiry that it was a design flaw in the engine, although Commander Archer and Lieutenant Charles Tucker asserted that it was actually pilot error. The results of NX-Alpha's mission eventually led to the unapproved flight of the NX-Beta. (ENT: "First Flight") The command module of NX-Alpha (identical to that of the NX-Beta) was a redressed version of the Phoenix's command module from Star Trek: First Contact. In 2259 of the alternate reality, a small model of this ship was displayed on Admiral Marcus' desk, together with other historical spacecraft. (Star Trek Into Darkness) In the final draft script of "First Flight", NX-Alpha was described thus; "It's a small, shuttle-sized spacecraft fitted with two old-style warp nacelles." The script referred to the craft's interior as "NX-Cockpit" and described the area as "Cramped and somewhat primitive by [NX-class starship] standards (and perhaps similar in appearance to Zephram Cochrane's [sic] 'Phoenix']." The cockpit was additionally scripted to include a pilot's seat, many "controls, including a sophisticated joystick," and a "small front viewport". The craft's destruction was described in the script as "a spectacular blast!" The Artisan prop and model shop of Quantum Mechanix, QMx FX Cinema Arts, was asked to illustrate the history of space flight with models for the film Star Trek Into Darkness. NX-Alpha was included in the models constructed, of which there were fourteen different classes in total. On the organization's website, there was a picture of the NX-Alpha model. [1]
- Die NX-Alpha ist eines von anfänglich zwei Testschiffen des NX-Typs, mit denen in den 2140ern im Rahmen des NX-Programms Probeflüge mit Warpfaktoren über 2,0 durchgeführt werden. Anhand der Testflüge mit diesen Prototypen will die Sternenflotte neue Informationen über die Funktionalität von Hoch-Warpantrieben sammeln, um schließlich ein schnelles Raumschiff für größere Strecken zu bauen, die spätere Enterprise (NX-01). Die NX-Alpha ist das erste Schiff dieser Testreihe, hat jedoch wenig mit der späteren Enterprise gemein, sie ist lediglich ein kleines Schiff, etwa doppelt so groß wie die Phoenix, mit maximal zwei Personen Besatzung. Die Ausleger mit den Warpgondeln können zusammengefaltet werden, um Platz im Hangar zu sparen. Die NX-Alpha wird zerstört, weil der Pilot A.G. Robinson den Befehl missachtet, den Test abzubrechen, als Probleme auftreten. Robinson kann jedoch lebend aus einer Rettungskapsel geborgen werden. Das Unglück geschieht in unmittelbarer Nähe des Jupiters. Dieses Ereignis führt dazu, dass das NX-Programm zunächst auf unbestimmte Zeit auf Eis gelegt werden soll (ENT: ).
- In the year 2143, the NX-Alpha was the first ship to attain warp 2.2, but was destroyed after the warp field collapsed. The test pilot A.G. Robinson survived after ejecting in an escape pod and was picked up near Jupiter. It was this incident which prompted the Vulcans to recommend that Earth's warp trials should be put on hold indefinitely. (ENT episode: "First Flight")
- Le NX-Alpha était le premier prototype du programme NX qui avait pour but de franchir la distorsion 2.