| - [7]*Portugal, Castille, Navarra, Aragon, Granada and León prepare their militaries. Meanwhile in Castille, Maria Teresa Gómez de Silva gives birth to a girl, who is named Leonor. Meanwhile in Navarra, Urraca López de Orozco gives birth to a girl, who is named Urraca. Meanwhile in León, Alfonso Yañez de Haro, the Prince of Asturias, is married to Sancha Téllez-Girón, daughter of Alfonso III Téllez-Girón, the Duke of Osuna. Meanwhile, Santo Amaro expands 500 sq km, and Meanwhile, Sofala expands 500 sq km, and Meanwhile, Loanda expands 500 sq km. Meanwhile, Índia expands 400 sq km. Meanwhile in Brasil, São Vicente expands 4300 sq km. Meanwhile in Rio da Prata, Paraná expands 4200 sq km.
* The Mononobe Shogunate builds up the military. More Taoist Temples and Shinto Shrines are built throughout the nation and in the colony of Miyako. Meanwhile, Okinawa Kingdom builds up its military. Also, Kasodani expands by 3300 sq km, Tojiko expands by 2000 sq km, Tōkaidō expands by 1200 sq km, Miyako expands into OTL Mainland Chile by 1000 sq km, and Kazami expands by 500 sq km. Taoism in Kasodani continues to rise in popularity and more Taoist Temples are built. Aid and clean up continues in Japan for those who were affected by the earthquakes.
* Kingdom of the Netherlands: King Niejmen I continues to improve the military, focusing on the navy, and also economy expands. Argentium colony expands 3000 km north. Chile colony expands the north coast 1000 km.
* Oldeburg, Liege, Acech-Pasai, Kongo, Dutch Persia, Iceland expand economy and army. Kongo expands 10,000 sq km north.
* Cyprus continues to expand its economy. Nea Lefkosia is expanded by 1500 sq km, Nea Larnaka is expanded by 1500 sq km and Nea Lemesos is expanded by 1500 sq km.
* Crete develops its economy.
* Cyrenaica expands by 10,000 sq km.
* The forces of Gibraltar quietly have the Pope assassinated in Provence. Then the same expeditionary forces blow up wherever the Conclave meets, killing all the priests and bishops and everyone else in attendence before they are captured by the Proventian military. They claim to be working for a Jewish organization before they are captured. (I hope it is not too implausible to have blown up the Conclave.) Aquataine is given larger room in the German Reichstag and becomes a state, although still in union with Luxembourg, although Luxembourg is held back by Confederation from being a full state of Germany. Orientalia asks the Chinese if it can buy the head of the main Orientalian island. Sindustan and Southern India (Mysore, Travancore, Lanka, Carnatic, Hyderabad) expand their economies while Georgia focuses heavily on its military. Myami is annexed to Neu Berlin proper. Sindustan approached Badakhstan in hopes of reaching a union. Neu Berlin expands 6000 sq km along the French colony of Baie d'Eric, while Vinland expands 3000 sq km along the Antillian coast, heading west along the coast. Georgia, through the coast gained from Cyprus ten years ago, pursues positive relations with Albania, in order to have a larger border along the Mediterranean. Chimu, meanwhile, expands 10,000 sq km north. Lanka vassalizes Jaffna. Orientalia expands 10,000 sq km onto Madia As. Meanwhile, all the Germanic states expand their militaries. Air furnaces are discovered in Carnatic and put into use. Some are also shipped to Orientalia for reverse engineering. Kaiser Frederick IX (I missed one planned death a while back and accidentally said "Crown Prince" when it was an assassination.) travels to Novgorod to be coronated and plans a massive tours of all of his realms. The Russian titles are added to his German and Luxembourgish ones, and the people hope that this will be a great time of cooperation and prosperity between the two Empires. Following the Coronation, the Kaiser-Tsar begins a voyage across the realms. Orientalia is a client state, not a colony. Also, I propose to Imp that until the ownership of Sindustan is decided, both of us may use the state. Gains made by one person may not be used by the other person if the other person wins the debate. Sounds good?
* Yes, it is implausible.
* Dang it. Everyone likes it! I just wanted to spice up the game a bit.
* I think assassination is allowed, though. It's on the rules page.
* Reiches Großraum Bayern: Pax Bavaria continues as musical arts flourish - as well as scientific influences and a steady rise of humanism. Bavaria expands Bavarian Carthage and Cyrenaica by 4000 sq km. Newspapers sales continue to boom. The military expands. Industry begins grow with technology learned from Italia. Air furnace designs begin. (Bavaria is orange so I should be allowed). Saxony and Germany are called to meet on the question of a new Germanic Union. The navy is greatly expanded with the ships built in the Venetian Arsenal.
* Ostasien Protektorat von Indonesien: The Colonial Government reveals the religous census for this year, Hindus seem to be the largest percentage. The Colonial Government decides to allow the continuing free worship of the inhabitants. A new port is built Port Alexander, after the Emperor of Bavaria. The port begins to grow quickly.
* Normandy: The Hudson Bay colony expands by 2500 sq km. To date, Mogadishu, Beja and Benin are Norman Protectorates. Norman diplomats are sent to Oyo once more as the possiblity of Benin being organized as a dependency comes into existence. Queen Adela abdicates the throne in April of 1735 due to ill health and her son Louis-William ascends to throne as Louis VIII. The military expands.
* The Great Haruwin of the Selk'nam continues to build up its military and economy. Upon hearing of the death of the Pope and Cardinals, Great Chief Cornelius Tuch'huelpe is greatly grieved. He secretly sends ten assassins dressed as Maugholdians on a supply ship bound for Rio da Prata, from which they sneak onto a ship bound for Portugal. They are given the mission to find those responsbile for the atrocity and kill them.(This is going to be fun!) Also, the Sel'nam archbishop of Ona Yagich, Jude Gun'ich'in, is dispatched to Europe in hopes that he can fill a gap in the decimated church hierarchy and become the first Selk'nam cardinal. Meanwhile, Rafael appoints several of his best workers to supervise the construction of the Maughold Tower in Magedeburg, while himself decamping to Avalon to devote his life to the construction of the Cathedral and take his place in the court of Arthur II. He sends word back to Ona Yagich that he will not be returning, feeling that his genius is better suited to the great cities of Europe than to Ona Yagich. Rafael hires a veritable army of Welsh laborers as he begins his project to construct the grandest cathedral in all Europe - and the native Selk'nam influences on his designs create a style distinct from any seen in Europe. He secretly spends days locked in his study, desiging fantastical cathedrals in the Rafaelite style, which he hopes to someday bequeath to the great capitals of the Catholic World. Meanwhile, Great Chief Tuch'huelpe is furious upon receiving word of Rafael's defection and sends and angry letter to Arthur II. Howevever, he chooses not to demand his return in hopes that his Avalon cathedral will be the final step in estalishisn the Selk'nam as one of the great nations of Christendom - and actually influence the culture of Europe. An old pupil of Rafael, a Teushen named Michael Angelus Gwit'ijich, is given charge of Rafael's still uncompleted Ona Yagich Cathedral and commanded to totally overhaul the design so as to remove Rafael's influence, and to make the plans larger than Rafael's Avalon cathedral. Hence, Rafael's Column becomes the only Rafaelite element to be constructed. Micheal Angelus makes plans for the final building to be both larger and taller, and sets out to purge European influence from the design, in search of a pure Atlantian asthetic. The new cathedral's largest columns are to be modelled after old Selk'nam canoes and spears.
* The Proventian military capture the Pope's assassins. Attempting to capture them would be war with Provence.
* Korea: We build up military, economy and infrastructure. Korean warships dock in Italia near Venice and an envoy asks to meet with the King to discuss a proposal with him. Leading the envoy is the heir to the Korean throne. Din-Ho II. The warships are not in any way a show of force, but to deter pirates.
* Karika: We build our military and now have a population of 113,456 people. We expand 10,000 sq km.
* Myanmar: Myanmar Afrika expands by 1000 sq km. Myanmar Oceania expands by 1000 sq km. Urbanization continues using the lumber in Northern Myanmar. The 26th to 40th wooden sawmill is built in Northern Myanmar, with a production of 50 kg lumber daily also. The first steel mill is built in Yangoon.. Ask for trade, technology and military co-operation with the Gang Dynasty.
* UMSHM: The conservative government is ousted in the elections, and the progressives gain power. On their agenda: encouraging settlers to the colonies, keeping a well-armed peace, and re-opening discussions about the creation of an Empire of Greater Germany. The King-Duke expresses outrage at the ruthless murder of the Pope. When the news arrives of the obliteration of the Conclave (which, by the way, included the Primate of Magdeburg), His Majesty is consumed with anger, and sets up a commision to find every single person connected to the murder and bombing and bring them to justice. The general population is also outraged, and some synagogues are attacked by angry mobs. The government intervenes and breaks up the mobs, protecting the innocent Jews from the protesters whose judgment has been blinded by anger. The colonies are expanded, and the capital of Saxon West Africa continues to thrive as a tropical European city. The economy of the nation does dip a little, but treasurers say it is to be expected after such a momentous change as the abolition of serfs.
* Again, the Proventian military has captured the perpetrators.
* Confederation of the Rhine: Settlers from the member-states settle in the new colonies. The Bundesrat votes to allow Luxemburg to be a fully-fledged state of Brandenburg whilst remaining in the Confederation. The Emperor sends a congratulations, signed by the President of the Bundesrat, to the Kaiser of Germany for his accession to the Russian Tsarship (Tsarships were meant to fly. Sorry, bad pun). The militaries are expanded.
* The governments and people of Luxembourg and Brandenburg thank the Confederation.
* Primatial Magdeburg: The eccelesiastical city-state goes into complete paralysis with the death of not only the Pope, but the Primate as well. The German Catholic bishops (as in Catholic Bishops who are German) meet in Magdeburg to appoint a successor. For now, the Primacy is sede vacante. The Bishop of Australis, hearing the tragic news late in the year, boards the next ship to Europe to launch his bid for the primacy. The Bishop was born in Australis to a Deacon and his half-aboriginal wife, and the prospect of his appointment manages to temper the sadness of many of the citizens of Saint Boniface and Saint Thomas.
* Ethiopia expands its military, economy and infrastructure, and those of its vassals. The vassal of Adal expands by 10,000 km. Msraq Qäsärä is expanded by 2250 km, while Borona is expanded by 1500 km. The colony of Dähnnät is expanded by 250 km. Bonoman is vassalized on the fifth year.
* Zululand: The Zulu begins to set up trade with natives. They come into contact with whites from an unknown area, on ships they have never seen before. The Zulu orders to make relations with these unknowns.
* Italia begins to expand its military after the last ships return from Nuovo Brescia. Urbanization continues in Southern Italia at a rapid pace while the city of Venice is sidelined further in the face of successful Western port cities like Naples, Palermo and Genoa. Construction continues to modernize the City of Venice. The Aymaras and Nya Gyptios expand 10,000 sq km inland while Nuovo Brescia expands by 8500 sq km along the coastline of Northern Australia. Malacca expands by 5000 sq km.
* Yugoslavia, Greece and Siam continue to expand their economies.
* The Mayan Empire continues trade with European colonies and the Lakota. The colony of Halakin, expands 200 km east. The Juun family continues setting up schools. More universities are established in affluent provinces, and some middle class provinces. Roads in the central part of the Empire continue to be updated, especially in areas of heavy traffic. Training drills are conducted by the military. The Royal Science Academy continues work on scientific projects. Flax and tobacco are grown. Linen is produced in Mutul and Azteca. Kappelism is now the dominant religion in the Empire. Money is invested in regional projects to promote wealth and business. Middle class families continue rising to prominence in some of the more wealthy provinces, as well as some of the less wealthy provinces. Xaman expands 5150 km and Haven expands 3100 km.
* Apache: turns north in its search for fertile grounds, expanding 8000 km north.
* Kaliforno: expands 7000 km southeast.
* France, La Marche, Rhaetia, Lorraine, Tyrol and Occitania's militaries are updated, and Nouvelle Bourgogne expands 2500 sq km, while Brasilea and Baie d'Eric (Erik's Bay) expand by 1500 sq km and La Riviere expands by 1000 sq km.
* Novgorod accepts their new German Tsar with Bread and Salt, as he goes around the nations for the coronation tour. Meanwhile, Novorossiya expands by 8500 sq km north along the west bank of the Missisippi River. Kanada expands by 500 sq km. Russia updates its economy and continues its eastward expansion and exploration of Siberia. More attempts are made to reverse-engineer air funrnaces, and progress of scientific advances with Italy is going smoothly.
* The Maharajya's Uttarshina colony expands by 4100 km, while the nation amps up its military. Rajputana's Naya Punjab colony also expands 4100 km, while the nation expands its economy by trading more. The puppet of Naya Bihar expands by 10,000 km and expands its military. Mataram and Khmer also expand their militaries. Sindustan continues to amp up its infrastructure.
* The Arabian Federation builds up its economy as new territories are integrated into the Federation. Also, colonial expansion in the Zanj coast colony continues as the colony expands 4100 sq km. This expansion sees the Lake Kitara region being further explored and the colony begins a new expedition to map out and mark the Zanj coast's southern border with the Dimurati colony.
* The Levantine Kingdom expands westwards 10,000 sq km and the Levant's New Syria colony expands 2500 sq km inland and the main Xhosa armies in the region have been defeated. Nusantara expands 2100 sq km as well, after the Duke sends out his armies and explorers to conquer the rest of Sulawesi island.
* The Arabian Caliphate builds up its economy as new territories are integrated into the Federation and the Al-Khalil colony expands southward by 1000 sq km as more settlers go to the colony and more slaves begin to come out of the colony.
* The Sultanate of Baghdad builds up its economy as agricultural output increases as more slaves are brought in from mainly the Arabian Federation and her Zanj coast colony.
* The Sultanate of Kuwait builds up its economy and Sultan Faisal arrives in the Mumbai colony. The Sultan tours his new realm and orders the building of a large new port, market and fortress to make Mumbai a shinning jewel in the crown of the Kuwaiti Sultan. Pleased with what he sees, he returns back to Kuwait later in the year, full of good news and spreads this to the Kuwaiti people.
* The Maldives builds up its economy and the Sultan dies. His son, Sultan Mohamed Ashwaan ascends to the throne.
* The Republic of Comchellak expands southward 10,000 sq km and the Republic begins to re-draw the provincial borders seeing how the Republic's recent large amount of expansion has greatly inflated some of the Republic's Sheikdoms.